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Posts posted by Krim

  1. Hello,

    if anyone here can help me now would be appreciated.

    I downloaded 4.3.5 and copied across my working network environment version of generate.js, useroptions.js and config.js

    Made following change to wpi.cmd

    set wpipath=%~dp0


    set wpipath=%cdrom%

    Changed file paths in WPI to be %cdrom% instead of the network location.

    Burnt to a CD, run WPI - starts up fine.

    Select something to install and hit 'Begin Install' but nothing happens :(

    If i deselect the software program, hit 'Begin Install' it then goes to the RunOnceEx window with the item i unchecked then doesnt even install it.

    Any ideas?

  2. @echo off&setlocal enableextensions

    REM put the sharename and the application directory into variables
    set share=\\CFOS\prai_software$
    set appdir=
    ECHO Server software share connecting to is: %share%\%appdir%

    REM detect the first free drive letter and set it to drvlet
    for %%a in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do (
    fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%a:|find "No such Root Directory">nul 2>&1&&call :check %%a:

    ECHO Mapped network drive letter is: %drvlet%
    ECHO Mapped application directory is: %Appdir%

    REM Connect the softwareshare to drvlet
    net use %drvlet% %share%

    REM Write the app-path to the regsitry

    REM Determine the WPI startup path.
    set wpipath=%~dp0

    REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way.
    start /wait %wpipath%\Tools\fonts\fontinstaller.exe

    REM Force resolution to needed size for wpi interface.
    REM start %wpipath%\Tools\VideoChanger.exe 1024x768x32@85 -q

    REM Special registry tweak needed.
    regedit /s "%wpipath%\common\wpi.reg"

    REM Make WPI directory the current directory.
    for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%wpipath%") do %%i:
    cd "%wpipath%"

    ECHO Successfully connected!
    ECHO Starting WPI please wait ...

    REM Start WPI and wait for its end
    start /wait WPI.hta

    REM Display completed message
    echo Display WPI completed message
    notepad.exe "%drvlet%\WPI_4.3.5\Misc\WPI_Completed.txt"

    REM Delete the Key from the registry
    REG DELETE HKCU\Software\WPI /f

    REM Disconnect the network drive
    NET USE /DELETE %drvlet%

    endlocal&goto :eof
    if not defined drvlet set drvlet=%1&goto :eof

    As you can see ive commented out the video changer line.

  3. cheers dude.

    I did a quick test with the new version and works all sweet.

    Ill copy over thoes files and continue using the new version :)

    One last question, i have modified generate.js, is it ok to also copy this over from my current WPI to the new WPI version?

    Rather, have you made changes to that file so i would have to add my own changes to the new version.

    edit: nevermind i just made the changes to the new generate.js

  4. Hello all,

    Ok i have created a setup.iss file using -r switch.

    Use the following to run the install:

    Setup.exe -s -f1"C:\setup.iss" -f2"C:\setup-hraccess.log"

    The setup log gives the following:

    [installShield Silent]


    File=Log File



    The result code means its successfull right although the program does not get installed :(

    Any ideas/tips as i thought it would be a very straigt forward process with an application using Installshield.

  5. Ive had this work before. Try wrapping it in Paper towel, put in ziplock baggie (unclosed to let moisture out) then pop it in freezer for about 3-4 hours. Take out of freezer and plug in to computer frozen. Some times when a HDD gets too hot it will fuse the heads to the disks. What this does, if the drive still powers up but wont spin, is makes the disks srink a little and beaks the heads free. Like i said, it worked for me before.

    rofl that sounds so dodgy id try it for a laugh :D

    Sorry to hear your loss though, first rule of WPI is backup, the second rule of WPI is backup !! :}

  6. Can you explain your method of connecting to/installing from a network share as i am new to WPI and this was the only clear explanation of running WPI from a network share.

    The benefits of this i see are:

    a) You map to a network path where wpi is located. It does not necessarily have to be the same server or directory as your software installs are located. This is good if you want to restrict who has access to wpi and software install folders.

    B) WPI handles the connection to the software installer share.

    c) WPI does not have a hardcoded mapped drive location. You use the variable %SWPATH%

    If your method does all of the above i apolgise as my knowledge is still small on these topics but ive learnt alot from my research on the net and from these forums!

    A guide for noobies explaining the different network share installation methods would be great i think!

  7. hiya,

    I blame it on 4hrs of sleep and 15hr days !!!

    Ive been running wpi.cmd and wpi.hta like it was the same thing.

    It just clicked that wpi.cmd is calling wpi.hta and not vice versa.

    No wonder ive had so many problems !!!

    It may have been worth it as i think its important to add to the original post that you need to map any drive to where WPI is located and run the wpi.cmd from there.

