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Posts posted by Trolleri

  1. Hi

    When installing Windows 7 from USB, does the installer search the USB-key for a folder with hotfixes in it?

    As you can see below, the installation process got a bullet point "Installing updates"


    I am asking because I would like to have a basic WIM-image on my USB, and then updates in an easily accessable folder. I know how to update the WIM-image with DISM, but this is not what I want:

    dism /image:"%MOUNT%" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"path\Updates"

    I got the following hotfixes, but where to put them?:

    1. Windows6.1-KB971468-x86.msu
    2. Windows6.1-KB972270-x86.msu
    3. Windows6.1-KB973525-x86.msu
    4. Windows6.1-KB974332-x86.msu
    5. Windows6.1-KB974431-x86.msu
    6. Windows6.1-KB974571-x86.msu
    7. Windows6.1-KB975467-x86.msu
    8. Windows6.1-KB975560-x86.msu
    9. Windows6.1-KB976098-x86.msu
    10. Windows6.1-KB977074-x86.msu
    11. Windows6.1-KB977165-x86.msu
    12. Windows6.1-KB978251-x86.msu
    13. Windows6.1-KB979099-x86.msu

  2. CheckUdisk reports this info about my DataTraveler 2.0:

    Name: DataTraveler 2.0  (USB2.0)

    Logic Driver: E:\

    VID&PID: Vid_0930&Pid_6545
    Speed: high speed

    VendorID: Kingston
    ProductID: DataTraveler 2.0
    Product Revision: PMAP

    Vendor Description: Kingston
    Product Description: DataTraveler 2.0
    Serial Number: 001D92AD6B725B8A0B060BFF

    A search for PID 0930 on flashboot.ru gives me several options:

    HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool 2.1.8 Rev. A (SP27608)

    Phison PS2233 v1.03.00 (PS2233, UP14-UP16)

    Phison ps2233-ps2237 v1.11

  3. You may try accessing it with the PHISON utilities:


    This is the info I get from the tool Phison_PS2233-PS2237_v1.11\ MP2233_F1_B4_V111_00.exe :

    VED(0x0930), PID(0x6545)

    ====SCSI Inquiry Information======
    Manufacturer ID: Kingston
    Product ID: DataTraveler 2.0
    Inquiry Revision: PMAP

    ====USB Informations==============
    Manutacturer: Kingston
    Product: Datatraveler 2.0
    S/N: 001D92AD6B725B8A0B060BFF

    ====Firmware Information==========
    Mode: 8
    FCI:FC2 = FF : 01
    MP ver: 225.04.00

    And I still get this info from ChipGenious (Now with Chip Database Rev. 2009-10-07):

    Device Name: +[E:](Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device)

    PnP Device ID: VID = 8086 PID = 27CB
    Serial Number: 3&&33FD14CA&&0&&EB
    Revision: /PMAP

    Device Type: Generic USB Host Controller - USB2.0 Full-Speed (USB1.1)

    Chip Vendor: (No match record)
    Chip Part-Number: (No match record)

    Product Vendor: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0

    Tools on Web: (N/A)

    I am confused

  4. Well, this USB has been tooled with a bit. I have tried both BootIt v1.07, and vers. 0.2.2 af WinSetupFromUSB with GUI. But after another clean format in windows 7, to get one partition FAT32, i still get the same info from ChipGenius. Is there any way I could have tooled the VID and PID to be something false from the factory settings?

    I cannot remember from where this particular key was bought, but on the side it says:

    DTI / 4GB

    CH 102308




  5. If you cannot find anything, post PID & VID and any relevant info Chipgenius finds and I'll try and help you in finding the appropriate Manufacturer's Tool.
    I have been searching like a mad dog on both google and flashboot.ru, but apparently there are none Manufacturer's Tool for my USB-stick

    The latest info I got from ChipGenius v3.00 with Chip Database Rev. 2009-09-26:

    Device Name: +[E:](Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device)

    PnP Device ID: VID = 8086 PID = 27CB
    Serial Number: 3&&33FD14CA&&0&&EB
    Revision: /PMAP

    Device Type: Generic USB Host Controller - USB2.0 Full-Speed (USB1.1)

    Chip Vendor: (No match record)
    Chip Part-Number: (No match record)

    Product Vendor: Kingston
    Product Model: DataTraveler 2.0

    Tools on Web: (N/A)

    Thanks in advance for any help given!

    And if it helps; Windows 7 recognize the key as "Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 USB Device", and it is 3,77 GB formatted as FAT32.

  6. What is the status on the test release hfslip_beta_Jun6, has it reached a level of completion?

    It seems that IE8 can be fully integrated, and also the newest updates from WU - or how is it now?

