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Posts posted by Judge_MC1

  1. I'm on VPN from my house messing around with this again. I feel like i'm addicted now..
    Yup, I was the same when I saw the versatility of the package :) The VBS files are the bits of AutoRIS that setup your PC during the installation of the OS from RIS (cmdlines.txt equiv) - it's well worth pulling them apart to learn how they tick as there is a wealth of information on how to do "cool sh!t" in them.

    I think you've prolly sussed it now, but just to make sure we are both on the same page lemme go through the steps I take to refresh my RIS image with AutoRIS.

    1. Extract the AutoRIS archive to C:\AutoRIS

    2. Run the BTS DriverPacks base to create the BTS DP folder structure and files

    3. Copy the BTS DP folder structure to C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs and the DriverPack_*.7z files to C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs\DriverPacks

    (at this stage I also copy any addon packs such as RogueSpearAddonsM2_1.3.cab (very important to include this if you want the driverpacks to work) to C:\AutoRIS\Addon_Packs so that I have everything I want to integrate in nLite in one place)

    4. Edit the AutoRIS.ini file appropriately (yep my BTSPATH=C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs)

    nLiteEXE=C:\Program Files\!Utils\nLite\nLite.exe
    VMwareEXE=C:\Program Files\!Utils\VMware Workstation\vmware.exe
    VPCEXE=C:\Program Files\!Utils\Virtual PC\Virtual PC.exe


    5. Edit the .sif file(s) I want to use (remove any you dont want to use)

    6. Edit the settings.ini file (see Rogue's Windows XP SP2 Post Install Script Pack for more info - recommended)

    6. Edit the nlite .ini file I use for nLite (not strictly required)

    7. Run AutoRIS.vbs and let it do its thing, which it does very well (note: I use nLite but you could just as easily use the RVM_Integrator)

    That's pretty much it (hope I havent missed anything out... I am writing it from memory). Let us know how you get on mate, if you have any probs attach an archived copy of your ini/sif files from the C:\AutoRIS directory if its not too big - minus any passwords that might be in them :P.

    If I am ever in Atlanta I'll hold you to that beer ;)

  2. Hey RS, hope the RSI hasn't caused you to many probs... how's the two finger typing going :P


    Dude, you need to chuck the driverpacks into the C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs\DriverPacks folder (or your equiv) so that when the Method 2 BTS scripts run during AutoRIS it can find em, unpack em, and integrate em. Now dont get me wrong... I do think your on the right track... but go back and reread all the info on AutoRIS, Rogue's done a wicked job recently of making it fairly bomb proof.

    My C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs folder looks like this :






    C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs\DriverPacks\ <- DriverPacks are in here


    Now this structure was created by running the BTS DP Base and copying to my AutoRIS folder, then copying the driverpacks into the C:\AutoRIS\DRV_Packs\DriverPacks folder. (making the relevent change to the .ini file)

    Work flawlessly (Thanks Rogue :thumbup ) with Dell GX110, Dell GX200 (the only Dell's I have lying around at home). We have about 2500 Dell GX270s at work, but sadly they wont let me use AutoRIS or BTS' DriverPacks.... I might borrow a GX270 to test tho :P

  3. Sounds to me like you have another HD in your PC. After TXT mode, check the hard disks, see which one has the windows setup directory on it. Had similar problems in the past which were resolved by correcting the ARC path in the boot.ini file.

    This may help - http://support.microsoft.com/?id=102873

    Check the order that your BIOS boots, I have been caught out by the onboard IDE controller being detected before the onboard RAID controller.

    If all else fails try removing all drives except the hard disk you are installing to and the CD-ROM you are installing from.

    Is the drive accessible from another OS installed on another HD, not on the same controller... rule out problems with the drive/controller.

  4. You need to add the network card drivers to your RIS installations. Please see the following MS Support Article.


    You may also need to use a Ghost Boot Disk with your particular NIC drivers, which can be created using the Ghost Boot Disk wizard. See your Ghost documentation for more information.

