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Posts posted by kip2001

  1. I've never really liked Mozilla or Mozilla Firebird, no autoscroll function for the scrollwheel and no option to save tabs on exit. I know I could use plugins, but some of the ones I've used have been well dodgy. Mozilla/Firebird also handle links quite badly, especially from IRC or an email client which forces the link to open in a new window rather than a tab.

    I just use the MyIE2 extension for the IE browser and I'm perfectly happy with it really :D

    Mozilla really need to eliminate those loading times for Firebird and Thunderbird, as I have found very little difference in loading times when I switched from my AMD 1.2 to a P4 3.0GHz, and its still a nuisance to wait for it to load.

    Will, the new version have auto scroll, and it loads up in seconds for me :) Also the linbking is great for me, the only problem I have with it is it takes a couple seconds longer to load java applets then IE does, but thats no biggy :rolleyes:

  2. I'd use phpBB, it's extremely easy to use, and set up plus they have a huge support forum here: http://phpbb.com/phpBB/

    and to top that off, here's a guide to install phpBB on tripod: http://phpbb.com/kb/article.php?article_id=15

    They also have the most Modifications, and styles to add to your site than any other forum, plus they just reveiled a new pricing plan:

    We are pleased to announce a new pricing structure for phpBB! Please see the following for more details:

    phpBB 2.x : $0

    Database abstraction : $0

    Contributed Mods : $0

    Support : $0

    While other boards alter their licencing, change their pricing structures, reform under new names, phpBB remains as it was 3 years ago ... completely free.

    Download *now* and we'll throw in the fabulous subSilver, a 95 dollar value, absolutly free!

  3. I just wanted to let anyone know who doesn't knbow all ready, that there is a great alternitive to crappy IE, firebird! go to http://www.mozilla.org/ and scroll down to firebird to get more info. But to sum it up, this browser is fast, easy to switch from IE, and it has the best pop-up killer ever! I've had this browser for 2 motnhs, and I haven't gotten a single pop-up! Try beating that with IE :)

  4. Will, my expeirences with XP Home and Pro have been crap, wit hall the security updates, all the junk automatically installed by M$, I'd say their the 2 worst OS's (besides ME which is in it's own realm) m$ has ever made, I much more prefer using 2k3, it's a lot faster, doesn't over heat the HD, runs every single appilcation (thanks to tweakNT), and it's the most stable OS I hacve ever been on! I mean, I've had 2k3 for 2 weeks now, and it hasn't crashed once. XP crashed on me at least 3 times a day. To sum it up XP = Crap

    2k3 = heaven :)

  5. I have Norton Antivirus 2k3 working fine ion 2003 server. All I did was run tweakNT, made my OS a workstation, installed the cd, then changed it back, and norton runs fine! The standard edition runs fien on server, but norton won't let you install it on it, so using tweaknt I bypassed that. :)

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