  7. Does HFSLIP v1.7.8 still work with the newest updates listet on the list, i.e. IE8, or should I use the beta-version?

    To improve the GUI-experience, the following feature could be added, to avoid questions as the one I just gave you:

    Get HFSLIP to check two online RSS-files - one file with the current hotfix list, and one with the deprecated hotfixes. Then HFSLIP automatically check the subdirectories for hotfixes that the user intends to slipstream, and report if any updates are not included, and also report if deprecated ones are present. Just remember to include an option to skip the proces, if you want a specialized version to slipstream, and everybody will be happy :)

  8. Maybe it's because of firefox is not installed (but would be really strange), download page states the .NET assistant addon should be active in firefox for the hotfix install to be effective, and if not, reinstall should be done for the addon uninstall button to appear. I think langpacks has nothing to do with all this.

    Yes I saw your editing of #1, but it is very strange I still get the update on MU.

    I read the instructions on how to manually remove the .NET Framework Assistant for Firefox. Then I opened regedit, and browsed to:


    The funny thing is, that I have that key to begin with...

    I do not have the subkey {20a82645-c095-46ed-80e3-08825760534b}, but this REG_EXPAND_SZ -value:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    The hex translates to "C:\Programmer\Java\jre6\lib\deploy\jqs\ff"

    The key and the value have probably been created by a Java Installer. Then MU might detect the Firefox\Extensions -key in my registry, and wants to install the hotfix KB963707 on my Pc - who knows

    Now I will try to remove the key, along with the .NET Framework extension files stated on the MS support-page. Rebooting....


    After rebooting this Pc, Microsoft Update still wants to install the update KB963707, but failing to do so. It is strange, but I am now beginning to feel like it doesn't matter for me.

  9. I could get KB963707 installed though ms update without problems, i.e. using a 3.5 SP1 SNMsynth installer without KB963707 applied. Are you using maybe 3.5 SP0?

    No I haven't used SP0 since SP1 got released, and this is first time, I have run into problems. My testing system is however my primary Pc, and is has a lot of programs and hotfixes installed through WU/MU and the web.

    Later I will try to install KB963707 after a clean install of the Danish Silent Net Maker Synthesized packages on a clean Danish XP SP3 system, but since my primary Pc is also my only Pc at the moment, I need to wait until I get the time (and Pc) to do the testing.

    Sounds promising, that your script is working with the Spanish packages :D

  10. In post #1 you ask for feedback - I LIKE YOUR BATCH :D

    I went on Microsoft Update just now, and there was a new hotfix. In Danish it says:

    KB963707 - Opdatering til .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 til .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 x86 (KB963707)

    It fixes some compability issues with Firefox.

    Can it be included in the silent net maker?

    We have great weather in Denmark, and today we did celebrate midsummer by having bonfire all over the country :)

  11. Hi

    My project is to make a USB flash stick with the following multiple boot options:

    1) Windows XP (I have already an unattended version as *.iso intended for CD)

    2) Ultimate Boot CD V5.0b12 (ubcd50b12.iso)

    3) BackTrack v3 (bt3final_usb.iso)

    Since the Windows install is slow on FAT partitions compared to a partition with NTFS, and BackTrack needs to be on a FAT partition, a smart solution could be to split the drive in two partitions - just as ilko_t suggested in this post.

    The solution could be:

    First partition with NTFS contains Windows XP install files, and UBCD

    Second partition with FAT32 contains BackTrack

    So does anybody know how to create more partitions on a USB flash stick?

    A normal stick contains only one partition, and Windows XP does not support more than that.

    The dangerous tool BootIt v1.07 does not work on my USB stick (4 GB Kingston DataTraveler 2.0). The fact that the tool reports my sticks capacity as -221 MB, also indicates no support for my USB stick.


  12. Hi

    The tool WinSetupFromUSB GUI is an fantastic tool, but I really need instructions on how to include Ultimate Boot CD V5.0b12.

    Will I get the following multiple boot-options on my USB stick?:

    1) Windows XP (I have already an unattended version as *.iso intended for CD)

    2) Ultimate Boot CD V5.0b12 (ubcd50b12.iso)

    I am interested in this, because I would like to have several rescue meassures on a single USB flash stick.

  13. Can this new version of WinSetupFromUSB create multiple boot with the following three boot options?:

    Windows XP Pro with drivers from driverpacks.net already slipstreamed

    BackTracker v3 from remote-exploit.org (bt3-final.iso or should I use bt3final_usb.iso?)

