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Posts posted by whatever420
Thanks again aru
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Does the 97.7 update need to be patched or is it fine the way it is?
Thank you for any info, and for the work you do.
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Thanks Aru
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I believe it's stored in the Registry under...
Explorer\Discardable\PostSetup\Component Categories\
Within the Implementing binary value...
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When I did a Google search for Q273468, I saw that j80r51m had been posting in at least 3 different forums for the download... rarely with any follow-up posts or "thanks for helping"...
Seems like a hit & run to me...
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You'll be happy to know that the newly patched version seems to work for me... ie. no crash when using VideoReDo.
Great work!
Are there any caveats related to your patch?
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Thanks rloew
I'll download your patch and give it another try...
Will report back later with results...
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Correction: Bad news and bad news...
...The experimental file I posted has my code in it but I disabled the function extensions...
Awwwwwww RATS!
and I would have gotten away with it too... if it hadn't been for those pesky KIDS!
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Try this experimental file.
Well rloew, I have bad news and good news...
The bad news is... my internet connection stinks...
The good news is... I had no crash when starting VideoReDo Plus
Keep up the great work!
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Try Downloading it and testing it again. I have updated it.
If it still doesn't work please post some more details on the errors.
Sorry rloew... I'm still experiencing the same crash
See the attached file for a basic picture of the crash message and a Dr. Watson crash log...
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I have released my KERNEL32 2GiB Bug Fix Patch. This Patch supercedes the COPY2GB Patch as it supports all three Seek Modes unlike COPY2GB that supports only Seek from Beginning of File.
It is available free from my website in the Prerelease and Beta Section.
Hi rloew...
I think there may be a bug in your KERNEL32 2GiB Bug Fix Patch...
Yesterday, I updated the old COPY2GB KERNEL32.DLL to your version...
When I went to use VideoReDo Plus (a video editing app), it kept crashing with an error involving msvcr80.dll...
Using Dependency Walker, it showed that msvcr80.dll is linked to KERNEL32.DLL...
I switched back to the old COPY2GB KERNEL32.DLL and after a reboot, VideoReDo Plus ran fine...
Just thought I'd let you know...
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Glad it worked and glad I could help
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Give eXeScope a try:
It's shareware, but you have a 2 week evalution period.
It works with 16 bit and 32 bit programs.
You are going to replace one icon in USER.EXE, rather than a bitmap.
The icon needs to be:
Size: 16 x 16
Bit Depth: 16 color
If it's not, eXescope will not allow you to change it.
Be sure to BACK-UP USER.EXE before attempting any changes, as eXescope does not make BACK-UPS.
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Hi Tihiy...
Couple problems with 9.5.6 RC...
(1) Icons in the System Tray do not update when their status changes...
(for example... an icon has a small red X on it, when the app it applies to is disabled...
when the app is enabled, the icon still shows the small red X on it...
when a tooltip covers the icon, then disappears, the small red X is gone...)
(2) Explorer's CPU cycles seem a bit higher with 9.5.6 RC installed...
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RegMon and FileMon are broken here.
I get an error message:
"FILEVXD.VXD is not loaded properly.: The system cannot find the file specified." with Filemon,
and "REGVXD.VXD is not loaded properly.: The system cannot find the file specified." with RegMon,
when launching them.
Same thing with an older version (6.04).
Any idea?
Maybe this will help...?
Error message when you try to run the Sysinternals FileMon and RegMon...
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I've never had any problem running UltraSurf...
I'll still run it when I feel like it... as the alarmist rhetoric in some of the links is exactly that... alarmist...
That said... after reading all links provided in this thread, I have to withdraw my recommendation of UltraSurf...
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Check out UltraSurf... (link removed)
Read through this entire thread first, before making the decision to use it or not...
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Thank you!
Edit - Going to Windows Update, it yells at me about update 916281...
No problem Queue...
Yep... it's a side effect of the "replacement"...
You can ignore it...
Yeah... I tried to update my post at the Maxthon forums... the zips and specific KB #'s are out-of-date... but the thread has been archived and can't be modified...
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Windows Explorer Freezes
Make sure to read each thread all the way through...
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Is there a hack for win-98 that will allow me to run this .msi file?
But... there are apps out there that will let you unpack the MSI file...
I unpacked the MSI file and made a REG file out of the info I found...
There are 8 more KILLBIT entries included in this REG file than in the one Queue posted...
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Thanks Queue!
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Just unregister (and delete) msvidctl.dll.
I've attached a TXT file showing all data removed from the registry when msvidctl.dll is unregistered... quite a nice chunk...
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I am interested in the "clock + resource meter" on your taskbar. What is that program called? Thank you
Hmmmm... that looks like TCLOCKEX...
Video Converter
in Windows 9x/ME
Posted · Edited by whatever420
I've used "Eusing Free Video Converter v1.5" on Win98SE...
Works fine...
"Eusing Free Video Converter is a freeware video conversion utility with plenty of input and output flexibility.
It uses the free FFmpeg encoder and supports most any video file that FFmpeg will convert. The output video files can be used on popular multimedia devices such as iPad, iPod, iPhone, PSP, MP4 player, mobile phone, Zune, etc. It can also convert video files to audio formats such as AC3, M4A, MP3, OGG, WAV or WMA."