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Posts posted by skavenger

  1. Can we create SFX using Winrar, which can throw error based on system architecture?

    Suppose, a program has to be installed in C:\Program Files (x86) and user changed the extraction path to C:\Program Files, I want that extraction in this case should throw error, as my program should not get installed in this directory ....C:\Program Files....

    Hm, i not really know. what you want.

    Why can the users change the extraction-path?

    If you want to extract your prog always to c:\program files - set this path as target in advanced sfx-settings in WinRAR and that's it.

    But please remember: 'c:\program files (x86)' exists on win x64 machines only.

    The better way to extract your program always to the right path is to use system-variables like %programfiles%.

  2. After a long tine i've found a easy solution for installing AVAST silent and prevent the background-installation of Google Chrome

    With a simple registry trick i prevent the execution of "aswOfferTool.exe" that want install Google Chrome or some other s***.

    Just download the actual version of Avast Free AntiVirus direcly from avasts website.

    Paste the following code in editor and save them with the specified names.

    Name: settings.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\aswOfferTool.exe]

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\GoogleUpdate.exe]

    Name: settings-off.reg

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\aswOfferTool.exe]

    [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\GoogleUpdate.exe]

    Name: inst.bat

    @echo off
    regedit /s settings.reg
    start /wait avast_free_antivirus_setup /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /SP-
    regedit /s settings-off.reg

    This is quiet easy and you can use the original installer you've downloaded from the website.


    Happy installing

  3. It works.

    You can also use the witch /UILevel=minimal instead of /UILevel=silent.

    This will show you the main installer-screen with progressbar.

    The problem is: After installing it silent, it opens the UserGUI. If you try to kill the process avgui.exe it makes errors because you have no permissions to kill this.

    Any solutions to prevent the silent install from lauchning the GUI at the end?



  4. Hey DosProbie,

    nice work!

    What happen if the VC-Package is already installed?

    In my istal-batches i just use the /q oder /qb - switches directly after the exes.

    ie vcredist_x64.exe" /qb for Visual C++ 2008 SP1.

    Why you used always the msiexec-option?

    Is the name of the MSI alsways the same (vcredist.msi) also for different versions 2008/2010/2012 ??



  5. Hi folks,

    here my quick solution for installing the lightweight antivirus ClamWin.

    Download the actual installer from here: http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/18/46/

    Install it full silent with this line:

    clamwin-0.97.6-setup.exe /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP- /TASKS="desktopicon"

    The last switch prevents the run of the online-updater.

    So it is absolutely silent.

    A good addition is ClamSentinel - http://sourceforge.net/projects/clamsentinel/

    you can install it with:


    All possible switches for Clamwin are explained here: http://forums.clamwin.com/viewtopic.php?p=15778

    have fun


  6. Huh,

    i answer myself.

    First I switched from RAR-SFX to 7Zip-SFX.

    Then for the x86-version i created a standard-sfx with the usual command

    Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:%~dp0sxs /LimitAccess

    For the x64-version i do the same, except i used the "7zsd_LZMA_x64.sfx" for creating my SFX.

    Finally it's important to create a 64bit-sfx, if you plan to install it offline on 64bit--systems.

    so long

  7. Thank you.

    Very interesting.

    I have Win8 x64 Pro.

    I've tried to create a SFX for installing/activating it offline without the source-dvd.

    I've extracted and copied the folder sxs from inside the source-folder of the DVD to my location,

    created a CMD-File like this:


    @echo off
    color 1E
    title Microsoft .Net 3.5 Feature-Activation for Windows 8
    echo Microsoft .Net 3.5 Feature-Activation for Windows 8
    Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFx3 /All /Source:%~dp0sxs /LimitAccess

    Then i created a RAR-SFX containing the folder sxs and the script.

    Building it to extract to Temp-folder and then run install.cmd.

    But every time it gives me an error similar like this

    "A running 64bit-OS cannot use the 32bit-version of DISM."

    What is wrong?

    How have you created your SFX?

    PS: If i start the cmd-file directly by double-click - it works. Hm, why not with my SFX?


  8. Here we go:


    1. step: download convertxtodvd from here: http://www.vso-software.fr/download_product_direct.php?product=convertxtodvd

    2. step: download "innounp, the Inno Setup Unpacker" from here: http://innounp.sourceforge.net/

    3. step: download "Inno Setup Compiler – QuickStart Pack" from here: http://www.jrsoftware.org/download.php/ispack.exe

    4. step: put your ConvertXtoDVD-Installer in any folder and create a subfolder named "unpack" therein

    5. step: put innounp.exe in the same folder like the ConvertXtoDVD-Installer

    6. step: open a cmd-window in this path (i use TotalCommander) and type in the following

    innounp.exe -x -m -dunpack vsoinstallername.exe

    Example: innounp.exe -x -m -dunpack vsoConvertXtoDVD4_setup.exe

    7. step: install "Inno Setup Compiler – QuickStart Pack " you downloaded in step 2

    8. step: go to the folder named "unpack" and open the file "install_script.iss" with Inno-Setup (just double-click)

    now you can see the original install-script.

    For silent install we must edit/add/remove some lines in this script.

