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Posts posted by king_crimson

  1. I'm surprised MS didn't provide a native VM with Win x64 to do 16bit.

    Really? They've been trying to phase out usage of 16-bit code since Windows 95 - 10 years ago. And even with this push, it'll still be the successor to Windows Vista that will be entirely 64bit (Vista will still come with a 32bit version, that will run 16bit apps to the best of my knowledge).

    yes, vista runs 16-bit code. i'm using windows vista right now, actually. full support for command line and 16-bit applications.

  2. No - the actual underlying Windows structure has no support built in for 16bit code. There are specific Installshield and Acme installers that will work (they're upgraded to 32bit installers on the fly, thus allowing them to run in WOW64), but otherwise no. The NTVDM relies on certain system .dll's and .sys files to work, and those files either no longer exist, or have no support for 16bit calls in their 64bit iterations.

    You'd have to copy the whole 16bit subsystem of Windows XP over, and there's no guarantee that it would work then, either.

    that's what I figured the case would be. bah. oh well, i can always dual-boot or just run xp32 in a VM

  3. Note that Windows XP and Windows 2003 64bit editions (except 2003 datacenter) can't address more than 1TB of physical RAM... :) It's not a hardware limitation, it's an artificial one in the Windows codebase itself. Just an FYI.

    lol who the hell would use 1TB of RAM? might be useful when you have 5 million applications loaded at the same time.....

    although in reality nobody will have 1TB, at least in the next 20 years or so, thats a stupid way for microsoft to code

  4. i hear that 16-bit support is completely gone in windows xp 64-bit. is that true?

    you probably are wondering why i would even want 16-bit support in windows 64.... well, sometimes i like to program utilities and other stuff in QuickBasic 4.5 :blushing:

    don't laugh too hard, QB can still be useful(albiet slow as $%^#$^)

    i guess i might end up having to install xp 32-bit as a guest OS inside VMware on windows 64 to do that stuff.

    would it be possible to import xp32's NTVDM subset into xp64?? anybody tried this?

  5. Does anyone have any idea if this processor should be fine for 64-bit guest OS?

    AMD Athlon64 3700+
    1 MB L2 cache, 2.2 GHz
    754-pin, C-G core

    I don't believe it would, but I have one of those exact chips on the way from tigerdirect as I type this, I'll let you know becuase I am definately going to try that.

    I tried running windows 64-bit as a guest OS with VMware 5.5 on my current Athlon XP 2400+

    then i had a rude awakening when I found out that VMware will not emulate the 64-bit chipset to run it on a 32-bit CPU :) i felt pretty dumb.

    can you imagine how freakin slow that would be anyway? lol

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