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Posts posted by oldbones

  1. Good Day to all. I would like to reply to all the Vet's of this forum. I am new here. So new that this is my first reply. I have been reading, and Reading for just over a month on this topic. Though I have spent the last 10 years working with Installation programs ect.. I see that you ar all getting alittle out of sorts. The problem is that meny Vet's have work ont his stuf for along time and when some one new comes in, that are always told to searh the formun for the answers nad "not be LAZY". Well the forum has changed. For most, myself included I generally look at the newer postings. Well the Vet may have learned from the older postings that are out of date or are no longer on the site.

    So insted of explaining thing in relitivly simple terms they through every thing at us and expect us to understand. Then they call us lazy and tell us to go look at the other posts. Well the other postings alog this line ( new people asking how ) are all the same. " go look it up the issue has been answered" . This is in most of the queations.

    Well then where the hell are we to look it up at. If you want to know what it is like goto a forum you know nothing about and try to learn. You will find that you get SH** on just like you do to us. Please help if you can. If your just p***ed because you think we should have looked it up. Think that maybe we have and just did not get somthing, or misundersood somthing. Thus if you are mad at the post. Let it go and just do not respond. :}

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