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Posts posted by bigfatroundguy
in answer to your question 1 - yes, i have just followed a similar approach with the exact same result, even down to the size of the loaded components. i say similar because, i used the TC method to create 1.1, 2.0 SP1, 3.0 SP1 and 3.5 executables, loaded them into a new build in the very order you have used here. I then executed a new install and once done, executed the 3.5 SP1 executable to update the whole the framework to arrive at a 1.1, 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 3.5 SP1 state. I then used the TC method to create new executables and replaced my original executables with the new ones and repeated the original sequence - it seems to have worked. whether it really worked, is beyond my knowledge to really confirm.
in answer to your question 2 - again, beyond my pay grade to comment.
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Nice!, I just tried the latest edition with default settings and it worked first time, totally clean. Am looking forward to the .NET 3.5 SP1 version. Many thx
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I seem to be missing something. I currently use WMP11 Slipstreamer to integrate WMP11 and WMP11 hotfixes into Win XP SP3 and then, separately use nLite to strip out a bunch of stuff thus leaving me with a slimmer Win XP SP3 source. I would like to do this all in 1 step. I have hunted around this forum seeking enlightenment and frankly I must be missing something obvious - I get that the WMP11 Slipstreamer must be installed and I get that the WMP11 installer must be inserted as a hotfix within the hotfix section of nLite but I don't understand how to configure nLite such that it uses the same WMP11 Slipstreamer parameters that I use when I run it as a distinct step (ie, "tweaked" vs "vanilla" output type, etc).
would anyone shed some light on this for me?
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at the risk of offering another perspective (or simply piling on!), I integrate KB951376 as an RyanVM Addon and was plagued by this very problem (I nLite to reduce after I have bolt on all my Addons). As it turns out, I exclude anything Bluetooth related as my desktop machine does not support Bluetooth. In doing so, nLite removes "bthport.sys" AND the txtsetup.sif entry (the very one identified by 5eraph above). By simply listing "bthport.sys" in the Keepfiles section of nLite, I preserve both the file and txtsetup.sif entry (so no manual screwing around with txtsetup.sif after I'm done). Anyhow, anything to avoid manual intervention is a win for me.
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actually, i just unpacked and searched through the inf included in your UberPack and the it contains this random number, and looks defined.
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forgive me, i know barely enough to be dangerous. the suggestions i made were built on top of the files that Cygnus and others have contributed towards which referenced the same number. from reviewing the file authored by Cygnus and others, it looks like the number i used was defined in an earlier registry entry. in any case it has worked consistently.
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In case anyone is interested, i have been tinkering with this Recycle Bin on the Desktop for a while as I wasn't satisfied with implementing the attached hack only to have to then still select it after windows booted up. here is what i discovered. i am including because i haven't found it anywhere else (i suspect I am not the first to discover this but maybe someone who will follow will be interested)
; ### will reveal whatever is set to OEMLink in Start Menu at logon (in this case Recycle Bin) even if default behavior hides it
; ### will remove Recycle Bin from desktop at logon even if default behavior places Recycle Bin on desktop
; ### will set the default behavior of the OEMLink in Start Menu to VISIBLE
; ### in the absence of this setting the default behavior of the OEMLink in Start Menu is set to VISIBLE so this setting should really be unnecessary
; ### will set the default behavior of the Recycle Bin on the desktop to HIDDEN
; ### in the absence of this setting the default behavior of the Recycle Bin on the desktop is set to VISIBLE
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Was this problem completely resolved? i have just come across the very same problem and am trying to figure out what is causing it. I use RyanVM to integrate hotfixes (RVM2.1.11, then RUP2.1.11.13), DX9c (Nov07), IE7, WS57. Then I use Boogy to integrate WMP11. Now at this point I have a pretty fat install and it works. Next I use nLite v1.4 to trim it down and I blue screen during install with this error. any thoughts?
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Shark007, sorry to be pain but I have the same question for VCPv457. I tried "-ai", didn't work. Whatever switch I try brings up an InstallShield command line parameters window with reasonable suggestions - none work. Any additional thoughts / suggestions? thx,
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Shark007, I have just tried to do a silent install of your QT Lite for VCP 1.09 and am having trouble figuring out the exact key sequence for an unattended install. I have tried /s /v"/qn" and all manner of combinations without success (I continue to come to a halt at the Windows Installer window - ironically, the one with the legend explaining all the msi key options). I have no trouble unpacking the executable that you have prepared and executing the msi like every other msi but that's not a clean solution. Have you any suggestions? Thx
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This method seems to work well enough for me.
