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Posts posted by jacob654

  1. I wanted to thank you for your assistance with this problem so far. The source of the problem became clear after enabling the logging you suggested. I was getting negative ping events that were causing the error. such as

    "USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:210 ProcessGPOs: Machine role is 3.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: PingBufferSize set as 2048

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: Adapter speed 10000000 bps

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: First time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: Second time: 25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: Second time less than first time.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: First time: 25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: Second time: 25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: First and second times match.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: First time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: Second time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: First and second times match.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:226 PingComputer: No data available

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: PingBufferSize set as 2048

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: Adapter speed 10000000 bps

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: First time: 25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: Second time: 25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: First and second times match.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: First time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: Second time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: First and second times match.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: First time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:242 PingComputer: Second time: -25

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:257 PingComputer: First and second times match.

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:257 PingComputer: No data available

    USERENV(20c.aa4) 14:20:57:257 ProcessGPOs: DSGetDCName failed with 59."

    To correct the problem I set this flag in the registry to force it to treat the link as fast.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



    This has reduced the frequency of the errors to a few times a day and the GPO seems to be updating correctly. Any additional input you have on the subject we would be appreciated.

  2. Removing all extrenal DNS servers has no effect

    The exact error message i am recieving is "Windows cannot obtain the domain controller name for your computer network. (An unexpected network error occurred. ). Group Policy processing aborted.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp."

    There isn't any WORDS information.

    I am looking into NTFRS but at first glace its seems to be working correctly. I am not getting any NTFRS errors in the event log on either of my Domain Controllers.

  3. If anyone could help we this it would be greatly appricated. I have a newly installed Windows server 2003 Domain Controller. Every 5 minutes it reports an event 1054 saying that it cannot find the domain controller name. This server is a domian controller and has a local DNS server. I also have a Windows 2000 server Domain Controller that has a DNS server. I know this error is incorrect because if I do a \\ based on the fully qualified domain name it comes up instantly. I have checked the A records on both DNS servers and the are correct. Aside from these error messages everything is working correctly. Clients can logon and access the server with no problem and the group policy is being applied correctly. If anyone has a suggestion to the cause of these error messages it would be a big help.

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