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Posts posted by kof94

  1. Very long time... happy new year.

    I can't see the point either, just seams like a waste disk of space if you ask me. It's been a while since I used Ubuntu but I'm sure there's meta-packages to add/remove the various DE's:

    # apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

    I spend most of my time playing with Linux these days (I'll be a SysAdmin one day :)) but I'm still making multi-boot disks now and again... I'm just using my USB stick more now.

    I'm kinda hooked on grub4dos at the moment, it's not as attractive as syslinux but what it lacks in aesthetic appeal it makes up for in features. I just wish they'd add more of the features from Super Grub Disk (USB Shift etc).

    The latest is now a truly useful, fully operational live CD, w/ support (AT LAST, HALLELUJAH !!!) for auto-mounting existing hdrive partitions !

    Is this a remastered Kubuntu livecd?

  2. Nevermind.

    I realised this does work (what I originally tried) I just needed to create my partition on sector 95 (really helps when you read :blushing: ).

    # dd if=/dev/sdb of=MYMBR96.TMP count=96 bs=512

    More over, since I can write directly to the device don't have to write create little images anyway (again reading really helps here :)).

  3. I'm planning to write a shell script to setup a bootable UFD and I want to add an option to create a triple MBR.

    From the GRUB4DOS readme I understand I can use this to add a partition boot record (see Note 2 under "Use bootlace.com to install partition boot record"):

    Assumes /dev/sdb is my UFD

    # ./bootlace.com --floppy=0 /dev/sdb1

    I'm stuck, however, on grabbing the first 96 sectors from the device. I'm very familiar with dd but mind melts when I try to work out how many bytes I need etc.

    Here's my output from fdisk:

    # fdisk -l -u /dev/sdb

    Disk /dev/sdb: 4009 MB, 4009754624 bytes
    124 heads, 62 sectors/track, 1018 cylinders, total 7831552 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sdb1 * 62 7826383 3913161 c W95 FAT32 (LBA)

    If someone could please explain how to work this out I'd greatly appreciate it (cue jaclaz ;) ).

  4. Hi all

    i want to create a multiboot dvd with UBUNTU, KUBUNTU, XUBUNTU and some other distro and so i read all the tutorials and tried to do it by myself.

    I decided to start with only ubuntu and see if i can do it, and later add all the other distro.

    I create these directories




    | |-----isolinux

    | |-----ubuntu (inside initrd.gz e vmlinuz)


    |--------ubuntu (with all the distro contents)

    Here myisolinux.cfg

    DEFAULT menu.c32


    PROMPT 0

    menu title Welcome to GNU/Linux!

    label local

    menu label Boot from ^hard drive

    kernel chain.c32

    append hd0

    label ubuntu-live-install

    menu label ^Install Ubuntu

    kernel /boot/ubuntu/vmlinuz

    append file=/cdrom/ubuntu/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/boot/ubuntu/initrd.gz quiet splash --

    I also modified casper inside scripts di initrd (and copiet into boot/ubuntu e ubuntu/casper) changing $Path/casper, and $Directory/casper to $Path/ubuntu/casper and so on. can't find $mountpoint and change /.disk/casper to /ubuntu/.disk/casper

    When i select ubuntu i got the logo of ubuntu and seems to load but then it says:

    /init: /scripts/casper: line 1: #/bin/sh: not found ... itried to change it to #1/ubuntu/bin/sh

    Anyone can help me? I really need to create this DVD.

    Thank you

    Just a thought...

    If you have a fast internet connection why don't you just do a netinstall and download the desktop you want instead of filling your disk with three squashfs images containing similar files.

  5. I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable

    I recall something similar, will test again with a few sources and get back.


    I just lauched it manually from a seperate terminal and to be honest I don't thing I've ever seen it run in the entire fours years I've used the DriverPacks. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the start command but I have know idea how to work around that.

    Encase anyone is interested... I got a response over at DriverPacks.net on this issue.

    It's only supposed to be used with the defunct KTD function so this error can be ignored.

  6. I don't get you here, are you saying to modify the source, before it's copied to the USB disk? Don't think it's good idea. And to copy the whole source to a temp folder just to modify a few files is also overkill. Anothr modified file is BTS presetup.cmd, with the new path to OEM directory.

    No, no, no... *instead* of copying to usb stick i.e. do all the modifying of the source and creating the iso but not copying it to the usb stick.

    I have my reasons, may be others will find it redundant but if you do this many times (testing etc) then a program like rsync would do the copying alot quicker by only copying (or removing) files that have changed. This will also reduce disk wear. Make sense?