1) So through RunOnceEx.cmd, i load the following cmd
REG ADD %KEY%\990 /VE /D "Tuning User Environments" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\990 /V 1 /D "RunHiddenConsole /w \"H:\temp\User Configuration\User Configuration at SU.cmd\"" /f
2) this command loads the default user with
:: cmdow @ /HID
@echo off
SET HKUC=HKEY_USERS\Custom\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce
:: Load HKU with Default User profile
REG LOAD HKEY_USERS\Custom "%HomeDrive%\Documents and Settings\Default User\NTUSER.dat"
REG ADD "%HKUC%" /v "pg_00" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "\"H:\temp\User Configuration\User Configuration at SU.exe\"" /f
:: UnLoad HKU of Default User profile
3) the User Configuration at SU is a compiled AU3 script that uses a case statement to customize for username
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.1.1
; Language: English
; Platform: Win9x/NT
; Author:
; Script Function:
; Configures Office per User at User Startup
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HotKeySet("^!x", "MyExit")
; Script Start - Add your code below here
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Configure Office per User at User Startup
; Toggle Rate
$i = 500
Case @UserName = "Administrator"
; Do Nothing
Case @UserName = "User1"
SplashTextOn("Active Processes", "office-User2", 200, 100, 0, 150, 4, "", 9)
RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\office-User2\Config & Files Placement.exe")
Case @UserName = "User2"
SplashTextOn("Active Processes", "office-User2", 200, 100, 0, 150, 4, "", 9)
RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\office-User2\Config & Files Placement.exe")
Case @UserName = "User3"
SplashTextOn("Active Processes", "office-User3", 200, 100, 0, 150, 4, "", 9)
RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\office-User3\Config & Files Placement.exe")
Case @UserName = "User4"
SplashTextOn("Active Processes", "office-User4", 200, 100, 0, 150, 4, "", 9)
RunWait(@ScriptDir & "\office-User4\Config & Files Placement.exe")
Case Else
; Do Nothing
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Place functions here
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Func MyExit()
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Anyone know how to create a silent installer after capturing the files?
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Windows Update client has been updated to v7.0.6000.381. the last redistributable that was linked here connects to v7.0.6000.374.
Anyone know the link to the newest version?
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just_laze, I have been tinkering with your approach (as your approach is by far and away the most straight forward). I would appear that I have succeeded without integrating KB929969. To be clear, I followed every step as you have described EXCEPT I chose not to integrate KB929969 at the all - I consistently get a successful installation and further, I do NOT get told by Windows Update to proceed and install the KB929969 hotfix. I have to conclude that it is not necessary. Can anyone else verify this? If true, your simple, straight forward approach gets simpler and straighter. thx,
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Tomcat76, I understand that the 7zS.sfx file has been compressed using UPX. I have tried to change icons of the resulting .NET installers to use the same icon as "ndpsetup" (.ico file attached) using reshack and it fails. I believe it is failing due to the fact that your 7zS.sfx file has been compressed. I have tested reshacking the 7zS.sfx file that comes with 7z and it works fine with your .NET installers - its just not compressed.
I read the 7z help file that indicates that UPX can compress 7zS.sfx files, so I tinkered with UPX - way cool! Executing UPX --help in a command window reveals all its secrets. bottomline is that you drop an sfx file into the same folder as UPX and from a command window you execute UPX --best --ultra-brute file.sfx and voila, it compresses all the pieces it can and leaves you with a compressed version of the same file written over the existing one.
so I took the standard 7zS.sfx file that comes with 7z, res-hacked it to use the icon file (attached), compressed it with UPX and used this instead - works perfectly (so I attached this too!). then out of curiosity, I compressed the standard 7zS.sfx file as it stood and it compressed to something slightly smaller that what you have currently packaged up (so I attached this too!). finally, I took the enhanced sfx files from http://unattended.solta.ru/unattended.en.htm, res-hacked the uncompressed 7zS only file and compressed it as well (also attached).
So, in the end, thank you for putting together these .NET installers (I haven't tried .NET 3.0 but i'll get to it). In return, I have attached some more colorful SFX files and the .NET icon file for anyone to use.
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X-FoRcE, how did you find this programs? I've tried the x86, it works. I've even trimmed it down to the language I want. I just need to understand how it or rather updates to it should it be updated again.
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I have tinkered with this quite a bit and never got it to work for either Partition Magic 8 or Drive Image 6 (2002).
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I think I know the answer but would like an opinion or three.