    NOTE: To successfully boot a computer from RIS your NIC's need to support PXE.

  5. Hi sunman,

    At work we use gdisk (from Ghost) to delete and create partitions before running a rebuild. I am sure you would be able to find an alternative if necessary - ranish, pqmagic, sdisk, etc.

    We have multiple RIS boot options one of which allows booting to a gdisk boot disk. We also use gdisk to automatically delete all partitions (even non-dos partitions) and create our standard paritions (25GB C: and 5GB D:) before running a customised PE installation for the standard build.

  6. AFAIK there is no way to delete a computer account (without some nonstandard smarts) during or before RIS. RIS does allow you to choose the OU you wish RISed computer accounts to be created in. You can do it one of two ways.

    1. In AD Users and Computers, right click the RIS server and choose properties, then Remote Install tab. Click the advanced settings button and change the default location for computer accounts to be created in.

    2. When you boot a computer with RIS choose the Custom Setup and you will be able to change where the computer account is created.

    If the computer account already exists then it will be reused. Move the computer account to the correct OU before beginning the RIS build. Computer accounts should be reused. You can always prestage computer accounts in their correct OU's using GUID's or MAC address.

    Personally I wouldnt bother moving to a temporary RIS OU (if the computer was already in the correct OU why move it just for a RIS build), just means you then need to move the computer to another OU later. A cleaner way of performing this would be to run the domain setup VBS script from RunOnce or a login script as you mentioned previously.

  7. Works brill mate - most certainly up to the high calibre of your previous works, only thing I would add would be to change the

    If DefragRegistry = "Yes" Then
    ws.Run("ntregopt.exe silent /noprogresswindow /reboot"),1,True

    to include an if file exists statement to prevent a VB error if it cant find ntregopt. Thats in your script pack of course.

    No probs with the WMI or PSService executions so far, so think that might have just been my end... will let you know if I can replicate a problem consistently.

  8. If you wanted to make a small donation to the SPCA, Humane Society, etc. I'm not sure what organizations of that type they have in the UK. That would be fantastic though :)

    I'm already a member of both the New Zealand SPCA and also Greenpeace, but will keep an eye out for the PayPal donation button on your website :)

    The PSService implementation works great, tested it 4 times, on one of the times my remote boot PC would not boot (until I restarted the service manually) as it timed out waiting for DHCP, not sure why this was as PSService did restart the service successfully :unsure:... not all that worried about it.

    Looking forward to new scripts to pull apart and learn - if you have some handy, can you recommend any VBS resources?


  9. Its gotta be said " you are da man " :thumbup

    I have spent the last couple of days mucking with AutoRIS v2 and some of your MSI installers. You have seriously saved me so much time and made it easy to get up to speed on using RIS for custom UA's I just dont know how to thank you. If there is something I can do to repay all your hard work please let me know.

    I havent tested on a real pc yet, just VMware, but will do so in the next day or so. I have learnt a bit about VB (thanks again) so edited your scripts to do what I wanted em to do and it works like a charm. Great idea to use VBS btw :)

    I dont have the permissions problem with restarting the Win2K3 BINLSVC so haven't tested the PSService method yet - will do and let you know how it works.

    Keep up the great work

    *cough* STICKY!!! *cough*


  10. Hey RogueSpear

    Thanks alot for your efforts in creating AutoRIS, much appreciated mate.

    I was driving my self nuts trying to figure out why the BTS DPs Slipstream didnt seem to run... lol... time to learn vbscript methinks :blushing:

    In regards to the WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe error - is there anything I can do to to resolve this.... I mean is it a relatively simple fix or not? I setup/reload a heap of different PC's for people and use RIS with BTS DPs (Method 1) to ensure that I dont need to create Mass Storage driver setup disks.



    EDIT: Just found this post -> http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=66624 so think I may be able to sort it. Thanks tho :)

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