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Everything posted by DarkAngel2057

  1. Thanks for the update Diskeeper was an excellent defrag tool but I guess Raxco is catching up with Perfectdisk... both are vey good! Remember: the longer the degramentation takes, the better the application is.
  2. Did some research to help... See no.15 or around there and you'll get a working link http://vachercher.lycos.fr/cgi-bin/pursuit?pag=1&query=%22nLruntimeR3.exe%22&enc=utf-8&cat=slim_web&sc=blue&xargs= Sorry nuhi but hey I'm for the sharing part of this actual mess! P.S. and remember if you have any Framework installed, don't use this. Enjoy!
  3. Hi all, I'm new to this forum and I must that you ppl rock!!!! BTW, thanx to SiMoNsAyS & nOBeLium, I successfully created an Unattended CD for Office 2K3
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