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Posts posted by Cr4z33

  1. I recommend Liquid's guide. His is very detailed and even if you make a mistake following his work, you can quickly isolate what and where you went wrong.

    If you'd like further help, let me know.

    First of all, thanks for your help. :hello:

    Going to give it a try.

  2. What kind of errors did you get running removal.bat?

    Well, considering I am running it on an Italian release and that I am not including languages, updates & drivers I get missing packages errors when running the packages and cleanup steps.

    I tried to cleanup a little bit the batch, but if I will get no support into that I am definitely going to give up and use another better explained and better working method. :hello:

  3. OK I am getting a different problem now.

    I succesfully created a first Windows 7 Ultimate ITA installation, but I didn't like the fact .NET Framework was missing and many programs needed it.

    So I started again making a new revision, but now during the Windows installation I get a generic installation error when the setup is at the Updates step. :no:

    I have to say I got some errors while running removal.bat, also I didn't need to include languages (I've got an Italian RTM build), drivers and updates.

    All I want is to remove the unneeded stuff but Windows Media Player, .NET Framework and the Intel Matrix Storage drivers.

    Therefore I deselected Windows Media Player and the INTEL driver in vLite, and used "set remove.NET=K" in REMOVAL.BAT.

    Here is how does my batch file look like:

    @echo off

    REM Initialisation part 2 triggered from removal_custom.bat
    if "%1" == "init2" goto init2

    REM Initialising environment variables (check for your usage)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM Windows codebase: amd64, x86 or empty (determine from %DVD%\setup.exe)
    set cb=amd64
    REM Windows 7 build
    set build=7600
    REM Sub version
    set svn=16385
    REM Pre-part (the same for all Windows 7 builds?)
    set pre=31bf3856ad364e35
    REM Image edition (Starter, HomeBasic, HomePremium, Professional or Ultimate)
    set edition=Ultimate
    REM Obsolete - Image Index (pre-vLite: 1 HomeBasic/Starter, 2 Home Premium, 3 Professional, 4 Ultimate)
    set II=4
    REM Remove Microsoft.NET (C for complete removal, V to keep vLite working or K to keep)
    set remove.NET=K

    REM Folder of updates to be integrated
    set updateloc=C:\vLite\Updates
    REM Extenstion of the updates to be integrated (msu, cab or * for all/both)
    set update.ext=*

    REM Folder of drivers to be integrated
    set driverloc=C:\vLite\Drivers

    REM Language to be integrated (do not change to your en-US/0409)
    set lang=it-IT
    set langid=1040
    REM Program location intlcfg.exe (WAIK)
    set intlcfg=C:\vLite\intlcfg.exe
    REM Location Language pack and extracted files for Localised Setup
    set langloc=C:\vLite\Langpack

    REM DVD & sources-folder containing install.wim (and dism.exe)
    set DVD=D:\s1

    REM Folder for mount (Dism/Imagex) or Root (Imagex)
    set mount=D:\s2

    REM Imagex
    set imagex="C:\vLite\imagex.exe"
    Rem Dism
    set dism="%sources%\dism.exe"

    REM Command for install WIM tweak
    REM -----------------------------
    set iwt=install_wim_tweak.exe /p %mount% /m

    REM Command for creating an image from an active installation at OOBE (EXAMPLE!)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM %imagex% /compress maximum /flags "HomePremium" /capture e: c:\install.wim "Windows 7 Home Premium" "Windows 7 Home Premium"

    REM Initialising other environment variables
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    set PATH=%PATH%;%cd%
    set version=6.1.%build%.%svn%
    set tail=~%pre%~%cb%~~%version%
    set IEver=8.0.%build%.%svn%
    set tailIE=~%pre%~%cb%~~%IEver%
    if not exist %mount% mkdir %mount%
    set sources=%DVD%\sources

    REM Set Image id for your edition
    for /l %%i in (1,1,6) do (
    %imagex% /info "%sources%\install.wim" %%i|find /i "flags"|find /i "%edition%" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 set II=%%i

    REM Set the proper codebase
    if %cb% == "" (
    find /i "processorArchitecture=""amd64""" "%DVD%\setup.exe" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 (set cb=amd64) else (set cb=x86)

    REM Imagex mount/unmount
    set mountimagex=%imagex% /mountrw "%sources%\install.wim" %II% "%mount%"
    set unmountimagex=%imagex% /unmount /commit %mount%
    set discardimagex=%imagex% /unmount %mount%

