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Sodium Cyanide

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Posts posted by Sodium Cyanide

  1. The .xml file never worked for me with CS2 so I did a whole AutoIt script, including timed GUI (60 seconds then autoinstall). There is a little trick in AutoIt that let's you enable disabled buttons, in my installer I just re-enable the grayed out "Remind me later" button and then use it. I could post it for you, but you will probably have to do some modifications.

  2. Hey there

    I'm not overly experienced making self-extracting 7zip archives when compared to some others on the forums, but I will do my best to help you out. One thing I can tell you right now is that 7za.exe is a standalone console program, there is no need to have 7zip installed to use it.

    Putting 7za.exe into system32 seems to be a wise idea. I might have to use that on my future install discs. :)

    Anyway, since you say the batch file works, then the solution is within very close reach. If you try making a single .7z archive, then maybe you could make two folders within that archive, for example Winamp and Sys32. Just drop all your files in there, uncompressed (they will get compressed when they become a .7z archive). Then, try the following commands in the batch file to extract the contents (and do the rest of your tasks):


    copy /y .\Winamp\*.* "%PROGRAMFILES%\Winamp"
    copy /y .\Sys32\*.* "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32"
    move "%PROGRAMFILES%\Winamp\winamp.lnk" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop"
    copy "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Desktop\winamp.lnk" "%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"
    /wait REGEDIT /S tmp.reg

    Give that a try. I think that is what you are trying to do, right? Lol I'm a little tired (2 midterm exams tomorrow, and a couple school projects due this week). Anyway, like I said I don't have a whole lot of experience with this stuff but hopefully that will work. It might not even be close. We'll cross our fingers. ;)

  3. Make sure to enclose the entire path of the file you are referencing in quotes. Sometimes if there are spaces in there, it won't recognize the directory.


    C:\Install\Some Program\setup.exe /S

    Should be

    "C:\Install\Some Program\setup.exe" /S

  4. Check out this guide for help.

    Here's what I would do. You will need to do a few things:

    1. Create a file in UTF-8 format named config.txt, do not include in archive

    2. Get the 7zS.sfx file from the topic posted above, do not include in archive

    3. Create a batch file, temp.bat, and add it to the stuff you are going to archive

    4. Get your .reg file, put it in with the stuff you are going to archive

    config.txt should look like this:


    Be sure to save it as a .txt file with UTF-8 encoding, not ANSI.

    temp.bat should look like this:

    setup.exe /switch
    /wait REGEDIT /S temp.reg

    Obviously change setup.exe to the name of your setup program in the archive, and change /switch to whatever parameters you need to do a silent install. Also, temp.reg should correspond with the name of your .reg file.

    So when you are done creating temp.bat and have added both it and your .reg file to the files you plan to archive, you can then begin compressing them with 7zip. The output will be a .7z file. We'll call it setup.7z. Take this file, setup.7z, and put it in a directory with 7zS.sfx and config.txt.

    Launch a cmd window from this directory and use the following commands:

    copy /b setup.7z + 7zS.sfx + config.txt setup.exe

    This will merge the three input files into one self-extracting .exe, which will launch the batch file we created after extracting the contents of the archive. If you want to make the self-extracting .exe to be silent while it is decompressing the archive, you will have to follow the instructions in the topic I posted above to hack the 7zS.sfx file with reshack.

    If you need further clarification, I will do my best to help.

  5. hmm thats a shame, its a really good program otherwise.  I hope they fix this.  :)

    Indeed. The Tech Support guy mentioned that they are considering enabling this parameter for future standalone kits of BitDefender. You can take a crack at editing the .msi file with Orca if you are pretty good, you might get it to work. I tried it myself and I did get the registration to change, however it told me that I had an invalid key rather than just not registering like it was before. From my experiments it seems that if you have a correct key that it ignores you, but if you have an incorrect key it will complain. So something is disabled somewhere.

    Anyway if you hack a working .msi together, please let me know. I would be interested. :)

  6. I'm not quite sure I understand your question, but I would do this:


    taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe
    @ping -n 10 -w 1000 > nul
    @ping -n %1% -w 1000> nul

    That will kill explorer.exe and wait approximately 10 seconds before restarting it. You might need to change that based on your computer speed and how long you need explorer to disappear. The value to change is the 10 in the second line.

  7. Looks like we are SOL for a silent registration of BitDefender 9 Professional! :( (read entire post)

    I have been corresponding with the BitDefender Support Team for the past week or so trying to get a solution for this. According to tech support, the method for silent registration is to pass your registration key using the following parameter:


    Following their logic, my final target parameters looked like this:


    Which would disable reboot, disable the automatic scan, disable auto-update, add an icon to desktop, and auto-register with the username "Test". You can also pass a COMPANYNAME parameter if you wish to register with a certain company name.

    HOWEVER, it seems that after some testing we discovered that none of this will work with BitDefender 9 Professional! The WIN_KEY parameter is only available to the BitDefender Client that is packaged with the Enterprise Manager 2.5 suite. There is no comparative way to do this with BD 9 Pro (and yes I've tried PIDKEY, it doesn't work either). According to support, they are considering implementing WIN_KEY in the future but at the moment there is NO solution for this problem if you are using BD 9 Pro. Just thought I would share this with everyone.

  8. In start.cmd, wouldn't using start /wait make it pause on whatever executable file he calls?

    That's what I would use in his situation. It doesn't sound like he is using a centralized script or GUI to run things, rather he has a bunch of pre-compiled AutoIt scripts for each program that can be called individually and run independantly. So he doesn't have to worry about GUI polling events or error checking being frozen (just hope that there aren't any :)). It would make more sense than daisy chaining the scripts together with embedded RunWait commands.
  9. I guess I should have made it clearer... I'm trying to automate the registration process, which pops up right after install. I'm not having a problem actually installing Bitdefender silently. Right now I just have script that kills all the processes after install.


    taskkill /IM bdmcon.exe /F /T
    taskkill /IM bdss.exe /F /T
    taskkill /IM bdoesrv.exe /F /T
    taskkill /IM bdnagent.exe /F /T

    What I need is something that will register automatically, if I truly want to make the setup unattended.

    Thanks for the switches though, I didn't know you could disable the automatic virus scan from the parameters. :thumbup

  10. I tried it, but the "BitDefender 9 Professional Plus" (the bigger of the two pictured) window title is null so it is impossible to get control of it with AutoIT (if there is some other way, for God's sakes let me know). You would have to try and get the window focus using raw mouse inputs, and that would be just too much of a risk with other programs running in the foreground.

    Also, regshot did not detect any usable registry settings that got changed after registration, only the crypto one and a couple of un-editable files under the system32 folder (same place where SAM hash is). Files you can't edit while Windows is running. So it has to be done with window control of the running program...

    This is the only program I haven't been able to get working yet. Any help would be appreciated. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to use version 8. :(

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