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Posts posted by derrick.anderson

  1. Hi Gang,

    I am trying to package the MS Streets and Trips 2005 via Novadigms Radia Software Publisher. I managed to create an AIP and an MST but it installs as Typical and I need to install this as Full/Complete. I ooked at the MST provided on this topic and found that the installation Type statesd 500 is that it? How did is this information found, as i could not find any other references for this application on Google?StnTrps.mst

  2. Hi gang,

    I am having this issue and we are using the same com adapter as mentioned above for the new HP nc4200 laptop. I did not customize the .inf file as we have never had to do that before. Anyone know why? Or point me to the correct investigation path --> we are using XP pro

    Thanks in advance,


    Derrick Anderson

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