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Posts posted by mop

  1. Do many Israeli's feel that this is because of the bombing/the second Intifada?

    I was under the assumption that the relative 'cease fire' (although there is still some bombing) was one of the main reasons the Israeli government went ahead with the pull-out.

    It actually never occured to me as "giving in to terrorism" (and still doesn't)

    its not because of the cease fire,the cease fire will be over when we will be out of gaza
    Arguably this could also be seen as the effect of terrorism ("We'll stop bombing if you'll hand over... blahblah..."), but I think there's a bigger picture involved here, to which both sides are slowly coming to terms with, somewhat reluctant, but they don't have much choice.

    no one coming to terms,they want only the all territory of israel ,and they wont stop,even abuala (palestinian chairman or smth) told that first gaza then all jerusalem

    give me a break they don`t want peace.

    i hope that it will be quit here after we pul out but its not going to happen

  2. But I'd like to know more about how you, and other Israelians and Palestines on this forum (if there are any), experience this situation, how you're directly or indirectly involved.
    i am not involved,i am go to the army only next year.

    i don`t think that the pull out is done well now,cause first we need to sign some agreement and then pull out.

    all the arabs are looking at this like israel is pulling out because of terror ,and they will continue to bomb us,cause they saw that they can achive things by terror

    I can imagine it to be very hard on some people, but there surely is a positive thing on this whole issue, being the fact that it, hopefully, will lead to peace and a peaceful co-existance between Palestine and Israel.

    i hope so,but it not gona happen,now they want jerusalem to :\

    Maybe a weird question, but I only see upset Israelians on tv, but are there also (jewish) Israelians that are happy about this withdrawal? Or is the sentiment of the majority more like your own: "It's very sad, but if it promotes peace then it's a neccessary sacrifice to make"?

    It's very hard to make an objective picture from the outside...  :unsure:

    there are happy israelis to,but what u r looking at now on the tv is the israelians that are pulled out ,they not supposed to be happy.

    and yes many of us thinks like me about that .

  3. The fact that the parlement has voted in favour (which in my opinion is very bold, but very good indeed) means the majority of the Israeli people is pro-pullout, as the parlement is chosen by the people.
    not so true ,israeli people is not a pro pullout ,like 50%+- saying that we shuld stay there.
    What can you say about this? And how closely tied to the situation are you personally? I'm very curious.

    i support this only if it will bring peace,i am not so sure about that,and i wonder what will we do when after this ends the arabs will attack us again

    My personal opinion here on this very tricky and complecated matter is as follows:

    I can understand the feelings of the settlers, some have lived there for over 30 years, but the settlers were there illegally since 1967 and they've occupied (fertile) Palestinian ground, which, in my opinion, belongs to the Palestinian people.

    lets not start another topic about that please

    Personally I think Sharon isn't doing this because he's pro-Palestine, I think he swayed under international pressure and it's also miltary and economically easier. There are more than 1000 soldiers in the Gaza-strip protecting about 8000 soldiers, which is quite expensive, and very hard to do.


  4. i am from israel and its a very very sad day for us ,but who knows if it will lead to peace then i can accept it .

    Israeli troops have arrived at the biggest settlement in the Gaza Strip to serve eviction notices, as Israel starts implementing its pullout plan.


    please take a moment and look at this video :


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