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Posts posted by agenta

  1. With the Boot-from-CD method you must use the unattended answer file named WINNT.SIF. This can be either on a floppy disk or in the i386 folder.

    If you have a CD with WINNT.SIF in the i386 folder it will automatically use that answer file for the unattended build. However if you use the same CD with WINNT.SIF on a floppy disk, the floppy disk version will take precendence. That is, you can have your unattended Windows installation from CD with or without WINNT.SIF on the floppy disk.

    You will not be able to have more than one WINNT.SIF - Windows Setup will use one or the other.

  2. I'm having some problems getting [NetBindings] to work in a Windows 2003 unattended installation. I am attempting to disable:

    - File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks; and

    - Client for Microsoft Networks

    on a particular adapter. Everything else is working correctly - static IP address, adapter naming etc. Anyone with any ideas? Or any idea how to do the same thing via a script after Setup is complete?



    InstallDefaultComponents = No


    PCIBusNumber = 2
    PCIDeviceNumber = 1
    PCIFunctionNumber = 0
    ConnectionName = "Windows Network Connection"

    PCIBusNumber = 2
    PCIDeviceNumber = 2
    PCIFunctionNumber = 0
    ConnectionName = "UNIX Network Connection"

    MS_MSClient = params.MS_MSClient


    MS_Server = params.MS_Server


    MS_TCPIP = params.MS_TCPIP

    AdapterSections = params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter01, params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter02

    SpecificTo = Adapter01
    DefaultGateway =
    DHCP = No
    IPAddress =
    NetBIOSOptions = 1
    SubnetMask =
    DNSServerSearchOrder =,
    WINS = No

    SpecificTo = Adapter02
    ; DefaultGateway =
    DHCP = No
    IPAddress =
    ; Disable NetBIOS on this connection
    NetBIOSOptions = 2
    SubnetMask =
    ; DNSServerSearchOrder =
    WINS = No

    Disable = "MS_Server, MS_NetBt, MS_TCPIP, Adapter02"
    Disable = "MS_MSClient, MS_NetBt, MS_TCPIP, Adapter02"

  3. I am attempting to use CMDLINES.TXT to run Internet Explorer 6 in an unattended Windows 2000 build. I am placing CMDLINES.TXT in the $OEM$ folder, however it is not being processed. Everything else is running fine, [GUIRunOnce] works. CMDLINES.TXT looks like this:


    EDIT: The following is in WINNT.SIF


    Any ideas?



  4. I am running a batch file with [setupParapms] which is running some registry tweaks for HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Unfortunatelty the registry tweaks are not taking effect when Setup is finished and I have logged into the machine. I have even tried running them manually from a Command Prompt (by pressing Shift-F10 in GIU setup).

    Does anyone have any ideas? All the registry tweaks are one this I have copied from this forum.



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