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Posts posted by Vchat20

  1. Just as the title states. I just recently created a fresh nlite cd for my system here since the last one is about 5 months old. I did the usual tweaks but when all is said and done, a number of installers refuse to run (one for the intel chipset drivers, another for dell quickset. Both I /THINK/ are installshield based) and also firefox seems to crash on first run even after uninstalling it and reinstalling so I'm forced to use IE at the moment.

    I don't think anything has changed from the config on my past cd which is where I become baffled on the matter. I have my last_session file attached here. Any help is greatly appreciated.


  2. Well, I went ahead and did the deed anyhow here. I went into the update pack and nuked the rasmans.dll file and the KB911280.cat file and also pulled the KB911280 entry from the RVMUpPck.inf file. Tested the nlited cd in VMware and QFEcheck.exe seemed to report no problems in me doing so. 911280 was gone from the list and none of the other hotfixes reported a problem (as compared to when I tried manually replacing the rasmans.dll file on here with the hotfix still installed and qfecheck reported an issue with the file when it got down to 911280).

    I am now sitting on a fairly clean install of xp with this nlited cd. But removing the hotfix didn't fix the original issue in question. So to the original premise of this thread, everything is A-OK.

  3. That's all fine and dandy, and kinda what I figured when I was toying around with the hotfix installer. But then comes the dilemma of finding out if any other recent hotfixes post-SP2 made modifications to that file as well and if so, finding out which one to put in it's place to 'downgrade' the file to pre-KB911280 state.

    Again, I appreciate the help. Just this hotfix specifically is being a real pita as of late.

  4. So I am at yet another dilemma here. Turns out this specific hotfix: KB911280, breaks Windows DUN in a specific way that any connection that uses login scripting files (*.scp) do not work at all. Specifically, Roadrunner dialup access falls into this category which is gonna be of major use to me in the coming months.

    I'm concerned in which way would be the best to nuke this hotfix from the end result nlite cd. I originally thought about just using RyanVM's Update pack and just remove the hotfix from it and continue onwards as usual. Unfortauntely the only thing I could find on his forums was that I'd have to manually track down which files the hotfix updated and remove them from the update package. Unfortunately, this is harder than it sounds since I can't track down which files specifically it updates.

    The other method is to go out and download each and every hotfix and integrate them individually with nlite, bypassing KB911280. Then this presents its own sets of problems: Finding the relevant hotfixes and actually downloading them one at a time, making sure to add them into nlite in chronological order, etc..

    If anyone has any other advice for me in this case, I'd appreciate it.

  5. So far I have had absolutely 0 issues using nlite here.

    About the only thing I haven't been able to sort is the one setup screen post-install (the one with the little animated '?' help icon and all). I assume the fact the only two options it brings up are securing your machine and setting up additional users and the fact I previously opted for these options in nlite for the unattended install (firewall and WU disabled, all required users set up accordingly), that this screen wouldn't be required and I could just bypass it altogether right to the initial login screen. Problem is, it does not and I have yet to find an option in nlite to manually disabled it.

    Anyone else know about this one? Or does it happen to be one of those little nuances of XP where it's a hardcoded option?

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