    On 2000, and XP/2003, both 32 and 64 bit? I am only worried if mountvol.exe works that early on all versions equally well.

    Ah, fair enough... well 32bit XP works fine :)

    I added this to setup.cmd to hide the presetup.cmd terminal window:

    It should hide as soon as I start using the regular fake setup.exe, not the debug version which shows the cmd window. Currently, for troubleshooting, as at that stage the troubles are expected, the debug version is used.

    setup.cmd is hidden by fake setup.exe but you still see the presetup.cmd because it's called by setup.cmd. You'd need something like hidec, cmdow or pistart to hide presetup.cmd as well.

    I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable

    I recall something similar, will test again with a few sources and get back.


    I just lauched it manually from a seperate terminal and to be honest I don't thing I've ever seen it run in the entire fours years I've used the DriverPacks. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the start command but I have know idea how to work around that.

  7. This would require significant change in code, plus there are a few changes in the source folder- winnt.sif and fake setup.exe. Wouldn't do it unless there is enough interest in implementing it.

    Fair enough, I'm not a coder but an option that modifies the source instead of copying it first would be preferred by me. Besides rsync works alot better than copying the whole tree over and over again ;)

    As for what's new from 0.2.3- the whole method of installing:


    This is the whole reason way I switched from using cdob's RAM method.

    Sure, it's actually in the to-test list newwink.gif

    I'm already using it and works like a charm :)

    Off topic... I added this to setup.cmd to hide the presetup.cmd terminal window:

    :: +=======================================================+
    :: | DriverPacks method 2 http://driverpacks.net/ |
    :: |-------------------------------------------------------|
    ::if exist presetup.cmd (
    ::echo call presetup.cmd >>winsetup.log
    ::start "" /wait /min presetup.cmd
    ::echo end presetup.cmd >>winsetup.log
    for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
    dir %%?:\OEM > nul 2>&1 && set disk=%%?:
    if defined disk (
    start /wait /realtime /separate "" %disk%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %disk%\OEM\DP*.7z %systemdrive%\
    %disk%\OEM\bin\un7zip.exe %disk%\OEM\bin\*.7z %systemdrive%\
    copy /y %disk%\OEM\bin\DPsFnshr.ini %systemdrive%\
    if exist %disk%\OEM\*.ins copy /y %disk%\OEM\*.ins %systemdrive%\
    %disk%\OEM\bin\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\D
    start %systemdrive%\DSPdsblr.exe

    I noticed that DSPdsbler.exe wont run, I get an error that it's not executable (Since when did Windows XP have an executable attribute :unsure:) . The commands and paths are identical to presetup.cmd from the DriverPacks so I'm starting to wonder if it's ever worked... especially since I have driver signing disabled in my winnt.sif anyway. Any thoughts?

  8. Changes from which to which? Which one is the "second reboot", the GUI mode, or after it?

    At T-13 the UFD is still seen as D: but after the second reboot (after oobe, when RunOnceEx is started) it is seen as H: (I have card readers and other disks). It's no problem though I've just switched to using GUIRunOnce instead.

    In other hand- call for community participation- only for a few hours since beta2 was posted it was downloaded over 1000 times, and not a single feedback so far. I can hardly release a stable version without some help with testing and feedback, no matter if there were issues or not.

    Guys, come on, give a hand smile.gif

    Whats new, did you considered this:


    Edit: I nearly forgot... The feature I'd most like to see is an option that just creates the ISO without doing the file copying. I can copy/move setup.cmd and setup(org).exe myself!

    I also did a test removing migrate.inf... it made no difference.


    Also, would you consider changing this:


    FOR %%h IN (U C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V W X Y) DO (
    IF EXIST "%%h:%TAGFILE%" (
    SET CDDRIVE=%%h:
    goto :CDDRIVE_found

    to this:

    for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
    dir %%?:%TAGFILE% > nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?:
    if defined CDDRIVE goto :CDDRIVE_found

    Stops "no disk" errors for us poor fools with card readers! :)

  9. Something else I've just discovered... $OEM$ dir works. I don't know why I thought it wouldn't but my cmdlines.txt is ran at T-13.

    The only draw back is the drive letter for the UFD changes after second reboot so any paths set at T-13 for RunOnceEx are incorrect when you get to the desktop.

    This isn't an issue though as I can work around it. Infact I could just launch the same script via GUIRunOnce instead and make the $OEM$ dir redundant :rolleyes:

  10. If you hit Enter you should be able to delete/create a new partition on your HDD and install Windows.

    Setup wont allow you to delete the partition on your UFD.

