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Posts posted by apcorn

  1. My WPI installation is giving me the notorious rb_config.js error upon exiting. However, the error only appears on machines built with XP Pro Service Pack 3 integrated. The very same WPI installation, when run on machines built with XP Pro Service Pack 2 (and hotfixes) runs just fine. I thought I might be missing some IE6 updates to the Service Pack 3 version, so I ran Windows Update (without installing IE7) to check. I ran WPI again, and it threw the rb_config.js error again.

    The errors occur when WPI finishes installing. I read in another thread that the errors show up and prevent the rest of the WPI applications from installing. This is not the case, though I believe that some WPI applications are installing incorrectly. However, no errors are evident until WPI reports being finished installing. I am not installing Office 2007. It is not even in the config file. Office 2003 is present, though.

    I also have trouble when configuring WPI - despite having full access to the WPI directory and subdirectories, I get errors about being unable to write to windowoptions.js and useroptions.js.

    WPI is launched from [GuiRunOnce] in winnt.sif, as follows:

    "net use z: \\server\share /USER:server\username password /PERSISTENT:NO"


  2. I am running into a problem when installing Windows XP with Bart PE. PE boots fine, I can mount my network share and start setup, but when setup goes to format, things go wrong. Both seagate drives I have tried cannot be formattet. I get an error (from diskpart) that says format failed. I also tried a Western Digital drive. It was able to format, and the part of setup that takes place in PE finishes without error. (The very first part, starting at T-53) When it reboots to the HDD to run text mode setup, the hard drive doesn't seem to be bootable. The only thing I can think of is an issue with the IDE controller. The machine is a Dell Optiplex GX240. I have tried changing HDD jumpers and removing the other IDE device (CDROM, on other channel). If anyone has any insight to this, I would greatly appreciate it.

    PS - I have a GX150 that works fine with the autoinstall with Bart PE.

  3. I joined yesterday to find a solution to an unattended windows install. Been lurking all summer, these forums are great.

    I primarily use Linux. I dumped Windows about a year and a half ago and haven't looked back, but my job this summer is a windows environment. I have been setting up a windows distribution point to replace Ghost.

    edit: I did find the solution I came here for yesterday.

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