    REM Dism mount/unmount
    set mountdism=%dism% /mount-wim /wimfile:"%sources%\install.wim" /index:%II% /mountdir:%mount%
    set unmountdism="%sources%\dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:%mount% /commit
    set discarddism="%sources%\dism.exe" /unmount-wim /mountdir:%mount% /discard
    set getpackages="%sources%\dism.exe" /image:%mount% /get-packages
    set rempackage="%sources%\dism.exe" /image:%mount% /remove-package /packagename:

    REM Command for mounting by Imagex or Dism (currently Imagex)
    REM ---------------------------------------------------------
    set mountimage=if not exist "%mount%\Windows" %mountimagex%
    set unmountimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %unmountimagex%
    set discardimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %discardimagex%
    REM set mountimage=if not exist "%mount%\Windows" %mountdism%
    REM set unmountimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %unmountdism%
    REM set discardimage=if exist "%mount%\Windows" %discarddism%

    REM Initialisation part 2 triggered from removal_custom.bat
    if "%1" == "init2" goto end
    REM Languagepack integration Windows (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="langpack" goto langpack
    REM Languagepack integration Setup (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="langpack2" goto langpack2
    REM Update integration (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="updates" goto updates
    REM Packages removal (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="packages" goto packages
    REM Update integration + packages removal (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="pre" goto updates
    REM Cleanup of "redundant files and folders (post-vLite)
    if "%1"=="cleanup" goto cleanup
    REM Integrate drivers (post-vLite)
    if "%1"=="drivers" goto drivers
    REM Not recommended: packages+cleanup+drivers (pre-vLite)
    if "%1"=="full" goto packages
    REM Clean-up + integrate drivers (post-vLite prefereable)
    if "%1"=="post" goto cleanup
    REM Actions under the freshly installed Windows (post-installation)
    if "%1"=="final" goto final

    REM Initialisation of environment variables for manual use
    set updates=%0 updates
    set langpack=%0 langpack
    set langpack2=%0 langpack2
    set packages=%0 packages
    set cleanup=%0 cleanup
    set drivers=%0 drivers
    set pre=%0 pre
    set post=%0 post
    set full=%0 full
    set final=%0 final

    REM Custom action in removal_custom.bat
    if exist removal_custom.bat (
    if not "%1" == "" set %1=removal_custom.bat %1
    removal_custom.bat %1
    if not "%1" == "" goto unmount

    start "WIM-prompt" cmd

    REM Update integration (pre-vLite)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    for /f %%i in ("%updateloc%\*.%update.ext%") do %dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%%i"
    if "%1" == "updates" goto unmount

    REM Packages removal (pre-vLite)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    REM Perform the install Wim tweak

    REM Remove "localisation" packages
    %getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~%lang%~%version%" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 if not "%lang%" == "en-US" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~en-US~%version%

    REM Remove "Windows Features" pacakages

    REM Remove packages (1/3)
    if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-HomePremiumEdition-Package%tail%
    if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-BusinessEdition-Package%tail%
    if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Networking-MPSSVC-Rules-UltimateEdition-Package%tail%

    REM Remove packages (2/3)

    REM Remove packages (3/3)
    if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Anytime-Upgrade-Package%tail%
    if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-HomePremium-Client-Package%tail%
    if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-Professional-Client-Package%tail%
    if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Branding-Ultimate-Client-Package%tail%
    if not "%remove.NET%" == "K" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package%tail%
    if "%edition%"=="Professional" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-HomePremium-Package%tail%
    if "%edition%"=="HomePremium" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Professional-Package%tail%
    if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Ultimate-Package%tail%
    if not "%edition%"=="Ultimate" %rempackage%Microsoft-Windows-StorageService-Package%tail%
    if "%1"=="packages" goto unmount
    if "%1"=="pre" goto unmount

    REM Cleanup of "redundant" files and folders (post-vLite)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    REM Remove packages
    %dism% /image:%mount% /disable-feature:MediaPlayback
    echo Disregard the above message, feature was properly disabled!

