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Posts posted by iggly

  1. its not an original cd but a direct copy of it, i lost the real cd long ago. i used this same cd for the initial installation on the same drives and it worked. and i dont mean usb floppy but a usb flash drive.

    that gets me to thinking... would i be able to F6 in some drivers when i try to install x64 off the cd i burned from the image i downloaded from ms?

  2. Hi,

    Im having a whole new world of trouble with my pc. i tried to install windows x64 and failed, and managed to screw up my regual windows install so badly that i get blue screened constantly. but no matter, i intend to reformat and reinstall a few os's to that drive anyway.

    the problem is this, which alot of people seem to have.

    i have a Via K8T800 chipset. my drives are two SATA drives. when loading the drivers with F6 i get oem line errors. it dosent matter what drivers i try, the original driver disk (which never worked) the downloaded ones from abit's website, the dl'd ones from via's website. i tried integrating the drivers with nlite that didnt work.

    anyway, thats my trouble, any ideas?

    also, ideally, if i have to use the floppy method for drivers, does anyone know of a way i can use a usb stick instead, because i never put a floppy drive in my rig and its a pain to have to get one in there.

    i figured it post in this forum because it seems to deal with sata drivers enough.

    ps, im trying to install win2kpro first, its more important than x64, but id like to get that working also.

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