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Posts posted by sweept

  1. I just tried UFD_FORMAT tool on This

    the tool says it formatted the drive successfully 

    the drive still shows as NTFS  and the files that where on it stayed in place

    the process did add its files to drive


    formatting in windows offers no FAT32, only NTFS  or exFAT


     maybe i could try RMPrepUSB, but then what settings will i need to use ?

  2. Hi I'm really interested to make a USB bootable on all systems especially the ones that can only run on USB drives configured for x64 or UEFI 


    for now IM only using the Microsoft windows setup (x86) wim for running a script that uses imagex

    on those systems (the USB drive isn't recognized after boot, ..before Setup)


    My first question is: must I have to acquire a x64 boot wim for the process

    And if don't:

    What files do I need to include on the USB root, are they the ones found in "C:\Make_PE3\win7pe_x86\*" ?


    Or if I do need to build "C:\Make_PE3\win7pe_amd64\*"  .. How do I populate it with needed files


    So Im really looking for hints on how to make this all work


  3. hi I'm trying to get the first letter for a drive letter from each line using for command


    for example : a line in paths.txt

    "E:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"


    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    for /f "tokens=*" %%A in (paths.txt) do (
    set drive=%%~dA
    If Defined drive (
    set drive=%drive:~0,1%
    echo %drive%

    I can't get the command part to work 


    I appreciate any help on this



  4. $strHome = InputBox("HOmepage","Provide your chosen Homepage","https://www.google.com/")
    if $strHome == "" then Exit
    RegWrite('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections','DefaultConnectionSettings',"REG_BINARY","3c000000110000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")

    $SED=(@ScriptDir & "\sed.exe")
    $path = EnvGet("USERPROFILE") & "\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences"

    If FileExists($Path) Then
    RunWait(@ComSpec & " /K " & '.\sed.exe -i "/invalidator/i \ \"homepage\": \"$strHome&\",\n\ \"homepage_is_newtabpage\": false," " '&$path&'', "", @SW_SHOW)

    I'm now trying to incorporate this into autoit

    but I'm having trouble with the command strings ..

    for the sed.exe command I'm using sed for windows ..

    the one with the RegWrite REG_BINARY it is aimed to tick off "automatically detect settings" in IE. but it is also adding none wanted digits to the proxy server settings

    from cmd it is adjusted correctly as so:

    REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections" /f /v "DefaultConnectionSettings" /t REG_BINARY /d 3c000000110000000100000000000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

  5. You would be running a command with the input parameter, (strHome)

    strCommand = "YourChosenCommand " & chr(34) & strHome & chr(34)

    I'm now looking for it to run this way

    where it will start /wait homepage.bat where there i can carry out commands

    my code syntax is of course incorrect

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")strHome = InputBox("Provide your chosen Homepage:", "Homepage", "http://www.google.com/")If strHome = "" Then    Wscript.QuitEnd IfstrCommand = "%COMSPEC% /c "homepage.bat" "" & chr(34) & strHome & chr(34) & ""objShell.Run strCommand

    was looking at gunsmokins example where i can start the vbs from cmd

    but i want the process to quit as soon as cancel is selected ..

    I too need the default address offered as in Yzöwls example

    i tried looking into it but couldn't get it work as needed

  6. thank you Yzöwl for your reply
    the command alone is what im interested to run from batch cmd (not from vbs)
    getting what is set in the input box sent to batch (called to batch)
    so far I have tried the script as SetHome.vbs but it throws an error
    ---------------------------Windows Script Host---------------------------Script: SetHome.vbs Line: 1Char: 45Error: Expected end of statementCode: 800A0401Source:  Microsoft VBScript compilation error
  7. Hi, Im looking for something that will allow me to set a parameter for a batch job in a way so i can

    type something that will set a var and direct\call to batch job. Not from set /p but from a shell box.

    for instance a simple batch tool that will set homepage for the browser:

    I want it to perform in a way so that it will pop a shell box, saying "set home page to ___" and have a default parameter in it, as "www.google.com" but so i can type a different feed \address to it

    and then this calls or sets a %var% to the hidden batch job that will run

    for instance




    the only emphasis is that it will redirect the parameter back to a batch job

    i suppose this can be achieved with vb script help and maybe some batch help

    thanks in advance

  8. hi, I'm trying to strip out pairs of names (none defined) holding different .ext, from inside a text file

    Meaning; if a name appears more then once, Then it's name will get stripped regardless its extension

    : index






    Edit: also, if this can be written without a subroutine to make it simpler ..

  9. I don't know if Sweept will respond one day, but i think this is approching :

    Thanks wakillon & CoffeeFiend for the followups

    wakillon, I didn't yet get to test your scripts but I will..