    Ultimate Boot CD v4.1.1 from ultimatebootcd.com (ubcd411.iso)

    If so, how do I include all of them on my USB with your awesome tool?


  14. ... during the creation it gave an error saying that a file could not be found ...
    What file could not be found? Is it the file 7za.exe?

    If it is, then you have to download Tomcat76's original script: http://users.telenet.be/tc76/pool/20080603/SNM.zip

    Unzip it to the same folder as the one you have all the other files in, and run strel's SNM_mod5.cmd again. Strel decided not to include this file in his package, but as far as I know, you will need it together with all the other files in SNM_mod5.zip.

    When I use this script for creating the danish DNF_full.exe, I run SNM_mod5.cmd, with these files in the folder:










    _SNM.ini (modified to MERGE_FRAMEWORKS=FULL)

    And it gave me: DNF_all.exe (55,3 MB)

    This danish version works with all versions and languagepacks installed correctly under Add / Remove Programs - even the languagepack for 3.5 gets installed correctly.

    ... I tested the installer on my desktop to test it and it installed no problem at all except it did not install v1.0 + service packs ...
    It might have been my fault, that you are confused :D You will not see 1.0 in Add / Remove Programs, but you should see 1.1.
    ... Anyway i hope you can help me on this one and thank you so much for your hard work in the creation of this wonderful script! ...
    Sorry, but I will not take credit for this script - thank Tomcat76 for it, and strel for the recent modification. But I hope my reply will help you with their awesome script!
  15. I'm sure this was asked and answered, but I couldn't find it in the thread...

    Why does this integrate .NET 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5? 3.0 and 3.5 are backwards compatible to 2.0. There's no point in installing 2.0 or 3.0 if the system is also going to have 3.5.

    3.5 is backwards compatible because it has 2.0 and 3.0 included in the installer, hence the download of 3.5 installer only, and not 2.0 and 3.0 installers. This batch separates the versions for easier implementation, but you need 3.0 to install 3.5, and 2.0 to install 3.0. Read the notes in post 1.

    Now, .NET 1.x is another beast entirely. This version is completely incompatible. I can understand wanting 1.x and 3.5 to install, but 2.0 and 3.0 are completely redundant.

    1.1 is clever to include, since it has important security fixes for the 1.0-version installed in XP already. Just remember to install this “beast” last, and you won’t have any problems.

    The install order is simply (read the notes in post 1):

    2.0 (can be installed with svcpack.inf)

    3.0 (runonce)

    3.5 (runonce)

    1.1 (runonce)


  16. Hi Tomcat76,

    and thank you so much for this super script.


    The whole thing works to the extend that all are shown in Add/Remove programs, and no errors with applications so far.

    However, the languagepack for 3.0 SP0 keeps showing on Windows Update and Microsoft Update. I have tried to reinstall the packages several times, and still no luck.

    Maybe most of you guys probably never use Windows Update, maybe not language packs at all, and furthermore, this error might even be on the sites themselves.

    But do any of you guys experience the same thing with your localized installations? Share your thoughts.


    1) Make silent installers by using the following files by the latest script (version 20080603):





    dotnetfx35.exe SP0

    dotnetfx35langpack_x86da.exe SP0

    2) And the results was:

    11.947.839 DNF11_da.exe

    17.888.505 DNF20_da.exe

    14.976.418 DNF30_da.exe

    11.666.889 DNF35.exe

    3) Integrated DNF20_da.exe by putting it in I386\SVCPACK and SVCPACK.INF

    4) Integrated the rest with RunOnceEx.cmd in the following order: DNF30_da.exe, DNF35.exe, DNF11_da.exe


    The above have been tried on different computermodels, and the result is the same. But should my DNF20_da.exe not be around 40 MB, instead of 17 MB?

    I use the program to merge the files, but still asking for some files (Language Packs in PT-BR Portuguese Brazilian) in Windows Update. The files are:

    -Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0: Language Pack x86 (KB928416)

    -Language Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (KB829019)

    I merged the .NET Framework 1.1, the updates for .NET 1.1, Language Pack in PT-BR for .NET 1.1, .NET Framework 3.5 and the Language Pack in PT-BR for .NET 3.5.

    Any ideas?

    You might consider waiting just a bit, since .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1 is on its way. But are you sure that you have downloaded the corresponding language pack? The filename for the full package is still dotnetfx35.exe

    These are together:

    .NET Framework 3.5

    .NET Framework 3.5 LangPack

    And these are together:

    .NET Framework 3.5 Service pack 1

    .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Language Pack

    The language pack for SP1 is not available yet in Danish, so...

    Patience is the greatest of all virtues, and a handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.

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