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Posts posted by sammen

  1. This concerns a domain with a few hundred workstations. This also happened earlier, during the summer holidays, and we thought that we managed to fix it, but apparently we did not.

    Somehow someone has been able to place a hidden ftp server on our domain controller (Server 2003) and some other machines on the network (XP and Server). The exectuble seems to be netsrv.exe but I don't know how it got there in the first place. People have uploaded some 100GB of movies and music etc before we found it.

    Here comes the real sad part: There was only one domain controller and there is no clean backup of it. (I have no part in that so please spare me comments on that).

    I'm not really sure what to ask, but perhaps this: Is it possible to migrate the whole AD to a new DC and be sure that it is clean? As far as I understand it is not possible to make a completely new DC with the same name without having to manually add all clients to the new domain. Correct?

    Any comment on what to think of and what to do (and in which order) to fix this is very welcome.


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