    REM Fix Registry key (NameSpace)
    reg load HKLM\%edition%_%part% %mount%\Windows\System32\config\software
    reg delete HKLM\%edition%_%part%\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace\{98D99750-0B8A-4c59-9151-589053683D73} /f
    reg unload HKLM\%edition%_%part%

    REM Logfiles
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\*.log" >nul

    REM BITS related files (untested with Windows Update)
    REM del /f /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Network\Downloader\qmgr?.dat" >nul

    REM Empty folders
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices" >nul
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files (x86)\Windows Portable Devices" >nul

    REM Internet Explorer
    move /y "%mount%\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" "%mount%\Windows\system32" >nul
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Internet Explorer" >nul
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer" >nul
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Internet Explorer" >nul
    del /f /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\TaskBar\*.lnk" >nul

    REM Microsoft Games
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Program Files\Microsoft Games" >nul

    REM Default pictures
    rd /s /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures" >nul

    REM Ringtones
    rd /s /q "%mount%\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Ringtones" >nul

    REM Public
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Users\Public\*.*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul 2>&1

    REM Boot languages
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\*-*") do (
    if not "%%i" == "%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\nl-NL" if not "%%i" == "%mount%\Windows\Boot\EFI\en-US" rd /s /q "%%i" >nul

    REM Help
    %getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~en-US~%version%" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 (
    del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\mui\0409\*.chm" >nul
    del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\Windows\en-US\*.h1s" >nul
    %getpackages%|find "Microsoft-Windows-Client-LanguagePack-Package~%pre%~%cb%~%lang%~%version%" >nul
    if not errorlevel 1 (
    del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\mui\%langid%\*.chm" >nul
    del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Help\Windows\%lang%\*.h1s" >nul

    REM Media
    rd /s /q "%mount%\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Media" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Media\*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    del /s /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Media\*.mid" >nul

    REM Remove Recovery
    del /s /f /q "%mount%\Windows\System32\Recovery\*.*" >nul

    REM Wallpapers
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Windows Powershell
    rd /s /q "%mount%\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell" >nul
    rd /s /q "%mount%\windows\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell" >nul

    REM Nullify Backup folder (Filenames required for Windows update)
    for %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Backup\*") do type nul>"%%i"

    REM Redundant drivers
    REM ATi
    set part=ati
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Brother
    set part=brmf
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Fax
    set part=faxc
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM HP
    set part=hp
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Intel Graphics
    set part=ig
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Intel Wireless
    set part=netw5
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Modem
    set part=mdm
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Nvidia
    set part=nv
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Printers
    set part=prn
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Scanners
    set part=wia
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\inf\%part%*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\%cb%_%part%*" >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\system32\Driverstore\FileRepository\%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul
    for /d %%i in (%mount%\Windows\winsxs\%cb%_%part%*) do rd /s /q %%i >nul

    REM Microsoft.Net
    if "%remove.NET%" == "K" goto fonts
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\1.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\3.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\3.5* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\8.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\assembly\NativeImages*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    if "%remove.NET%" == "V" (
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\GAC_64\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    ) else (
    REM Complete removal (including files in GAC_MSIL)
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\assembly\2.0* /s /ad /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\*.*" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    if "%cb%" == "amd64" del /f /q "%mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\*.*" >nul
    REM Language folders and repository for x86 and (if present) amd64
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\10?? /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\?? /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\ASP.NETWebAdminFiles /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    REM Required for installation
    REM for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Config /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\GAC /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\MUI /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\MSBuild /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\RedistList /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %mount%\Windows\Microsoft.NET\repository /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    del /f /q %mount%\Windows\system32\dfshim.dll >nul
    del /f /q %mount%\Windows\system32\netfxperf.dll >nul
    del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\mscoree.dll >nul
    del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\mscorier.dll >nul
    rd /s /q %mount%\Windows\system32\MUI >nul
    if "%cb%" == "amd64" (
    del /f /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\dfshim.dll >nul
    del /f /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\netfxperf.dll >nul
    REM Required for vLite
    if not "%remove.NET%" == "V" del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\mscoree.dll >nul
    del /f /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\mscorier.dll >nul
    rd /s /q %mount%\Windows\SysWow64\MUI >nul
    REM Removal of mscories.dll causes a non-fatal error with personalization upon first boot

