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Posts posted by TheSlacker

  1. Hey all. I've got a website in development, however, i want 4 main links to open a sub menu below them. i thought of using a php script already running to open the sub menu, but that doesn't seem to work. ( i did edit it by the way so it didnt load the same as the other). i need something easy to load like the php script, and easily editable. Any help would be greatful guys :)

    BTW, its here if u want to see it:


  2. Hey Everyone.

    Heres my problem:

    I want to make a system to build quotes for Computers. This means, the user Choosing a specific item, and that being added to the total cost, eventually making a printable quote for the user.

    My mind is thinking of radio Boxes, each one selection adds to the quote viewable at the side.... I dont know how to do this and it'll just confuse me.

    If anyone can give me a clue how this is done (or an example would be better) then i'd be thankful.



  3. Hey guys, if you can help me with this i'd be very happpy.

    The other day me and a work mate ghosted one of his hdd's to a spare of mine, the HDD contains fairly important data. Before we used Ghost 2003 to do this, he deleted the partition on the spare drive to see which one he was using (he couldn't tell which 1 was which in Ghost)

    The problem is, the Data is on the spare drive but its on a raw filing system and cannot be accessed by WinXP without formatting the drive. any one who knows anyway to get the data can you please help!


  4. Lo guys, I Currently use a CD-R for Installs on new PC's at my work place, as we install a range of tools to protect the noobs on PC's.

    The way mine works, if i can remember as i dont have it with me is:

    Start /wait %cd%"Folder Name"/"Application Name.extension" /switches.

    Notice the difference:

    1. CD, Not CDROM So, %cd%

    2. No / after %cd%

    the " are used for gaps between folder/App names.

    Hope this helps.

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