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Posts posted by Hughesmar

  1. After creating the unattend install, go to the setup.ini file and delete the key. Search for this file on the CD, browse through the content and you should find the reference to the key.
    Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead, BUT:

    I've looked at the contents of the setup.ini file and there doesn't appear to be a key anywhere. Where else could it be?

    Like previously mentioned. The key is provided when slipstreaming service pack 2 into the install when you follow this guide here

  2. Are you talking about Office or Windows? If it's Office just use the ORK to make a trasform w/o listing the product key. For Windows, just leave the product key field blank and it should prompt you to supply the info, depending on the install mode.
    I'm talking about Office. The problem is that when you follow the procedure on this very site to Slipstream service pack two into the CD you're required to enter the product key when you create the administrative install point. Is there any way around this?
  3. I've used the instructions on this site previously to create a completely unattended install CD with Sp2 integrated into it. What I need to do now is create an unattended install CD that prompts for the product key before beginning.

    The whole reasoning behind this is that I need to send this CD to some satellite offices, and I'd rather not give people the ability to copy an unattended CD with the product key already built into it.

    Is there a way to do what I'm asking?

  4. So I've followed the slipstream guide here and created an unattended.mst file using the guide here and placed it in the folder that contained my slipstreamed office files. I made my autorun.inf file look like this:




    I burned the contents of that folder to a cd. Attempted to run the CD and the installation kicks off OK. After about five minutes or so I'm presented with this message:


    Any ideas why this would be popping up?

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