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demon z

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Posts posted by demon z

  1. I tried looking for that program logonxp but all I could find was some beta version, I think the number was like V0.89. Is there an updated version? I was tryning to read your file and figure out how you did the transparency effect and it wouldnt let me open it. Thanks for you help

    ok here's the link for logonstudio


    finger it around u'll find how get the transparency effect

  2. I like the Vista styled one... personnaly I would rather not have the words on it... but it looks really good, really sharp and detailed. I pretty much suck at graphics design programs, would you be willing to make a logon screen for me if I provided the pic?

    Its not necessary to know how to manipulate images in order to make nice looking logins screen , for starters you can use logonstudio for instance and create good clean looking login screens , Try it . I promise u it wont be a let down. :thumbup

    But be sure to post what u've created here pls

    Heres a new one i just created


    I hope u like it :D

  3. I have looked everywhere and no avail, I am trying to change the font and color of the font of "To begin, click your user name" how is it done? is it in the uifile of logonui? Please help. John :huh::sneaky::hello:

    Just use logonxp from stardock its simple, its easy and most of all its free!

    you can change what ever u want through this nifty software

  4. I never found a theard featuring all the member created logon screens , like the one in setup billboards. So i startesd this topic .

    i hope you guys will accept this thread and share your creations with rest of this forum community

    for starters here's mine .



    Here's vista styled login screen


    Download here


    Come on guys is there no one who can create and share, the least you could do is comment on this Pls

  5. my computers networking is not working proprely cos when ever i change any settings in my networking

    its gives out a blue screen error and its not connecting properly some times :( pls help

    thanks in advance :thumbup

  6. i forgot my admin password :no: , i created two accounts one admin and one user,can any one help me out how to crack the password (i created admin pass during installation )

    Thanks in advance :rolleyes:

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