    To further clarify my earlier posting as to what is my aiming with this :to do: by steps:

    Little background first : With many explorer windowed paths open, sometimes its seems the task bar or tray menu will get corrupted or not function properly (like Freeze..)

    because of another process of explorer that isn't functioning properly because of a corrupted child process launched with explorer..

    one good example can be when search hangs up with the title (search results) "not responding"

    These are the reasons why I wanted to clear all instances of the running explorer processes but not before I had a way to restore\refresh all instances of all opened explorer windows (paths) quickly ..

    So there are only these things that need to be considered here:

    Refreshing and reordering all open windows without duplicates. not before checking first if the desktop & taskbar (explorer process) is running smoothly with no other instance of bad \ Hanged_Up (explorer processes) possibly caused by a child process linked... End the offending child process gracefully if possible && if still found Hanged with no special resolutions.., Do a brute force ending of explorer.exe and start with the refreshing task

    A small check for the Tweaking side of things

    see :http://smallvoid.com/article/winnt-explorer-process.html

    Not sure yet if "DesktopProcess" should get "1" or "0" with these, I've set it now to "0" .. was set to "1"

    "SeparateProcess "=dword:00000001

    as suggested, from a link on that page I have added these as well:

    "Disable Thread Input Manager"=dword:00000001



  10. I'm trying to make this batch work for me

    dir /b /ad-h "%HOMEDrive%%HOMEPATH%\..\" >all.txt

    for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%F in (all.txt) do FOR /f %%i IN ('dir /b /a-d "%HOMEDrive%%HOMEPATH%\..\%%F\My Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile\"') DO 7za a "roboform_data_for_%%F" "%HOMEDrive%%HOMEPATH%\..\%%F\My Documents\My RoboForm Data\Default Profile\%%i"

    (later in the batch I turn the 7za's to silent exe's install for each user found..)

    I only seem to get the current user to work with this cannot get other users like for instance the administrator's one

    the dir is in order meaning i got same structure & files at both paths

    why wont it read the administrators files in path or for other users in case or "all users"

    BTW couldn't get all.txt to read "Default User" as its hidden perhaps


  11. on a path that contains no spaces as C:\SFX.exe then will copy the extracted file from "%%T\test.txt" back to "c:\test.txt"(SFX DIR)

    but if the SFX.exe runs for example from "C:\Documents and Settings\MyUserName\Desktop" which is a path name that contains spaces..then %%T\test.txt fails the copy task back to the %%S\

  12. Sorry, I did not practically see the ending results from alan's script but it may help bring the goal closer to what I need. of-course if any one can help on...

    I'd like to think that it will act as a quick sort-Order to all previously found as *opened windows* neatly back into the task bar and with a new logical order accordingly to paths..etc, leaving out any previously recorded duplicate windows from the recovery process...

    this should act like a quick refresh & "sort order" for the many windows that where open on the Desktop at the same time leaving out the dups.. etc (killing the background process of explorer mentioned in my main post..isnt an essential step anymore..)

    I cant help wondering if there is some already made tool that can precisely do this neatly, already :rolleyes::thumbup


  13. thanks Yzöwl, using CoffeeFiend's reg file explains about: "move" part I was looking for..

    thanks CoffeeFiend!

    I added "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Files\shell\mv" references as it didn't show on single files under "my documents"

    now it only needs to be shell collaborated so its also recognizes by "Undo" .. any ideas ..?

    as to the first part of my first post @the topic about: *.lnk and other file types...

    I used the reg file example and got it sorted out like intended :-)

    thanks so much..

  14. Unlike "find target" or "open target" or "Open File Location" and so on..

    that are programed to expand a "new explorer window" for *.lnk file mostly.

    I'd like to have this function work for any other file I'd select "any.file" regardless of extension. & so to make it work using the same "open in explorer" & too to avoid cluttering the right click space..

    regardless to the above.. I'm in very much need to get another right click context function where I'd select a file or DIr to get moved to a one directory above of the current I'm working @ "one step up" ("2parent")

    this actually can save me from time to time where I need to repetitively manually\physically do *cutting* *browsing* *pasting* *nailing..* *then finally to remember to browse forward or back to the previous dir I was @*

    of course if anything can be achieved I'd be happy if later on an advanced user jumps-in to help compile a register-able shell routine for it "a Dll"


  15. it would help if someone had a to date excel spread sheet that can be used to build combos or some other application that exists that will do that

    & to make it easier sharing combo's that can then be discussed openly

    the main parts I was looking to find recommendations for are the CPU, Mother Board and Memory-sticks (in combo)

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