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Posts posted by SimonSez07

  1. thank you gunsmokingman, but this article has only code to *get* the tcp/ip configuration. i need to modify it.


    so here is what i have found out from countless hours searching web. it seems that you cannot add one ip address without removing and adding all addresses for that interface. so i have to use a script like the one gunsmokingman referenced above to read out the current ip's/snm's to an array and then add my ip address onto the end of that array and re-enter teh entire array using enableStatic().

    the problem i am running into is adding my ip address to the array. i have tried several syntax and will not accept my array into enableStatic() function.

    any help would be great because i really do not want to shell out and use netsh. its slow and cumbersome.


  2. from my vb script, i need to add an ip address(+snmask) to an interface such as "local area connection" that already has several ip addresses assigned to it.

    i have been searching and trying with wmi methods in the Win32_NetworkAdapter and Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration classes and it seems there is no method for *adding* an ip.

    i would try to do it with registry (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{GUID})

    but i have no way of finding the guid of the interface.

    thanks in advance for your help

  3. so it seems that the solution is not to modify the windows xp installation, but the setup binaries.

    i replaced WINNT32A.DLL and WINNT32U.DLL with those from win xp pro cd (sp2) and i am getting a little further. (still getting error before file copy begins: "unable to build file list")

    saw something about these file on a forum in another language.

    will have to keep trying

  4. currently have an xp pro workstation acting as server on a small network. need to upgrade to win srv 2003 to allow it to share its fax printer. i know this is not a microsoft approved upgrade path, so win srv 2k3 install will not allow upgrade during setup.

    i dont want to reinstall os, so i have tried several things (after making complete backup): used tweaknt to switch os to server and tried upgrade again, but still says cannot upgrade from xp. (tried setup from within windows, and tried booting from cd)

    so basically i have to trick windows setup into thinking i am upgrading from server to server. can anyone give me some ideas as to how to do this?


  5. thank you for your suggestions, but i am really not looking for another remote access option at this time. i have tried many other software in the past (pcanywhere, vnc, gotomypc, ...) and many are great programs, only in this instance i specifically require remote desktop.

    thanks again. - simon

  6. supposedly there is a way to get remote desktop to accept incoming connections in windows xp HOME. (by means of a hack of course). i have read of people getting this to work but i cannot find how to do it.

    i have tried the method that entails changing 2 bytes in setupreg.hiv on the xp home cd, but that requires to *reinstall windows* before remote desktop will work!

    i have also tried using tweaknt (registry tool) to "change" windows to pro, and then enable remot desktop by registry:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]


    BUT "terminal services" service will not start. even if i manually start it, it just stops again.

    anyone know how to get this to work??

  7. UPDATE: DOES NOT WORK ON SERVER 2003. xplite not compatible with windows server 2003, so must use nlite to remove wmp10 from os before install. but then error when attempt to install update KB886540: "The updatebr.inf file is invalid."

    any ideas on how to make wmp9 install. maybe manual install by placing wmp files and run regsvr32 for dll's?

  8. nlite. that requires me to reinstall windows. i couldnt find any other option so i did that and reinstalled. i got a weird error about not finding these two files but i skipped them and it installed successfully.

    although now that i have installed windows without media player i am not able to install media player 9 which is what i would like.

  9. @boooggy - thank you for the link

    this update (KB886540) does contain Windows Media Player 9.0 build 3250 which is exactly what i was looking for.

    now i am going to try to install this on XP MCE 2005 after i strip out all the windows media stuff with XPLite.


    success! this update will install wmp9 build 3250 on MCE 2005. this was fairly easy. thank you all for your help

  10. @Bold_Fortune

    i checked and xplite does not remove the file you mentioned. xplite does an extremely impressive job of removing only the files and reg entries needed to remove one windows component without breaking any others. props to LitePC for that!


    here is a screenshot of the error:


    it turns out that wmp setup is not throwing this error, but windows is. i guess there is a component in xp called "Application Compatibility User Interface" that will not allow you to install certain versions of certain programs that it recognizes to be incompatible.

    i searched on google, and i was able to disable this compatibility checking by renaming c:\windows\system32\ahui.exe before running the setup. then wmp9 installed successfully! (build 2980)

    and thanks for the wmp update links. unless each of these updates are cumulative, it looks like there are a lot of updates needed to bring wmp up to build 3250 or higher. is there a quick way to do this, or a way to slipstream the updates into MPSetupXP ?


    where can i find this "update for XP N which adds the files removed" ? i may be able to use this on MCE like you were saying.

    thanks for all the help

    - simon

  11. im assuming that you will use sysprep to "reseal" the installation before you image it to other hardware. if you set certain settings in sysprep the installation can be imaged to a much wider variety of systems and it will redetect hardware at first boot. but as mentioned by mark, the destination systems must all be of the same HAL. this is most likely the case and you may not have any problems.

  12. with the release of wmp10 windows media player 9 for windows xp is no longer available for download from microsoft. if you happen to have the download (MPSetupXP.exe) from before it was taken down, you will notice that it is build 2980.

    you can get the newer build (3250) only by installing windows xp service pack 2.

    now if you have installed any of the following newer os's, you do not have windows media player 9 at all:

    Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 (WMP10)

    Windows Server 2003 w/ SP1 (WMP10)

    Windows XP Pro N (no WMP)

    now many people (myself included) dont like WMP10 and would rather use version 9, preferably build 3250.

    it is pretty simple to remove wmp10 using XPlite, but installing wmp9 is the problem. if you try using MPSetupXP.exe after stripping out wmp10 it will say that it can not be installed on this version of windows. MPSetupXP.exe will install on XP Pro N but this is the older build anyway.

    does anyone have any ideas on how to install on these systems?


    - simon

  13. does anyone know how to add an item like "add or remove programs" to the xp start menu on the right-side (underneath "run...")

    i have seen an icon there named "keep in touch with hp..." on some oem systems and i was able to change that to somthing else by modifying the registry, but im not sure where i found it in the registry.


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