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Posts posted by learningprocess

  1. Currently I have found out that I have some unuse port opening, which might cause my pc to get attack...

    however i have no idea on how to disable it, so can someone guide me on this enable and unbaling ports?


  2. Firstly I would like to know where does the mail stored? I have serach through the Exchsrvr folder and it seems to me that MDBDATA and the logs were quite important. Would like to know where to locate the mails (old and new).

    Also without using NTBackup nor any 3rd party software like Veritas, and etc... can I still archive my exchange?

    The tutorial I went through was using NTBackup, and am looking for alternative solution as resources were limited!

  3. Ok I have figure out what I did wrong.

    I only need to convert Disk1 to dynamic disk and need not create any logical drive for Disk1.

    Now I have done the mirroring part.

    I have tried to get some help from the windows help file and couldn't find any topic related to recovery from mirrored disk (Disk1 in this case). I would like to crash the file in Disk0 and try to recover it from Disk1, but before I do that I really do hope you guys can give me some guideline on how to do recovery from the mirrored disk.

    Thanks again!

  4. Steps involved:

    1. Have 2 identical HDD in the CPU Disk0 and Disk1

    2. Both formated with NTFS

    3. Install OS in Disk0

    4. Minor Config to browse Internet

    5. Convert Disk0 to Dynamic Disk

    (Convert Disk1 to Dynamic Disk too as mention by @Minus Human)

    6. Restart

    7. Try to add mirror but failed!

    Hope it give a clear picture.

  5. I am running Win2k3 and wish to implement a mirroring using Win2k3's mirror feature.

    I have 2 identical hdd place as Disk0 and Disk1.

    I already convert the Disk0 (where boot/OS reside) to dynamic disk.

    However after restarting I couldn't add mirror on Disk0, anyone here know where go wrong?


  6. Hi all I am a noob in all this technology and is currently getting some hands on tutorial on it. However I find it difficult to get a clear picture of the overall structure. Hope to gain some guideline from all the experts here.

    Tools I am using:

    - MS Win2k3 Server Standard Edition

    - MS Exchange 2003

    - ISA 2004

    *Note that I will be installing all application in 1 machine.

    Steps I did

    - Install fresh copy of OS

    - Promote Win2k3 as a domain

    - Install Exchange 2003

    - Install ForestPrep and DomainPrep

    - Install ISA 2004

    So far am I doing all the right way?

    Then now time to configure and setup up. However since I am a noob on this I wish to test it out first before running it live. So I will have to remove this machince and a testing machine out from the network.

    1. Can I just plug this machince and another testing machine to a switch which is not connected to the LAN?

    2. What are the step for configuring an exchange server? I couldn't seems to find any tutorial on this..

    3. The same goes to ISA, is there any tutorial for a noob?

  7. So what you are saying is that ForestPrep and DomainPrep is purely for AD environment?

    BTW if I have two server application packed into a single server machine, how do I specific that when a client is pointed to the server which application trigger?

  8. I did read about this ForestPrep and DomainPrep in microsoft page and yet couldn't seems to figure it out what it is?


    "Exchange 2003 ForestPrep extends the Active Directory schema to include Exchange-specific classes and attributes"

    I just couldn't get the clear picture for the deployment. For architecture wise yes I am able to understand where Exchange FE and BE and ISA server stand, but when it come to implementation wise I am totally lost.

    I have just promote my windows small business server 2003 standard edition to a domain controller. After installing all the services I notice that MS EXCHANGE is already there. So in this case do I still need to install MS EXCHANGE 2003 ForestPrep and DomainPrep or it is already done for me while doing the promoting job?

    My situation here is to actually deploy EXCHANGE 2003 and ISA 2004 Server in a single server. Is there any specific procedure I should follow? Like which application I should install first and etc....

    Thanks! :)

  9. Is there any snap in / third party application which can best integrated with MS Outlook to filter out junk mail??? I have been experiencing this nightmare where I get often unwanted mail from unknown sender and trust me cleaning out those junk mail each and every single day is driving me crazy.

    Any help will be appriciated! Thanks in advance ..

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