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Posts posted by POMPEY

  1. If you are using the integrated XP burning software, then do you click on Burn Disc after you copy those files to the CD?

    Or are you saying that after you select COPY TO HERE, you do not see the files in a section labelled "Files to be written to CD" or something like that?

    Yes, when I select COPY TO HERE I don't see the files and there is nothing that say's "Files to be written CD"

  2. best bet is to try and use either xps built in burning if u use xp that is. or try a different program to burn it with. theres plenty of free cd burning software on www.softpedia.com


    I am using XP and thought that it would be using it's own software to burn photo's and documents to CD.

    When in my pictures I select the pictures I want to copy then click on copy to CD, a window appears in the top left corner of the screen that say's COPY TO HERE. I click onto it but it has no effect.

    I wounder if I am doing something wrong? :}

  3. Hello all, I have a problem with my CD/DVD Re-Writer I can copy films and music, but when I try to copy photo's, word or excel documents the pc just sits idle.

    I don't know if it is a software problem or the drive.

    When in my pictures I select the pictures I want to copy then click on copy to CD, a window appears in the top left corner of the screen that say's COPY TO HERE. I click onto it but it has no effect.

    I wounder if I am doing something wrong :wacko:

  4. I am running Windows XP with a ATAPI DVD/CD 4X MAX RE-WRITER.

    I can copy music and films but cannot copy photo's or Word and Excel documents.

    Could this be the CD Drive or a software problem, can anyone help. :(

    Photo story 3 good program but still can't copy to CD, thanks anyway. :)

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