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Posts posted by Hamins

  1. Hi,

    I manage a Windows 2003 Domain with around 550 users. I would like some ideas, suggestions on how I can broadcast a random Tip Of The Day Diaglogue-Box each time a user logs on. Tip Of The Day dialogue-box could be something like what appears when you start WinZip. The tips could possibly reside in a central repository (database, txt file), where tips can be added, modified, deleted....

    Is there any software availble that'll do this for me ? Please let me know your suggestions, ideas etc..


  2. Hi,

    We're running a Windows 2003 Domain Controller (Also act as the DNS server). Our emails are hosted by a third-party email service provider. All the users access their mailboxes via Webmail (browser). However, to do so, they have to enter a really long URL : - http://mail.spherelinksmail.com/c/vasundharatechnologies.com.

    It's very difficult to remember... Yes.. yes... I know.. we can always bookmark it... However, what I want to know is if I can make some changes on the DNS server, to make the URL shorter... Something like an alias... so all the user have to type in the browser is something like mail.vasundharatechnologies.com. Is that possible, if yes how?

    Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.

    Thanks !!!

  3. Hi,

    We have one server running Server 2003 and all clients running XP. I need to know if I can configure a single mandatory profile for all users, so that each time a user logs on they can access their own individual Outlook Express mail account. Currently, when the users log off they loose they Outlook Express mails and settings. Outlook Express thinks that it's running for the first time. Same things happens with Internet Explorer and some other software. How do I work around this, and have Mandatory profiles.

  4. Hi,

    Hi,We have a network of around 75 workstations & 1 Windows 2003 Std. server as a DC. The user and workstations are managed via GPOs. Currently we have Open Office deployed on all the workstations. I would like to know how to un-install Open Office on all the machines, and then re-install the latest version. I know it'll have to be done via GPOs. Would like to know how.


  5. Hi Mara, thanks for the response.

    I tried that. It prevents changes to the stuff like the desktop wallpaper, active content etc. However, it does not prevent the user from save files onto the desktop (either from the Save/Save as option of an applications, or from the desktop context menu : Right-Click - New)

  6. Hi,

    We have a network of around 75 workstations & 1 Windows 2003 Ent. server as a DC. We have not setup roaming profiles for the users. We would like to prevent users from saving any kind of file/data onto the desktop. The user should be able to save files only on the shares on the server.

    I have already restricted access to the local drives using GPOs. Now, I would like to know how to prevent users from saving data on their desktops. I know that one method is by using FOLDER RE-DIRECTION. However, I'm not to keen on using this method, since I feel it would increase the load on the server, as all the users will accessing their respective desktops from the sever.

    Is there any other effective way to preventing users from saving files on the desktop (from any application, or even the desktop context menu) ??

  7. Fix the CD drive in the laptop? :unsure:

    There are ways to do network installs, but that requires a domain and an installation server and other complicated stuff, I think. I've never tried it though. :wacko:

    Yeah, you'll need an RIS (Remote Installation Services) server, or some other remote deployment tool.

  8. Sorry...been busy with work. :(

    Honestly, I'd try to get a small server and setup a Windows Small Business Server 2003 domain. Then create shares and have all of your users keep the files on the server. That would allow you to run a backup on the single machine instead of trying to find a way to backup 30-something individual computers.

    It would also give you some control over the settings on those computers (Group Policies are a wonderful thing). You could even automate your patches with Windows Server Update Services 3.0. I just had an opportunity to do my first WSUS3 setup for a customer. It's so easy to setup and maintain...and provides some pretty amazing reports, especially considering it's a free product.

    Thanks for yer response Memnoch,

    Ideally speaking, thats how I would like to have it too. I tried convincing my client to do that, but they still want the data dispersed (Don't ask why). However, we do have a free desktop on which I could install Windows 2003 (non-DC).

  9. Automating it without a server/domain model will be difficult. Not impossible, but it severely limits your options.

    How many laptops and workstations do you have?

    Thanks for your suggestions, everyone....

    Memnoch, we have around 25 laptops, and 6 desktop. All the data is dispersed on these laptops/desktops...

  10. Eyeball, I don't think folder redirection would solve my problem - The data is stored is various folders, other than My Docs, desktop etc etc...

    Also, how is folder redirection possible in a workgroup environment ? We don't have a domain/domain controller ?

  11. Hi,

    I'm not too sure if this question belongs to this forum...

    I'm managing a network where all the users work on notebooks, and the data is scattered on each persons notebook. We also have a coupla desktops with data on each. How do I formulate a automated backup process, whereby all the data from the each notebook/desktop gets backed-up periodically onto a storage medium (external HDD, backup server etc etc.)

  12. Personally, I like to setup two GPOs, one for laptops one for desktops.

    The laptops once I tend to have stricter settings for the firewall, enable useful things like the Wireless Zero Configuration service, etc... where as with the desktops I disable the firewall, wireless internet, etc.

    Hi Colonel,

    Could you elaborate some more on this, please... thanks

  13. Hi,

    I'm setting up a Windows 2003 Std R2 server as a Domain Controller (PDC), DNS, DHCP, File/Print sever for a domain of around 30 comps.

    I would like to lock-down (Harden) Windows 2003, and would like to know in detail, how to go about it.

    Detailed help/steps/suggestions would be appreciated.


  14. I would like to know if there're any particular GPOs I should configure for laptops ? Are there any preset GPO templates for laptops ? Should I have a different set of GPOs for Laptop and desktop ?

    Any help, suggestions would be appreciated.


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