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Posts posted by webrunner69

  1. Yousendit.com has always worked best for me.... and I think the downloadmanager support is a key issue in it's favor....

    Anouther tip: http://CallingID.com/ thay have a nice little toolbar that tells you who owns the site you're viewing and where they are located... very useful against phishing and when dealing with an unknown site.

    Also try: Remindify.com which will send you IM's to any IM program reminding you of imporatnat dates. very useful.

  2. I've been running the CallingID toolbar on my machine for about 3 months, it's great.

    Any site I visit I can see who owns it and where it's from, right down to the company's address, very useful.

    I originally downloaded it against Phishing but it's also useful for otherthings. I was ready an article about R&R in India, which we were thinking of doing. the article was all aces and positive, no downside... then I checked the CallingID bar and noticed that the website was located in India... so we dropped the idea.

    Happy browsing all!

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