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Posts posted by azote

  1. hi everybody,

    we are exepriencing a few problems with the standard Adobe Silent install procedure.

    we are usind it accordingly to the support forums from the editor.

    we modified our .xml file to include SN and registration data for user/company, we selected components setting value to 1... but...

    when we try to run the setup.exe with dued parameters, it start, shows up the install screensplash, then exits!

    we are at the moment using a standard version of CS2 for integration. Would it be version related?

    i mean, is the silent install ONLY used for bulk licences (we are waiting for ours as i speak..).

    are we doing something wrong or is it just because the disks ans serial used are standard edition of CS2.

    thanks in advance for the advices... it s just to avoid loosing more time on it, if we have to wait for the new package/Serial... we'll just stand still till it arrives... if not, i'd like to have packaging ready when it's here!

    wonderfull site by the way :)

    sorry for any mistakes, i'm french so my english is not quite perfect.

    best regards and keep up the good work!!!

    Pierre J.

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