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Posts posted by Rudolph

  1. One way I've been looking at is to have as much as possible on the floppy, then either have multiple floppies, or perhaps a menu. (from a purist point of view a menu would mean it's no longer unattended.) A simple DOS unzip with overwrite could recreate the files for individual users on a single floppy.

    So far I have 'generic' CD with hotfixes and any applications that I may want, plus 'RunOnceEx.cmd', 'Cleanup.cmd' etc. which simply call a command file on the floppy. Within these files on the floppy the application is installed from the CD, but any .REG files are stored and referenced from the floppy. This way I have one CD, and a floppy tailored for individuals in the family.

    The only thing I haven't worked out yet is different user names using OOBE, however there is a batch alternative so I should be able to point that at the floppy and store the name there.

    (Bear in mind I'm new to this, more experienced users may have better ideas)

  2. Thanks for the recommendation, that should make the install run faster :) .

    I'm still learning but I think that eventually I'd like to have a CD with the basic install & hotfixes plus a few apps ready to go, then have a floppy which I can use to install variations. That way the basic Windows stuff would be the same (and updated/changed as necessary) while machine specific stuff & programs to install would just be a case of which batchfile to run. My, the wife's and kids machine(s) are basically the same, just a few preferences & programs different, i.e. I like Firefox, the wife prefers IE & the kids don't care.

    There's probably a better way to do what I want to do but at the moment batfiles seem like a viable option.

  3. Is it possible to run a batchfile at the end of the textmode install, i.e. after the $OEM$ folder has been copied but before the restart ?

    I've created a vanilla unattended install with all hotfixes but would like to keep all the other setup files on a floppy, and use a batch file to copy them over to the HD for the main install. That way I can play about with the setup files without having to re-burn a CD every time.

    Is that feasable ?

  4. Using kerio-pf-4.1.3-en-win.exe

    1. Run the file. Don't install, just go to the the first screen.

    2. Copy the files created in"C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\_isxx" to a spare folder.

    3. Cancel the install.

    4. Rename "Kerio Personal Firewall.msi" to something without spaces, i.e. "KerioPersonalFirewall.msi"

    5. To install the firewall use this batch file

    start /wait ISScript10.msi /passive
    start /wait KerioPersonalFirewall.msi /passive

    it will not restart automatically

    If you have a saved configuration file (kpf.cfg) you can copy it into "c:\Program Files\Kerio\Personal Firewall 4\Config" and rename it to "update.cfg" before you restart.

    NB. The above is based on observed behaviour/trial & error (I don't really know what I'm doing :) ) but it seems to work.


    OK, hit one snag. While the above works - the program gets installed and updated - the Kerio menu only appears on the 'administrator' account (which is fixable), but also it does not appear on 'Add/Remove Programs'.

    Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this ?

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