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Posts posted by hussainweb

  1. Hi all,

    I think this is the most appropriate forum for this question.

    You see, with the frequency with updates to Windows coming out, and apart from that, updates to drivers and all other programs that come out, it would cost me a lot of CDs or DVDs to keep a latest update ready for install.

    So, what I am wondering is that how to start a Windows setup from hard disk. I have two hard disks one of which I would make Windows setup source. All I want is that when I boot and want to install Windows, I select the 2nd hard disk from BIOS boot menu and Windows setup starts up.

    I figure I would need an appropriate boot-image for HD, where can I find that? Also, where can I find a tool that will write the image to the HD.

    I know about starting Windows setup from DOS through winnt.exe. I want to avoid it because it takes a long time to copy files (the first step) that way. Also, I am not sure if I start setup that way, will all the automation in those $OEM$ folders and all work. Will it work if I start from DOS? If the automation works, is there a way I can make the file copy faster. I heard I have to enable SMART, or 32bit access or something. What do I do?



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