I have figured out how to integrate the KB888111 hotfix and have been tinkering with including the driver through the OemPnPDriversPath approach in Winnt.sif. My question is this.
When I integrate KB888111 it installs portcls.sys v5.1.2600.1364 (xpsp2.040109-1800) 16mar04. all the docs on the MS website say .1364 is the one that should be there.
by unpacking KB888111 and placing the contents of commonfiles in the right place, the correct HD driver installs however, the version of portcls.sys that comes with KB888111 doesn't get installed. instead a version that came with the base OS appears to be installed. this version is 5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) 3aug04.
my gut tells me that the .2180 version is the one to stick with and use, but then i'm left wondering why does KB888111 overwrite it with an older version when you integrate it?
any opinions?
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I do what SubD wrote during RunOnceEx and I also immediately follow it with KB925720 & KB927977. I have found that these to hotfixes need to be installed following the .NET3 install in order for WinUpdate to recognize that .NET3 has been installed.
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Try this.
Install it once (or on a test machine or a VM). Search for "opuc.dll". The version that I just captured and save was v12.0.4613.1006 - 16nov06 - I think this is the most current. Save this file somewhere safe. to properly install this without using the Office Update website, you need to copy the file into the Windows folder and register it. if you are familiar with 7-zip, you can use this program to create a silent executable that will place the file and register it. I have attached a 278K installer that I create using this technique and it works.
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I have been trying to get WinXP SP2 loaded into Virtual PC 2004 and no matter what I have tried I cannot seem to get it to recognize the emulated hardware that VPC uses - VPC indicates that it emulates hardware for which every version of Windows would recognize and load the appropriate drivers, however, my nLite'd version does not seem to have the drivers. At this time, I can't tell whether WinXP should have the drivers or not. Does anyone know whether these drivers have been ripped out as a function of "nLiting". thx
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Thank you Takeshi, that was a very helpful pointer
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I have been spending some time trying to load RunOnce located in HKU\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion in an effort to tweak what I thought was the Default User Profile. I was trying to have certain activities occur as each new user gets created. I have been trying to do this logged on as an administrator. No matter what I have tried, nothing has worked. Upon further research, I have discovered that HKU\.DEFAULT, being capitalized is a hive, is located at %SYSTEMROOT%\System32\config\default and that the Default User Profile is NTUSER located at %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\Default User and that is in fact the file I should be tweaking. I have learned to tweak it using the REG LOAD and REG UNLOAD approach. Using this approach I have succeeded, however, I remain a little confused.
So here is my question(s) are the two "default profiles" actually related? If so, how? Does one update the other and if so, when? Should I every try and tweak HKU\.DEFAULT?
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This reply follows Zhoerd's line of investigation.
I agree with your assessment of where the problem lies but am not entirely clear on your solution. I, too, have a solution which is shared below, however, my lack of deep understanding of how XP creates user profiles doesn't leave me with the ability to state my solution is a 100% fix. I, too, would be interested in anyone elses comments on the subject.
As to my approach,
RC6 of nlite.inf adds the registry entries of section C when the nliteReg section is executed (in cmdlines.txt) - RC8 of nlite.inf ONLY adds the registry entries of section C when the nlite section is executed. so I modified the line "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLiteReg" in cmdlines.txt to "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLite". by doing this, I can ensure that the Default Profile's RunOnce registry entries are populated with the nlpo_01 to nlpo_10 commands to be executed the first time any user logons.
at this point, Zhoerd and my solution diverge,
I don't add any additional lines to cmdlines.txt. it is not clear to me why you would want to execute section R of nlite.inf (via executing "rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,S") which clears the Default User's RunOnce registry entries. I want the Default User profile to always have its RunOnce registry entries populated so that any new user will likewise have their RunOnce registry entries populated. Just to be sure, I have commented out section R of nlite.inf.
Further, as the nlite section of nlite.inf is executed from cmdlines.txt while logged on as the Default User, I thought it might be "cleaner" to add the nlpo_01 to nlpo_10 commands to HKCU rather than directly to HKU.
Finally, similarly to Zhoerd, I have deleted the final two nlpo commands from section C - all they appear to do is rerun nlite.inf sections T, H & B each time a user logons - is this really necessary? - and continue to delete the Default User's RunOnce registry entries (through section R), which I don't want delete anyways.
Anyhow, I would be very interested in any additional, constructive contributions to this issue.
7z SFX Modified Module and Tools
in Application Installs
will there be any update given that the base 7-Zip program has now been updated to v4.62?