    If the wrong drive letter is assigned (e.g. your HDD has no partition(s) to start with) then setup.cmd will force a reboot and reset the drive letter to C: at first GUI.

    I hope this makes sense because I'm a little confused with what your trying to do... do you want to install Windows on your HDD from your UFD?

  11. I tested now with beeta.

    With beeta: I formated my USB with RMPrepUSB. This make USB two partitions: first is NTFS main parttions and second is unactive unknown with capacity 0MB. After boot I got error message:

    root (hd0,F:)

    Error 11: urecognized device string, or you omitted the required device part which should lead the filename.

    I attach log.

    With 0_2_3: I formatted with RMPrepUSB NTFS format. This make USB two partitions: first is NTFS 3.8GB parttions and second is unactive unknown with capacity 0MB. I deleted both partitions but RMPrepUSB make two partitions. I tried to install on USB 3.8GB partition not 0B partition. In my computer is winXP pro.

    At the bottom of menu.lst or winsetup.lst (I can't remember) change the line that reads root (hd0,F:) to root (hd0,0) or even better find --set-root /winsetup.lst. This should solve your problem.

    Edit: Here's some files for you. txtsetup.sif (for ISO), setup.cmd, menu.lst and winsetup.lst


  12. Well done, thanks for reporting :)

    Next is Jaclaz to pull my ears for not using 8.3 filenames :rolleyes:

    More interesting is why it matters in your setup, what file system was this USB disk formatted in?

    To be honest so many things could be different with my setup.

    My main OS is Slackware, I used fdisk (coreutils) to create a FAT32 (LBA) partition and mkdosfs to create a FAT32 filesystem on my disk then ran your GUI inside VirtualBox to do the rest.

    It's an odd arrangement I will admit but it works for me.

    Edit: I nearly forgot... The feature I'd most like to see is an option that just creates the ISO without doing the file copying. I can copy/move setup.cmd and setup(org).exe myself!

    I also did a test removing migrate.inf... it made no difference.


    I had to edit setup.cmd and txtsetup.sif (inside the ISO) to get this to work... I don't know if this helps.

  13. Well I've certainly learnt something today, thanks to both of you :).

    Edit: I liked both solutions so much I thought I'd combine them:

    set tagfile=\OEM
    for /f "tokens=1 delims=: " %%? in ('mountvol.exe ^|find ":\"') do (
    dir %%?:%tagfile% >nul 2>&1 && set CDDRIVE=%%?:
    if not defined CDDRIVE (
    goto EOF

  14. @cdob

    Disconnect external card readers if possible. This reduce the risk.

    Yeah, I had no issues when I disconnected the card reader!

    What's a ramdom reboot? How often did the machine reboot?

    By 'random' I just meant that I didn't expect it because it didn't happen without the card reader attached.

    Can you attach the presetup.log file?

    No can't because I've wiped the drive now.

    There is a fix drive letter enabled by default. This may add one reboot.

    I did notice that when the hdd was already partitioned, when I repartitioned it and returned to hit enter to install it was assigned to C: and the drive letter for my ufd was removed (just a hyphen when it was previously C:). But on this occasion the the hdd was blank so after partitioning it was assigned to I: when I started the install.

    fixDrive.USB is uncommented in textsetup.oem so I assume thats what caused reboot because %systemdrive% was I: prior to that.

    Thanks for the hint. Add a "DIR %%i: &&"

    Forgive my ignorance but wont this still cause the "No Disk" errors because there's still going to be an attempt to "mount" a non-existent filesystem and list it's contents?


    A possible "cure" is worst than the actual illness newwink.gif:

    No jokes. Thanks for the advice though.

  15. Since looking at this thread: Install 2000/XP/2003 from RAM loaded small ISO I started to wonder if it would be possible to combine the two projects (sort of).

    Would it be possible to boot a mini iso with the boot files (as flyakites guide - saves on boot time!) in RAM (0XFF) and direct boot the full iso (safes RAM) from the UFD (0XFE) then install from the full iso. Just a thought but I wondered if it would work.

    Edit: Nearly forgot... tested install on my desktop with and without card reader. Everything went fine except on the attempt where I created a new partition on the drive (disk was empty) and ended up with a random reboot just at the point presetup.cmd should have run. I booted to hdd a second time and everything went fine except I ended up with a 'All Users.WINDOWS' dir in Documents and settings.

    I think this reboot was caused by the for loop in presetup.cmd because on subsequent installs (and on the second attempt above) I had "No Disk" errors at this point when the card reader was connected.