    9. step:

    in the [setup] section

    edit the following line with your choice - write there a name for the new compiled EXE without extension (ex. OutputBaseFilename=silentinstall)


    10. step:

    in the [setup] section

    Change the line


    By replacing the value „{code:GetAppName}“ with your choice

    (i used the value from „AppVerName“)

    11. step:

    in the [setup] section

    If you use "InnoIDE" from QuickStart Pack go to Settings / Compiler Settings and hit the "Generate"-Button to get your own AppID

    alternativ: Add a new line like this:


    change the value to your choice, the double-{ is correct

    12. step:

    in the [Registry] section

    add the following line

    Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXtoDVD\4.0"; Valuename: "LicenseKey"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-x"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist
    Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXtoDVD\4.0\settings"; Valuename: "Gen_CheckForUpdate"; ValueType: String; ValueData: "FALSE"; Flags: createvalueifdoesntexist

    Where the x stands for YOUR own LicenseKey

    13. step:

    in the [Registry] section

    search the following line

    Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\VSO\ConvertXToDVD\3.0\settings"; ValueName: "TvFmt_Video_Standard";
    ValueType: String; ValueData: "{code:GetVideoStandard}"; Flags: uninsdeletevalue

    Change "{code:GetVideoStandard}" to "vs_automatic"

    14. step

    go to [Run] section

    delete all lines from this section

    15. step

    Go to [uninstallRun] section

    Remove the following line:

    Filename: "http://www.vso-software.fr/uninstallform.php?software=ConvertXToDVD4&version="; RunOnceId: "convertxtodvduninstallsurvey"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;

    16. step:

    Go to [Tasks] section

    Remove the following line

    Name: "stats"; Description: "{cm:AllowStat}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalTasks}"; MinVersion: 0.0,5.0;

    After all these steps you must compile your script.

    Save your script

    exit the program "Inno...."

    right click of the script - select "compile"

    After all these stept you have a new EXE in the folder "Output"

    for silent installing this EXE with progress-bar use the following switches

    Example: ConvertxtoDVD_new.exe /SP- /SILENT

    for complete silent installing this EXE without any window use the following switches

    Example: ConvertxtoDVD_new.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT

    Thats it

    If all these steps are to complicated for you....see my attached file - insert YOU license an have fun.


  9. I've just use a Batch-script to silent install.


    @echo off
    start /wait SandboxieInstall338.exe /LANG=1031 /Install /S
    copy %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start.exe %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start2.exe
    %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start2.exe /register local xxxxxxx Licensee Industries

    then puttet the "install.cmd" in the same path like the "SandboxieInstall338.exe" and let it run from WIHU.

    I'm not using this for unattendet install in a XP-Setup-CD.

    In the last line after your license-code u must write in the name, the program is licensed for, i thing the last thing is obselete and not requiered.

    Try it and let us know your results.


  10. Hi folks,

    for all who want install Sandboxie silent in specific language and registered.

    SandboxieInstall338.exe /LANG=1031 /Install /S

    The switch /LANG must be the first switch. In this case 1031 is for german.

    Other LANG-Codes can be found in: SbieMsg.dll

    If you want to register silently to, you must add the following

    copy %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start.exe %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start2.exe
    %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start2.exe /register local xxxxxxx Licensee Industries

    Example: %programfiles%\Sandboxie\Start2.exe /register local ABCDEFG User company

    Hint: The first line copies the "start.exe" from Sandboxie to "start2.exe", because "start.exe" exists in XP-installation directly and if you want use "start.exe" for the registratios it causes in an error.


  11. Hi there,

    its easy.

    first install programm with the following:

    FileMenuTools-setup.exe /SAVEINF="c:\silent.inf"

    copy the file "silent.inf" in the same folder like the FileMenuTools-setup

    create a BATCH-Script like this:


    @echo off
    start /wait FileMenuTools-setup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOADINF=".\silent.inf"

    Now you can silent install thsi program.

    If you want to create a silent addon, make just a RAR-SFX or 7ZIP-SFX.


  12. I use the following way:

    first let us check if SPTD-Driver is installed in your system

    if the SPTD-driver was found - start the daemon-tools-installer with the net switch /S

    if the SPTD-driver is not installed:

    make a directory on your boot-drive

    copy the Daemon-installer to this directory

    call the SPTD-Driver-Installer (SPTDinst-v156-x86.exe add /q)

    add a registry-value to RUNONCE, to start Daemon-Tools-Installer silent after next reboot

    Here my script

    @echo off
    Title Daemon Tools Lite 4.30.1

    ::check for installed SPTD-driver
    if exist %systemroot%\system32\drivers\sptd.sys goto ISDA
    if not exist %systemroot%\system32\drivers\sptd.sys goto ISNICHDA

    if not exist %systemdrive%\install\nul mkdir %systemdrive%\install
    if not exist %systemdrive%\install\daemon\nul mkdir %systemdrive%\install\daemon
    copy /y/v daemon*.exe %systemdrive%\install\daemon\
    start /wait SPTDinst-v156-x86.exe add /q
    regedit /s runonce.reg

    goto ende

    start /wait daemon4301-lite.exe /S

    Here the reg-file "runonce.reg"

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    "Daemon Tool Lite"="C:\\install\\daemon\\daemon4301-lite.exe /S"

    For me this works fine

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