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Posts posted by mr_malkovich

  1. hey all... i'm using microsoft outlook 2003 via an exchange server. i also have a dedicated outgoing server to handle large mailings.

    i created a mail merge of 1550 emails (50kb each) and tried to send them out like i always do. but today they all just sit in the outbox and look at me. extremely vexing, and my outgoing server people (vpsit) are taking their sweet time getting back to me, so does anyone have any input? it would be much appreciated.

  2. Hey all. I'm running Word 2003 on XP Pro, and I have a real throat-slasher of a Microsoft Word problem on my hands that I have posted far and wide on many forums, to no avail.

    I have a picture that I am trying to post as a background image to a Word document. To do this, I go Format - Background - Fill Effects - Picture - Select Picture, then I choose the picture. The picture shows up, and when I view the file in Print View at 100% Zoom, it is at the perfect scale to my liking. But when I print the document, the background image is shrunk to a fraction of its original size and tiled in the background, behind the document text.

    I have posted this on several different forums already, and the only answer I have received so far was from Garfield-n-Odie, who suggested the following:

    "In Word, try turning off background printing in Tools | Options | Print. In Windows, try turning off print spooling and advanced text services in Start | Control Panel | Printers | right-click on your printer Properties."

    "Check the setting of the "Print body text before header/footer" option on the Compatibility tab of Tools | Options. If the box is checked, clear it and vice versa and see if that helps."

    "If you can you print to a different printer, try that."

    I've tried these all, on a couple of different computers. No dice. Any ideas? I'm really at the end of my rope. Thanks a million in advance.

  3. hey all...

    i'm trying to set the background of an email message to black. with html formatting set, i went to Format - background and set it to black. then i sent it to my Yahoo email account to be sure it worked beforehand, and it did not. so i saw a site that told me to remove Word as the email editor and try it again, which i did to no avail. I read on yet another site about how body tags may be the answer, but i'm not sure what the exact code is, or where in the email to post it. can anyone help? thanks in advance...

  4. Hey All...

    Running Outlook 2003 on a PC and a laptop, both using XP Pro. I recently signed up with a Microsoft exchange host by the name of Mailstreet. Once doing that I designed a customized Outlook contact form by the name of 061907, saved it to the Personal Forms Library, then right-clicked on my Contacts folder, went to Properties, and made sure that the "When posting to this folder, use: " dropdown was set to 061907. This worked dandy for several weeks until one day when I was out of the country (of course), I tried to open a new contact file, I received the dreaded "this form could not be found. Contact your administrator." pop-up. I also noticed that half the emails in my inbox had turned into Posts (yellow note icon). I went to my flash drive, where I had a copy of 061907 stored, and resaved that over the old version I had in my Personal Forms Library. That helped, in that my customized form returned, but every time I clicked on an existing contact or clicked on New Contact, the computer would do nothing for ten seconds, a pop-up saying "Done." would appear, and THEN my desired contact form would appear. Very irksome.

    So I got home and fired up my desktop and it is doing the exact same thing! And since I was told that custom Outlook contact forms are all dealt with locally, it all seems a bit weird to me. I found this article (http://www.kbalertz.com/kb_839804.aspx) which deals with this problem. It suggests that there is some kind of conflict between the cache and the actual file, which sounds reasonable. It also suggested that to troubleshoot, I temporarily disable the custom Visual Basic Scripting code in the form by holding down Shift while clicking on a contact file and voila, no pause, no "Done.", just my file. So now that we have found a temporary solution - hiolding down Shift to disable VBS - the question is: what do I do to achieve a permanent fix, without having to resort to the Shift solution every time I want to access a contact file without waiting ten seconds? Any and all help is GREATLY appreciated.

  5. Hey all...

    I have a Toshiba Tecra M2V-S310 laptop PC with Windows XP. A week ago I inserted a friend's flash drive into my USB port to drag something from his drive. My laptop choked a bit, slowed down and I got an error sound, so I pulled the drive out immediately. A few days later, I started getting the random Blue Screen Of Death with the message IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, at which point I am forced to restart. I see an Unknown Device in my Device Manager, and after doing some reading up online about this problem I see that it is sometimes caused by something to do with not fully installing new hardware, I assume this has a lot to do with the problem. As a temporary fix I always uninstall the Unknown Device every time the Blue Screen Of Death forces me to restart, which buys me an extra 45 minutes or so of laptop time, but every time I am eventually but inevitably forced to restart, I got back to the Device Manager and lo and behold the Unknown Device has returned, along with a prompt on my desktop to Install New Hardware.

    I am currently out of town and since all my work is computer-related, this is completely screwing my world up right now. Does anyone have any kind of input or advice? Unfortunately, since I'm out of town I am not able to plug in the flash drive that supposedly started this problem to uninstall it properly, so that's not an option. I posted this query several days ago, and someone suggested I delete all the icons in my Universal Serial Bus section of Device Manager, so that the necessary ones would automatically reinstall themselves and the erroneous one wouldn't. Only problem is, everything reinstalled - the valid icons and the erroneous one as well. Back to square one. Someone else suggested that my USB port might be fried, and that the only recourse is to get a new one. If that's the case I'm willing and ready to get a new one, but I'd like to exhaust all other options before I go there, obviously. A million thanks in advance for any advice anyone can give me. I'm really between a rock and a hard place right now.

  6. Hey all...

    I have a Toshiba Tecra M2V-S310 laptop PC with Windows XP. A week ago I inserted a friend's flash drive into my USB port to drag something from his drive. My laptop choked a bit, slowed down and I got an error sound, so I pulled the drive out immediately. A few days later, I started getting the random Blue Screen Of Death with the message IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, at which point I am forced to restart. I see an Unknown Device in my Device Manager, and after doing some reading up online about this problem I see that it is sometimes caused by something to do with not fully installing new hardware, I assume this has a lot to do with the problem. As a temporary fix I always uninstall the Unknown Device every time the Blue Screen Of Death forces me to restart, which buys me an extra 45 minutes or so of laptop time, but every time I am eventually but inevitably forced to restart, i got back to the Device Manager and lo and behold the Unknown Device has returned, along with a prompt on my desktop to Install New Hardware. I am currently out of town and since all my work is computer-related, this is completely screwing my world up right now. Does anyone have any kind of input or advice? Unfortunately, since I'm out of town I am not able to plug in the flash drive that supposedly started this problem to uninstall it properly, so that's not an option. A million thanks in advance.

  7. hey all....

    i'm running outlook 2003 on windows xp. i sent a bunch of emails through Word's Mail Merge function. I even watched the counter at bottom left firing the numbers off to let me know that they're being sent. but nothing showed up in my Outbox, and nothing in my Sent Items. Anyone have an idea what's going on here? Very very vexing.

    thanks in advance...

  8. I have Microsoft Word XP (as part of Office). I am trying to merge 120 contacts that I have in an Outlook folder into sticker labels. I choose the avery 5160 label template - 30 labels a page. Since i have 120 contacts in that folder, I should only end up with 4 pages of stickers, yet when I'm previewing the merge I see 30 pages and many duplicate labels. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance... James

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