    REM Fonts
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\angsa*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\aparaj*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\calibri*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\cambria*.tt?" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Candara*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\comic*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\consola*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\constan*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\corbel*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\cordia*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\daunpenh.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\dokchamp*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\ebrima*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\estr*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\euphemia.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\framd*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Gabriola.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\gautami*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\georgia*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\gisha*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\himalaya.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\impact.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\iskpota*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kalinga*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kartika*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\KhmerUI*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\kokila*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\LaoUI*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\latha*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\leelaw*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\l_10646.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\majalla*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\malgun*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\mangal*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\monbaiti.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\moolbor*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\msuighur.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\msyi.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\mvboli.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\ntailu*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\nyala.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\pala*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\phagspa*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\plant*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\raavi*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\modern.fon" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\roman.fon" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\script.fon" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\segoepr*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\segoesc*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\Shonar*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\shruti*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\sylfaen.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\taile*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\tunga*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\utsaah*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vani*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vijaya*.ttf" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\Fonts\vrinda*.ttf" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-angsa*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-aparaj*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-calibri*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-cambria*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Candara*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-comic*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-consola*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-constan*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-corbel*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-cordia*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-daunpenh_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-dokchamp*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-ebrima*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-estr*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-euphemia_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-franklingothic_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Gabriola_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-gautami*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-georgia*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-gisha*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-microsofthimalaya_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-impact_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-iskoolapota_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kalinga*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kartika*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-KhmerUI*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-kokila*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-LaoUI*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-latha*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-leelaw*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-lucidasans_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-sakkalmajalla*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-malgun*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mangal*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mongolianbaiti_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-moolbor*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-microsoftuighur_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-yibaiti_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-mvboli_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-new_tai*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-nyala_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-pala*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-phagspa*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-plant*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-raavi*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-segoepr*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-segoesc*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-Shonar*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-shruti*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-sylfaen_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-tai_le*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-tunga*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-utsaah*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vani*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vijaya*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%mount%\Windows\winsxs\*-vrinda*_*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-angsa*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-aparaj*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-calibri*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-cambria*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Candara*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-comic*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-consola*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-constan*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-corbel*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-cordia*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-daunpenh_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-dokchamp*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-ebrima*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-estr*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-euphemia_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-franklingothic_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Gabriola_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-gautami*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-georgia*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-gisha*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-microsofthimalaya_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-impact_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-iskoolapota_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kalinga*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kartika*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-KhmerUI*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-kokila*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-LaoUI*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-latha*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-leelaw*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-lucidasans_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-sakkalmajalla*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-malgun*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mangal*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mongolianbaiti_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-moolbor*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-microsoftuighur_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-yibaiti_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-mvboli_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-new_tai*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-nyala_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-pala*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-phagspa*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-plant*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-raavi*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-segoepr*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-segoesc*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-Shonar*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-shruti*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-sylfaen_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-tai_le*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-tunga*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-utsaah*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vani*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vijaya*_*" >nul
    del /f /s /q "%mount%\Windows\winsxs\Manifests\*-vrinda*_*" >nul
    if "%1" == "cleanup" goto unmount

    REM Driver integration (post-vLite, final step prefereable)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-driver /driver:"%driverloc%" /recurse
    goto unmount

    REM Languagepack integration (pre-vLite)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    %dism% /image:"%mount%" /add-package /packagepath:"%DVD%\original\lp7264x64.cab"

    REM Windows Language
    %intlcfg% -all:%lang% -image:%mount%
    %intlcfg% -genlangini -dist:"%DVD%" -image:%mount%
    %intlcfg% -defaultlang:%lang% -dist:"%DVD%"

    REM Setup Language
    echo Integration of Language pack into setup Language not fully automated (yet)
    echo Extract the following files from "%langloc%\lp7264x64.cab":
    echo "setup\sources\%lang%\*.*" -> "%langloc%\setup\sources\%lang%\*.*"
    echo "sources\license\*.*" -> "%langloc%\sources\license\*.*"
    echo When using different paths, rename these within "%0" and use:
    echo "%0" langpack2
    goto unmount

    %imagex% /mountrw "%sources%\boot.wim" 2 "%mount%"
    xcopy "%sources%\lang.ini" "%mount%\sources" /cheryki
    mkdir "%mount%\sources\%lang%"
    xcopy "%langloc%\setup\sources\%lang%\*.*" "%mount%\sources\%lang%" /cheryki
    xcopy "%langloc%\sources\license\*.*" "%mount%\sources\license" /cheryki
    goto unmount

