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Posts posted by nightmare99

  1. Hi Guys,

    I have a few WinPE 2.0 images that I boot from WDS, these are used to connect to the network map a drive letter and perform unattended XP Pro installs.

    I would like to slim down the winpw to reduce boot time, what is the best way to remove anything not need like fonts etc.

    All it needs to do is PnP the network driver and connect to the network copy some files and launch Windows XP setup.

    Also if possible what is the eaiest way to disable USB, canI simply remove the USB driver files or doI just remove a driver file reference?

    Any help would be greatly appeciated.



  2. Hi Experts,

    We currently install Win2K over our network from WinPE 1.5 booted from RIS and it works well, now I'm trying to move it to WinPE2.0 booting from WDS, when Winnt32.exe goes to run it gives the error "Windows 2000 setup could not detect the current verison od windows" <(or something similar)

    Below is our startnet.cmd from the old PE that works well,

    @echo off

    regsvr32 /s netcfgx.dll

    factory -minint

    netcfg -v -winpe

    net start dhcp

    net start nla


    FORMAT C: /FS:NTFS /V: /Q /Y

    NET USE Z: \\riserver\win2000dist "" /user:install.local\guest

    REM next command is one long line:

    Z:\WINNT32.EXE /S:Z:\ /UNATTEND:Z:\unattend.txt /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /noreboot

    REM reboot


    If anybody could let me know what I need to do to get the the Win2K setup running from within WinPE2.0 that would be fantastic.


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