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Posts posted by forethought

  1. Okay, I'm getting more frustrated. I tried downloading the newest WMP10 install from Microsoft and installing it via a batch file at GUIRunOnce, but the **** thing won't install! It comes up saying that I already have the latest version of WMP10 and all the fixes (which I don't). However, if I run the exact same command that's in my batch file in the Run dialog box, it will install just fine.

    Has anyone been able to get WMP10 installed and fully patched with an unattended install since the release of the Feb. '06 patches?

  2. I'm making an updated install CD and whenever Windows finishes the install I go to Windows Update and it shows I need KB911565. I have it in the SVCPACK folder on my CD, and the entry is there in the SVCPACK.inf, and there's even an event in the System Event Log that says "Windows Media Player 10 Hotfix KB911565 was installed". However, Windows update still shows I need to install it, and Windows Media Player is still reporting to be version

    Is anyone else having this problem? If I install the hotfix after Windows finishes installing, it works fine, and while I could install it as a RunOnce, I'm wondering why it's not working via the SVCPACK.

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