    A part from disconnecting it prior to install the only solution I can think of is to reverse the search order in the loop, that way the UFD (where my OEM dir is) should, hopefully, be found before the card reader.

    FOR %%i IN (Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C) DO IF EXIST "%%i:%TAGFILE%" SET CDDRIVE=%%i:& GOTO DPsFound

    If I was doing this in a bash script I'd search for the volume label instead and save a possible 23 mounts but I have know idea how to do that in Windows.

  16. A few years ago I remember someone saying that this sort of thing would never be possible with XP, so when I saw this I had to have ago.

    Everything seams pretty straight forward and I'll test installing XP from a USB stick in the next day or so but I have one question.

    Is there any additional steps required to mount a PE (UBCD4Win) in RAM using this method?

  17. @Phylum

    Just in case it's your mkisofs commands this is my simple mkisofs script.

    This script is located in boot/isolinux along with mkisofs. If your using Windows just grab the commands lower down the script.


    # Script to create a bootable ISO image

    cd -- "$(dirname "$0")"

    SOURCE=$(cd ../; pwd)

    help() {
    echo "
    This script creates a bootable ISO image using mkisofs.

    Usage: $(basename "$0") [options]

    Example: $(basename "$0") -o $OUTPUT --md5

    -o, --output <file> Set output file name
    -m, --md5 Create MD5 check file
    -h, --help Help

    waiting() {
    chars=( "|" "/" "-" "\\" )
    echo -n " "
    while [ -e "$1" ]; do
    count=$(( count + 1 ))
    echo -ne "\b${chars[$(( count % array ))]}"; sleep 0.2

    while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
    case $1 in
    -h | --help )
    -o | --output )
    shift 2
    -m | --md5 )
    * )

    if [ -f "$OUTPUT" ]; then
    echo "$(basename $0): \`$OUTPUT' already exists"
    echo -n "Remove this file and continue? [Y/n]: "
    read retval
    case $retval in
    rm -f $OUTPUT || exit 1
    exit 1

    rm -f $SOURCE/contents.md5
    if [ "$MD5" = "1" ]; then

    if [ -x `type -path mktemp` ]; then
    touch $md5tmp || exit 1
    chmod 600 $md5tmp

    echo -n "Creating MD5 check file. Please wait..."
    waiting $md5tmp &

    ( cd $SOURCE
    find . -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | sort -k 2,2 > $md5tmp
    mv $md5tmp contents.md5

    echo -e "\bDone"

    if [ ! -x "`type -path mkisofs`" ]; then
    echo "$(basename $0): \`mkisofs' command not found"
    exit 1

    mkisofs \
    -iso-level 4 \
    -full-iso9660-filenames \
    -disable-deep-relocation \
    -rock \
    -joliet \
    -joliet-long \
    -no-emul-boot \
    -boot-info-table \
    -boot-load-size 4 \
    -appid "$APPID" \
    -volid "$VOLID" \
    -eltorito-boot $BOOT \
    -eltorito-catalog $CATALOG \
    -output $OUTPUT \
    $SOURCE || exit 1

    echo "$(basename $0): \`$OUTPUT' succesfully created"

    exit 0

    One more thing...

    You can use the file util in Linux to query a file type, I'm not sure but you might find a Windows port as part of cygwin.

    First decompress the image (gzip -d initrd.gz) then test the file.

    $ file initrd
    initrd: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)

  18. @james_deepak

    I hate quoting myself but I think you might have missed this one:

    Trail and error is the key as well as the ability to search (Google is your friend) and ask specific questions.

    If any of us feel that we can contribute to solving a specific issue for you then we will but we're not going to write a step-by-step tutorial when there is so much information here already.

    I know it's frustrating but your not going to have an all-sing-all-dancing boot disc without putting in some effort.

    For the last year or so I've spent a lot of my free time learning about how Linux works. I've done everything from Gentoo stages to (B)LFS and I'm still only a fraction of the way towards my goals.

    Things just take time and if you keep waiting for someone else to do this for you then your not going to get anywhere.

  19. RockRidge support basically allows you to add symlinks and Linux file perm's to your disc.

    You usually need it for install cd's and things like the repo on the Ubuntu livecd's. In my experience it also breaks the XP install routine (because it can't read the disc anymore) but for some really weird reason has no effect on Win/BartPE.

    ISO96660:1999 and RockRigge support long file names and my requirements. E.g. DOS, XP, PE and Knoppix at one DVD.

    Joliet dosn't support long names: official 64 chars, does work up to 110 chars.

    I'm now wondering if mkisofs -iso-level 4 (ISO96660:1999) fixes the XP install issue then.

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