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Posts posted by r3al1ty

  1. ....and other services related - what did you mean by that, it's kinda vague. Did you mean I should keep DHCP and check server compatibility in compatibilities menu - I don't really think that we need all that server stuff for wifi.

  2. I was not able to duplicate the error with Vlite 1.1 Final :whistle: , but when I installed Vlite 1.1 RC back on and tried again error occurred -only when I selected something for removal. Maybe Wurrtrak tried to Vlite old source with Vlite 1.1 Final already Vlited by 1.1 RC. Anyways here's my session file...Oh BTW, this is the FIRST error I've EVER occurred using nLite or Vlite... and I've been using nLite since... 0.99 beta.


  3. It does answer to your questions:

    1. All files that have something to do with media player

    2.WMP installs and works fine

    3.Winamp would work,Bsplayer,WMP10,Musicmatch Jukebox ...even ITunes - Get the idea?? :D

  4. After resuming from hibernation my cpu usage is 70-100%, when i open the task manager it shows that all processes use 0%, but in performance tab it's clearly seen that cpu is under heavy load, I tested with Everest and my pc is slow like hell. After I've done a restart then it's all OK. I ask for help cause I really need/want to use hibernation. Please, I need help!!! :hello:

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