    REM Actions under the freshly installed Windows (post-installation)
    REM Register file required for safe removal and proper explorer functionality
    if exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\ieproxy.dll" regsvr32 /s "%SystemRoot%\system32\ieproxy.dll"
    REM Remove Microsoft.NET files, but keeping those used by vLite
    if "%remove.NET" == "K" goto end
    takeown /f "%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*" /r >nul
    icacls "%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*" /grant Administrators:F /t /q >nul
    for /d %%i in ("%SystemRoot%\assembly\NativeImages*") do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    takeown /f "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET" /r >nul
    icacls "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET" /grant Administrators:F /t /q >nul
    rd /s /q "%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework64" >nul
    for /f %%i in ('dir %SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Config /ad /s /b') do rd /s /q "%%i" >nul
    set dn=%SystemRoot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
    mkdir "%dn%\Temp"
    move /y "%dn%\fusion.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\mscorie.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\mscorjit.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\mscorlib.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\mscorrc.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\mscorwks.dll" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\sort*.nlp" "%dn%\Temp" >nul
    del /f /q "%dn%\*.*" >nul
    move /y "%dn%\Temp\*.*" "%dn%" >nul
    rd /s /q "%dn%\Temp"
    takeown /f "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" >nul
    takeown /f "%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\mscories.dll" >nul
    icacls "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" /grant Administrators:F /q >nul
    icacls "%SystemRoot%\Syswow64\mscories.dll" /grant Administrators:F /q >nul
    del /f /q "%SystemRoot%\system32\mscories.dll" >nul
    del /f /q "%SystemRoot%\SysWow64\mscories.dll" >nul
    goto unmount

    REM Commit the image if all went wel (pre-vLite)
    REM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if not errorlevel 1 %unmountimage%
    if exist "%mount%\Windows" echo An error occured, please commit/discard your image manually


    Can you please help me Jeronimo posting here a custom REMOVAL.BAT for my needs? :}

  4. @gendouhydeist: I used the one delivered with vLite and I would use the one from Windows Vista AIK SP1 if I would need it now.

    @Cr4z33: I do not even need to check, I now I always use mountrw in my batch-file and never mount.

    Yeah, my fault actually.

    I just realised I had to run no commands at all apart from removal.bat and its related actions... :blushing:

  5. I'm not 100% sure about this but I think you need to highlight your c drive in computer right click then left click properties and go to security tab then advanced settings then owner tab take ownership check the box that says replace ownership on all subcontainers or something like that then hit ok exit and go back in again the same way so it applies the change go back into security tab click edit and give yourself full control and apply then go back to advanced permissions and highlight yourself where it says full control next to your name and at the bottom the 2nd checkbox says replace all inherited permissions on ... Hit apply and okay and that should fix the problem and turn off user user account control for future purposes I hope that helps

    I did that already, but it looks like the user SYSTEM is still the owner I don't know why. :no:

    Thanks anyway for your help.

  6. I cannot apply the install_wim_tweak in no f*****g way neither in a real x64 partition nor into wmware because of ownership problems. :realmad:

    SYSTEM is the owner and I cannot find a way to take the ownership of the SOFTWARE file located into C:\s2\windows\system32\config.

    Even if I apply the authorization settings when I run the tweak I get that annoying error showed below again and again.

    For the record it says something like "Exception not handled: System.Unauthorizedblah blah blah" and "Access to path: 'c:\s2\windowsblah blahblah' denied".

    Please help. :(


    Seriously people if someone finds a solution to this please post it here. :(

  7. @Cr4z33: I only had this once with a VHD-image that was merged into an 7100 ISO-installation. In other words the image was tampered with and not received through regular channels.

    Hmm I see, then maybe it's because I have injected some Italian language booting files into the ISO and therefore I am getting issues?

    I will try to apply the patch again using the original ISO.

    If it still doesn't work I will post here.

    In the meantime thanks for that info. :)

  8. I cannot apply the install_wim_tweak in no f*****g way neither in a real x64 partition nor into wmware because of ownership problems. :realmad:

    SYSTEM is the owner and I cannot find a way to take the ownership of the SOFTWARE file located into C:\s2\windows\system32\config.

    Even if I apply the authorization settings when I run the tweak I get that annoying error showed below again and again.

    For the record it says something like "Exception not handled: System.Unauthorizedblah blah blah" and "Access to path: 'c:\s2\windowsblah blahblah' denied".

    Please help. :(


  9. You might be able to boot to a WinPE disc and use bcdedit to swap the boot around (this is what bcdedit is for, technically), but if each partition "sees" each other you may make them unbootable. It might work, and you can always switch things back with bcdedit, but just be aware it may not.

    Hmm I see, so what about EasyBCD then on a WinPE disc? Would that work too?

    Far more easy to use to me. :D

  10. Do all systems see each other^?

    Yes of course.

    Do they keep same drive lettering scheme?


    what the heck do you mean by:

    1. First Primary partition?
    2. Second Primary partition?
    3. Third Primary partiton?

    As simple as what it says: that's the order of partitions installed in my RAID0 system and that's what the Windows Disk Manager tells me. :sneaky:

    Or you have a single primary partition and an extended one with two logical volumes?

    Nope, all primary partitions with the 2nd partition set as active.

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