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  1. Yes, I'm still alive, sorry for being AFK for so long. It looks like there is still activity for this project so I thought I'd ask, any new Feature Requests or Bug Fixes needed?
  2. v1.4.1 is correct The corresponding decrypted lines in A04597C6 ("Gateway") are: BIOS18=F000,32F0,20,Gateway BIOS21=F000,3110,20,Gateway
  3. OEMScan won’t work on Windows Vista. It uses a different method for SLP OEM Activation. I probably won’t have a working version for 6+months due to the lack supported OEM systems for me to test on. This is what I’ve gleamed from reading poorly translated Chinese pages. Please note there may be inaccuracies. In order for Vista OEM SLP activation to work the bios must have an SLP 2.0 ACPI structure which contains a public key that is signed by Microsoft. That public key is then used to decrypt the tokens.dat file. Each OEM will have a different tokens.dat for each version of OEM Vista. You must use a Vista OEM SLP key and it “may” be tied into the tokens.dat file (ie: Dell CD Key may be required for Dell Systems). I don’t know how large the tokens.dat file or what it contains.
  4. In mgadiag.exe make sure Windows License Type is OEM SLP
  5. ROFLMAO, FreeStyler you read my mind. Sounds like you have a few issues. 1. Within minutes of starting the OS it will start to harass you to activate, you should have investigated the issue then, not when the customer brought it back. Use MGADIAG if you want to be sure the system activated correctly. 2. If a system fails activation with SLP it doesn’t say, “This copy of Windows is already activated” it tells you that you have a bogus key and to use the key off the side of your case. It sounds like someone tried to crack their copy of Windows XP and it didn’t work. 3. As far as OEM SLP Activation goes, some dell laptops only activate with 87870F5A (Dell Quanta) and make sure your using the latest Toshiba fileset (A16F9D62).
  6. The only time I’ve seen “A problem is preventing windows from accurately checking the license for this computer” in context to OEMScan is when I replaced the OEMBIOS files on a Volume License version of XP.
  7. XP HOME/PRO/Media Center OEM editions all use the same OEMBIOS files. You can download oembios files from http://www.oembios.net
  8. Windows XP and Windows 2003 OEMBIOS files use a different key to encrypt the data, file sets aren’t compatible. I assume Vista will be the same. If you want to do it I have no problem. You could write an oemscan.ini file with all the SLP Strings which executes an app w/ the CRC32 and generates an oemscan.ini file. Ie: [HEDYCOMPUTER] CMD=genini.exe 162C7931 Which then scans a directory tree for the CRC32 and generates a OEMSCAN.INI file [sM] PATH=".\162C7931\" I don’t think it’s worth the effort writing it. Essentially it’s for someone who knows what oembios files they need but are to dense / lazy to modify (or add) two lines in the oemscan.ini file. I think a well written guide would be more effective then writing an app to make things easy-ist-er. If you’re already distributing the oembios files and generating the oemscan.ini files on the fly with RVM Integrator what’s the point.
  9. @Skawg I don’t think anyone has done that (bandwidth I assume), you can add multiple OEMBIOS RVM addon’s together to create that effect or download OEMScan and populate the directories with files from http://www.oembios.net @ZaForD No, we don’t need computer reports anymore. They don’t yield any relevant information since OEMBIOS files aren’t linked to DMI information, but rather memory ranges in the BIOS. If you come across any OEMBIOS file sets not listed on www.oembios.net you can submit them. With OEMScan & Siginet’s OEMScan RVM Integrator Addon’s the problem has been solved. I don’t think much has been done with Vista yet because to my knowledge no Royalty OEM’s have released Vista.
  10. Just so I’m clear Are you: 1. using the same SLP CD Key for each OEM? 2. using a different SLP CD Key for each OEM? 3. #1 and #2 (IE: Use the same key for unknown OEM’s) At what point do you know Windows XP rejected the key? Does Windows XP prompt for activation? Where are you specifying CD Keys? (winnt.sif, setkey.cmd) At what point in the install are you running oemscan? OEMBIOS files have nothing todo with Windows XP accepting a CD Key. So standard rules apply. Either it’s a problem with the CD Key, the method you’re using to change the key, or the application changing the keys.
  11. I doubt it but do me a fav and give me a dump with 1.4.1.
  12. Good catch, forgot to remove that.. fixed and reuploaded. Yeah, odd, at some point I commented out the check for dry-run when copying files. doh.. coding while tired, bad idea.
  13. Perhaps windows can't validate against .CAT files @ T39??Released a new version, nothing special, its a minor update
  14. The hashes are correct, do you have the expanded oembios.* files in the GatewayC (or what ever directory its assigned to) directory?
  15. Seems to work pretty well, no more errors due to Windows Server 2003 \Device\PhysicalMemory permissions On a fresh Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard installation "Windows File Protection" kicks in once when runing oemscan for the first time (just after replacing COA oemfiles with vendor specific server 2003 oembios files) When clicking "Cancel" and keeping the new files after reboot all seems to be ok. I could even run SFC /Scannow without the original files being restored, so that looks good as well UPDATE: When running oemscan on a fresh install of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1 i didn't get the "Windows File Protection" dialog...(maybe something went bad the first time) I was worried the method I use to disable SFC in XP wouldn’t work in W2K3 however when I tested it with W2K3 R2 Standard Edition Service Pack 2 (Volume) it passed with flying colors. The method I use disables SFC for exactly 1 minute on specific files. Is it possible more then 1 minute elapsed between copying over the files and importing the .CAT file? Could you test it on more systems and get back to me if you run into SFC errors? Perhaps I should import the .CAT file first.
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