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Posts posted by Mike-T

  1. Turns out my 1st MakeISO.bat doesn't work in Windows NT 4.0 because in NT the SET command doesn't have the /P switch, which makes a prompt. So in NT you have to use a convoluted method utilizing the "format" command (for a 160k floppy drive, of all things). The "format" command trick doesn't work in XP, so 2 batch files are necessary. Both are included in the zip file for your amusement. Enjoy. ;)



  2. I have been reading this thread with much interest. I must say that the Autorun menu is great, except for the mkiso function, at least for the moment. What I have done in mine is direct the user to use a batch file I wrote. The batch file (attached) asks for the path to store ISOs, then asks which ISO to make, makes it, and asks if you want to make another ISO, keeping the path the same. I made it work for my DVD directory structure, but it should be easily customizable. Let me know what you guys think. ;)


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