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Posts posted by Slurpymeister

  1. Hello,

    I was having the same problem (the invalid INF section), and I believe I have solved the mystery - well at least it worked for me :)

    I basically expanded the mdmcpq.inf file from my unmodified XP CD, and put it in the INF subdir of my XP installation, and ta-da! The driver got finally installed.

    I can't remember what I removed while using nLite, anyway I wrote down the name of that file so that I'll put it in the Keep files section from now on :)

    For completeness, setupapi.log (from the XP installation directory) cries also about a FxsOcm.dll file which is missing (it seems to be an optional component for the Fax subsystem..?), and I was going to add that file as well, but as everything seems to work, I just won't.

    Sorry for my English (I'm from Italy), and I hope this will help someone out there...

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