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Posts posted by CompFX

  1. @ Alanoll - you said that these 3 files should not cause a fatal error at t-39, so I must be unknowlingly doing something else.

    I am really sure that it is these 3 files, and for darn sure msgina.dll.

    I have used the origionals, and it installs fine with no problems what so ever. But then i put in the msgina.dll file, and reburn, and get the fatal error. I replace the msgina.dll with the origional, rebunred, and all is well. I put in syssetup.dll and winntbbu.dll and again fatal error. I put the origionals back, and all is well again.

    I just dont get it.


  2. I have searched this forum, other forums, and google, but cannot find a solution to my delima.

    I have 3 files, syssetup.dll, winntbbu.dll, and msgina.dll.

    I have taken the origionals from the origional xp disk.

    I have tried a few times a few different ways.

    1st attempt:

    expanded all 3 files, used resedit to modify them. modifype with the -c switch. then used makecab, and put them in my i386 folder. burned the disk, and got a fatal error message at T-39. something about catalogs.

    2nd attempt:

    got fresh files from the origional xp cd, expanded them, used software suggested in the Unattended cd / DVD guide to modify them, used modifype with the -c switch, then makecab, and placed in my i386 folder. Again, at t-39, got a fatal error about catalogs.

    3rd attempt

    got fresh files from the origional xp cd, expanded them, used restorator to modify them, then modifype -c, and makecab, back in the i386 folder they went...burned....T-39....Fatal error (catalogs again).

    I do not understand what i am doing wrong. I have read the guide, re-read the guide, re-re-read the guide. Went over it again and again. Now the last time i read it, Alalon (I think thats how its spelled) make a comment about only makecab if origionals are compressed. Does this mean that i should not be using modifype -c in the process because the origionals were compressed?

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


  3. Sometimes the simplest things are overlooked. Be sure the media is blank, if using a cd/dvd -RW, try a full format vs a quick erase. Quick erase only deletes the file structure, not actually the files. a full erase will delete the files (sort of)

    Also, try burning at a slower speed. as well as watch your buffer as you are burning. If the buffer runs low, and stays low, this could cause a bad burn because the computer cannot feed the information fast enough to the cd/dvd drive. Also, if you are running software which hogs the system resources, try shutting down that software prior to the burn; this will allow the buffer to run more steadily.

    Also, a thing to note, a cd/dvd-rw disk is not forever. the more you write, the more you erase, the shorter the life span of that disk. I do not remember numbers off the top of my head, but that is something to keep in mind.

    As far as a problem with cdimage... I would not think so, however, to eliminate a piece of the puzzle, you could try to redownload it again.

    What are the exact errors you are getting from your burning software? Nero should say something alog with the error message youve posted. I have never used Alcohol 120, so i do not know how that responds.

    Hope this was helpful in someway.

  4. I feel like such a fool. I have been fighting with this for almost 4 days now. I have gone over this file at least a dozen times.

    How in the world did you pick up on that?

    How come it says there was an error on line 225, and you caught the error on line 223?

    After seeing the line that had the typo i realized why it was like that. I use to have a double pipe in the command line, but I kept getting an error, so i took out the double pipe, and put it on two lines.

    I feel like such a jack a$$

    Thank you so much. Deeply appreciated.


    oh yea, what do you use to open the js file? how you know it was on line 223?

    I us php expert editor, because it numbers line lines for me, but i was just wondering what you use?

  5. This one does not work. When WPI loads, it shows the first error, in my prior post. However, it no longer shows the second error. After i click yes, keep running script, it loads the background, the stuff on the left side of the page, but it does not load my the main screen. (where you can check what you want to install)

    I displayed it here, but then i could not see any more of my replies, so i put it as an attachment.


  6. This will teach you how to modify the msgina.dll file, and fix the WFP problem:


    It has been awhile since i have used resedit, but after modding the dll, chose save as, and it should save it as a dll file. It it is still not a dll, then yes, change the extention to a dll.

    If you could post the lines you used for your reg tweak, it would be helpfull.

    I have never ran XP on fat32 before, but i know with NTFS that you need to modify the reg so that it does not just replace your dll files.

    The link at the top will help you with that.

  7. Spent all of 12 hours building up the config.js file. Only for the damned thing to erase itself.

    Got all 150+ programs in my config.js file, and now WPI just showing me a blank screen. Course I immeaditley check my config file and (to my surprise, all was well)

    So WTF is going on with this?

    (A side note) This is not just a WPI thing. For some ungodly reason, the html autorun dont run, hell it hardly walks. It displays the bg pic, but none of the text or links.

    Any ideas?

    Any help would be appreciated.


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