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Posts posted by shoegws

  1. I apologize if it appears that I did not search for this answer, because i have been. I have been looking through all of these pages here in the unattended section, and it is very large.

    This section goes like 435 pges back, and somehow I did not find what you have directed me to.

    Thank you very kindly for your very prompt response. I hope that I can find all of the information I need to solve my problem.

    Ps - one more thing, here in the forums I have tried several searches using keywords like scsi driver installation, press f6, third party drivers, etc... and on every attempt to search I recieved an error, now this may be the fault of my browser and I also apologize for that, but I want you to know that I am not genius like so many of you but I have been trying.

    I would just like to point out that despite appearances I have tried to find answers on my own. finally I asked. I did not intend to offend anyone or clutter the forums. but I must admit that I have now been directed to where I needed to be for which I truly Thank you!

    oh, and now I have two :D

  2. If any one here knows what exactly I need to do to add my RAID controler drivers to the unattended install it would be extremely appreciated. :thumbup

    In a non oem preinstall I have the option to press f6 and then specify my drivers, the drwback is that I can not use the $oem$ folder to copy files, drivers, and applications to thier desired locations. I have (what I feel) is a beautifull unattended install custom built for my system. However, my problem is that my installation goes perfectly on my standard ATA drive (not what I want) but I can not specify the drivers I need for my Serial ATA raid controller until after the installation is over, at which point I have the system on the wrong drive. if I change the answerfile to reflect that it is not an oem preinstall the $oem$ folder does not copy over but I can then specify my drivers at the begining of the install and the system is then where I want it. It is kind of a catch 22 for me,... I can have this but not that, or I can have that but not this.. I want both.

    I have been trying to integrate my raid drivers into the core installation files, and so far I keep coming up onto a road block.

    I have the files added to the i386 directory, I specified them in txtsetup.inf, added them to layout.inf, and dosnet.inf. I so far can get the install up to where it is building its list from layout.inf and then when it gets to my files it says it can not find them.

    If anyone can help me here it would really mean a lot to me.

    the files are viasraid.inf (1554), viasraid.cat (7609), and viasraid.sys (77312)


    I am really not sure that I have them added to any of the right places in the setup files. If there is a step by step method to add these files, or a way that someone may know of please share. :unsure:

    Thanks. :D

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