    If you use start->run to connect to the shared drive it will give you errors.

    Now your seperation of WPI and appplication storage makes much more sense !!

    Thanks for all your patience in this thread. You will now be seeing alot of posts from me regarding full software automation/unattended installs :thumbup

  8. hello again,

    I used the /a switch and was able to create a package that doesnt need a serial key entered.

    Now the next question is how to create an unattended package that allows you to have a typical install version so package a1 and then a second package which is not a typical install.

    eg. when you create the package it remembers what options you chose to create it and then creates the unattended package.

    Hope that makes sense !

  9. Hey again,

    I am using Windows XP english version.

    If i change:

    fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%a:|find "No such Root Directory">nul


    fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%a:|find "No such Root Directory">null

    (notice the extra l on null)

    If i dont include the extra l the file doesnt get produced. Should a file named 'null' and 'call' be produced when you run the command?


    I still dont understand what this part of the command is doing:

    2>&1&&call :check %%a:

    Is that even right with all the ampersands in there? (&1&&)


    I get this for the fsutil command:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>fsutil fsinfo drivetype x:

    x: - No such Root Directory


    Hey doc, still havent received your wpi.cmd via email yet. Did you send ? :)

  10. Look here http://www.appdeploy.com/packages/browse.asp?cat=all

    Looks like most of them can be deployed by creating admin installs.

    Create a Admin-Setup:

    setup.exe /a

    Fill out all informations (Company, CD-Key)

    After this installation you can use the created folder

    for a silent installation:

    msiexec.exe /i "drive:\path\visio.msi" /qn

    Thanks dude i will try it out tonight !

    Any help/tips with the other thread ? :)

  11. We really can't help at all without the names of apps you are trying to install.

    Sorry i didnt know if there was an easy way to do it with .msi installation method.

    The programs in question are MS applications, specifically:

    MS Access 2002

    Visio 2002

    Visio 2003

    Project 2002

    Project 2003

    We use a site license for these applications so if the serial key entering part of the install could be included in the unattended installation of the application would save alot of time. Rather than having to open the program after installation and enter the key in.

  12. The function FindSWPath() reads your softwarepath out of the following regkey: HKCU\Software\WPI\SWPath. So in your WPI.cmd you have to ensure, that you write the SWpath to the registry, which is done in my example with the following line

    REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\WPI /v SWPATH /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%drvlet%\%Appdir%" /f

    Hope this helps, if not, don't hesitate to ask again.

    hi doc,

    I changed your line to:


    I can now see the reg key appear in the registry location as expected although WPI still seems to do nothing when i click begin install.

    Any other ideas?

    Could you send me a copy/post on here your WPI files?


    I ran the following in its own .cmd file:

    REM put the sharename and the application directory into variables
    set share=\\IBM-99TWCXV\software$
    set appdir=

    REM detect the first free drive letter and set it to drvlet
    for %%a in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do (
    fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%a:|find "No such Root Directory">nul 2>&1&&call :check %%a:

    REM Connect the softwareshare to drvlet
    net use %drvlet% %share%

    REM Write the app-path to the regsitry

    ECHO done

    It populates the registry key SWPATH with the contents following:

    " /f

    That aint right ?! :)

    edit 2:

    I guess the question is, what should be the correct contents of the SWPATH key in registry as it seems the automatic assigning of a drive letter isnt working in my situation. A workaround is to hard code it but id rather use your l337 method of dynamic drive assignment :)

    edit 3:

    sorry for so many edits but im sure this is the final thing that is stopping it from working. When running the above code for each iteration of the loop i receive:

    The system cannot find the batch label specified - check

  13. Hi there,

    I'm sorry, but I missed one line:

    In the generate.js in the function replpath(u) you've got to insert the following line:

    swdir = FindSWPath();

    With this it should work.

    Thanks for the hint. I edited my first post.


    Thanks for the reply.

    I thought that was it but i cannot get it to work that way either using that function.

    If i specify a static drive like so:

    swdir = "W:";

    WPI will install the application correctly.

    If i use:

    swdir = FindSWPath();

    doesnt work ...

    Any ideas, something in my wpi.cmd ?



  14. Sorry to dig up an old thread but i am facing the same issue as the OP.

    I have made an unattended installation using msiexec. The application installs successfully but it needs a serial key entered.

    Is the best practice to use something like AutoIt to then enter the serial key after the application is installed or is there a way to make the entering of the serial key part of the unattended install.

    I havent found anything regarding serial key entering or setting different options for an msi package such as MS access 2002. Is there a way to provide a type of answers file like InstallShield?

    At the moment my understanding is that you use a combination of autoit and a /qb switch for the basic interface of the unattended install to choose options.

    Can anyone help out with these questions? :)

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