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Posts posted by ckislam

  1. Here is a batch script to install Fonts in any Folder automatically.

    Paste the following code in notepad and save it as "ADD_Fonts.cmd"

    place the cmd file inside the folder of the fonts you want to install and run it or

    add the source folder as a parameter. for example "ADD_fonts.cmd" C:\Folder 1\Folder 2\

    TITLE Adding Fonts..
    REM Filename: ADD_Fonts.cmd
    REM Script to ADD TrueType and OpenType Fonts for Windows
    REM By Islam Adel
    REM 2012-01-16

    REM How to use:
    REM Place the batch file inside the folder of the font files OR:
    REM Optional Add source folder as parameter with ending backslash and dont use quotes, spaces are allowed
    REM example "ADD_fonts.cmd" C:\Folder 1\Folder 2\

    IF NOT "%*"=="" SET SRC=%*
    ECHO Adding Fonts..
    FOR /F %%i in ('dir /b "%SRC%*.*tf"') DO CALL :FONT %%i
    REM shutdown -r -f -t 10 -c "Reboot required for Fonts installation"
    ECHO Done!

    REM ECHO FILE=%~f1
    SET FFILE=%~n1%~x1
    SET FNAME=%~n1
    IF "%~x1"==".otf" SET FTYPE=(OpenType)
    IF "%~x1"==".ttf" SET FTYPE=(TrueType)


    COPY /Y "%SRC%%~n1%~x1" "%SystemRoot%\Fonts\"
    reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts" /v "%FNAME% %FTYPE%" /t REG_SZ /d "%FFILE%" /f


  2. The /S switch for silent install of TEAMVIEWER WORKS!

    but you must do the following :

    download the program (preferably the latest version) ..or ..if you have it on your hard drive , open it... (AND LET IT OPEN! DO NOT CLOSE OR INSTALL THE APLICATION. JUST DUBLE-CLICK IT!!)

    Then , go to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp. There you'll see a folder called TeamViewer. Open that folder. Inside you'll have 2 files. Teamviewer.exe and tvinfo.ini

    Copy the Teamviewer from that folder and paste wherever you want. After this you can close the other application.

    With the new teamviewer.exew which you copyed from the temp folder , u can run it sillently. Use the /S Switch. Works with WPI also.

    This method doesn't Install TeamViewer as Service, doesn't create Shortcuts and doesn't add Uninstall Information!

  3. Nero 9 burning rom is not working in dutch language.

    Is it possible to make this work? and how can I do this?

    Thanks for the advice.

    Sorry the free nero lite is not offered in dutch!

    only the full version supports dutch. so maybe you can try experimenting a little bit by copying the lang l. files from the full to yhe lite version. not sure if this works, but worth a try. good luck

  4. ,mmm the best way i find is download the portable version from the official webpage...

    then, make a install like other programa, and make shorcuts..

    thats all

    and it works very well! :D

    The portable version has some limitations. it doesn't save any settings upon exit, doesn't run as a service, so you won't be able to auto connect with your TeamViewer account, run at windows logon screen or have a permanent password.

    Because of these reasons, I invested some time figuring out a way to install the original full version silently.

    Tested on Windows XP/7. works

    Link for TeamViewer Silent Installer (repacked): TeamViewer Silent Setup

    [Generated by TGUP - Create Silent Installers method]

  5. Hi,

    I downloaded the Nero lite version from here: http://www.nero.com/eng/downloads-nero9-free.php

    where it is mentioned on the website to be Version

    After E-mailing the nero support multiple times they confirmed that it is the version on the website and it is not a mistake,

    they suggested to use Nero Info Tool to query the correct version.

    I used Nero Info Tool,

    I looked in the Registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{7748AC8C-18E3-43BB-959B-088FAEA16FB2}\DisplayVersion

    and saw the File Properties for File Version and Product Version: %ProgramFiles%\Nero\Nero 9\Nero StartSmart\NeroStartSmart.exe

    and the result was Version and not as the the website and Nero support team said.

    Can anybody help me to identify the correct installed Version of Nero ??

    {Reason: I need it for TGUP to compare the Installed version on the PC with the latest available version}


  6. assuming the first id is the correct id..

    i made the following script to install Firefox addons


    (put all of them in the same folder)

    1. UnZip.exe (Command line extractor) from http://www.info-zip.org

    or use any other you extractor you prefer and adjust the parameters for extraction below

    2. youraddon.xpi (any Firefox compatible xpi)

    3. This cmd script call it install.cmd for example

    @echo off
    Title Firefox Addon installer by TGUP.net
    Echo Installing youraddon..
    IF EXIST "%temp%\youraddon\" rd /s /q "%temp%\youraddon"
    MD "%temp%\youraddon\addon"
    Start /B /Wait "Extracting" "UnZip.exe" -q -o "youraddon.xpi" -d "%temp%\youraddon\addon"
    FOR /F "tokens=2,3 delims=^<^>=" %%i in ('FIND "em:id" "%temp%\youraddon\addon\install.rdf"') DO (IF "%%~j"=="" (SET xpi_id=%%~i&GOTO :vaivai) ELSE (SET xpi_id=%%~j&GOTO :vaivai))
    IF NOT DEFINED xpi_id (
    Echo Error occured while extracting..
    ping.exe -n 4 >NUL
    rem kill firefox or get write error
    tskill firefox

    FOR /F %%a in ('dir /ad /b "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.default"') DO (
    IF EXIST "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%a\extensions\%xpi_id%\" rd /s /q "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%a\extensions\%xpi_id%"
    IF NOT EXIST "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%a\extensions\%xpi_id%\" MD "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%a\extensions\%xpi_id%"
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('dir /b /og "%temp%\youraddon\%xpi_id%\"') DO MOVE /Y "%temp%\youraddon\%xpi_id%\%%i" "%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%a\extensions\%xpi_id%\"

    echo Installation Done!
    ping.exe -n 4 >NUL
    IF EXIST "%temp%\youraddon\" rd /s /q "%temp%\youraddon"


  7. I did find a problem in Nero Startsmart program. It gives an error when I start the program. It says that it couldn't find the language Dutch and that I have to proceed in English. Can I fix this myself?

    Dutch has been added to nero. run the installer again, should work now


  8. Does anyone knows a workaround for this issue?

    Unfortunately not yet.

    this issue is caused by the SFXMaker i used to create the installers.

    which terminates right after extraction, and not when the installer command (inst.bat) has finished.

    The only workaround for this is to replace the sfxmaker with another tool like 7zip Sfxmaker.

    I'm working on its configuration since yesterday.

    Once i'm done, you will have to recreate your installers again!

    Then it should work

    sorry for this issue, I didn't know about. thanks again for notifying it.

    as said b4 will let u know as soon as fixed

  9. found a a fatat error in the net config work method which leads to identify the windows version as 7 although it is xp.

    this error is caused as the net config work has the following output

    NetBT_Tcpip_{08BD6D91-B894-4FE6-B4EF-077A49EBBA77} (00242C01B83F)

    As you see the number 7 is available in the tcpip value which leads the find command to have an exitcode 0 :(

    EDIT: sorry it was my fault i used find "7" instead of "Windows 7"

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