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Posts posted by TheWizard

  1. Hi All

    I have a problem which is ever increasing actually....

    More andm ore of my users complain that they cannot use their USB key's to transfer documents...

    We have no politic that prevents this, and they could just as easily burn a cd or make a floppy copy, but its pretty obvious why most of them would rather use USB keys.

    My problem is that whenever someone inserts a USB key (using a new type of driver that have not been in the computer while a local administrator has been logged on) they get no access to the file system of that key. However i can see in the device manager that it detects a new hardware unit..my guess is that the "ordinary" user is not allowed to install new hardware due to the drivers. If however i login as a local administrator and insert the key and hereafter lets the user login, everything works fine, from here on and forever actually....untill the next type of USB key comes along.

    Is there any way around this using a GPO, i have been searching my a** of without any luck unfortunately :/

    Hope you got some advice.

  2. You want to find out which logon server the computers registred in your AD uses?

    If thats the case, id figure they use the one available and registred as a domain login server in your AD.

    If you want to find out which server the computer used when it logged on there is a local set variable called %LOGONSERVER% it will tell you the name of the logon server prefixed with \\.

    If you question was neither of those, try to specify (or maybe im just too dumb to help)

  3. Thanks for the help klasika...ill look into it.

    About the scripting solution what i did was, i made a little vbscript that gets the username from the AD then i copy a file on shared folder on the server (actually its 3 files, one for plain text, one for rtf and one for word)

    into Document and Settings\THEUSERNAME\etc etc (to the place of the signature files)

    Then i edit the registry to reflect the names of these files, i have only tested the script in a small test environment as of yet, but i have not experienced any problems. (the script is run a logon time if you were in doubt)

  4. Hi

    I have a problem setting a default Signature for every user in my domain.

    What i want is that no matter who logs in he or she will have the same Outlook Signature per default (and still be allowed to change it for those rare occasions where its needed). I have found no way of doing this through Exchange 2003 settings, neither through group policies.

    What i did find out was that signature are placed in Doc and Sets\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\Signatures (or something like that, i took it out of memory)

    And that a default Signature name is stored in the reg database.

    So one way of doing this is to populate these files through a login script and in the same script set the reg value....but comon that cannot be the only way...any of you guys got an idea, or perhaps a smart solution to the problem?

  5. Hi all

    Im looking for a way to mount/map a network folder in a local folder.


    I want to map \\fileserver\files to the folder called remote_files on the C: partition

    i tried using net use (net use c:\remote_files \\fileserver\files)

    but that didnt work.

    I know its possible to map partitions in folders (using the computer management console), and in linux this kinda network mounting procedure is easy using smbmount, but i simply can't find out how to do it in Windows (2003 and Xp)

  6. Okay i now made Illustrator work.

    It seems that it uses an old version of installshield (or something like that), which cannot comprehend more than 21 Characters in the path name, so since i install from my server i did the following in my batch file:

    net use u: \\server\install$\Adobe\Illustratorcd\AdobeIllustrator8 /persistent:no
    start /wait u:\SETUP.EXE -s -f1"u:\setup.iss"

    I made a similiar solution for AdobeTypeManagerDeluxe, though i still have problems with it asking me to register, and throwing me the readme file.

  7. I am at the moment making an unattended installtion of Windows XP, and so far i got most stuff working, though i have a problem on how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition, Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and Adobe Illustrator 8.0 in unattended/silent mode.

    I simply can not find out how to install the two microsoft programs, and i have not been able to find a guide on the internet (maybe im looking the wrong places), and as for Illustrator 8.0 i followed the same procedure as with some other Adobe programs (Photoshop indesign etc, they all use InstallShield), but for some reason i get an odd error.

    I was speculating that it might be because i install it all from a server, but seeing as the other adobe programs are installed nicely i can not find the problem.

    Anyone had the same problems with Illustrator or suggestions on how to install the MS programs i would greatly appreciate it.

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