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Posts posted by mudpit

  1. @mudpit - in other words, what tommyp is saying is that it's a tradeoff. you either:

    1. let HFSLIP use the SP4 bug free versions of the HAL and SCSI files and take a risk that Windows Update might report that the entire Rollup is not applied, or

    2. or use the new, buggy versions of these two files from MS' rollup and have Windows Update report that everything's fine and there is nothing to install.

    truth be told, we need to figure out if Windows Update would indeed give this as a recommended update. i have the original rollup files because i'm lazy and when i go to http://windowsupdate.62nds.com i don't get the rollup as recommended. but because the new windows update uses file scanning, we can't be sure if this situation may change at some point.

    Thanks FDV. I applied the FIXes to see what might happen and all seems fine except WU is still wanting to install the Rollup...!

    BTW this is a fantastic utility

  2. Hi all,

    Quick question:

    In the Online Instructions at http://www.vorck.com/2ksp5.html in Step 8 there is a cryptic point made regarding adding two files to the FIX dir to enable WU to recognise that SP4 Rollup 1 is installed.....the point made is:

    5. WU will be happy

    6. Your computer won't be happy. Enjoy your broken computer.

    Could anyone please explain exactly what this means?


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