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Posts posted by hotpants

  1. Hello people,

    I am having a little problem getting Windows Vista SP1 to connect to the local network (wired router). Before installing SP1, it was all ok. After the SP1 installation the network connection has completely gone. The little icon on the system tray shows it is disconnected but the light on the router and on the network card are lit. The ipconfig does not return anything except "Windows IP Configuration" - no other details. The router can be accessed via wireless without a problem from my laptop. The "diagnose and repair" option does nothing. The drivers for the network card does not report any error. I have tried using "netsh winsock reset" and "netsh int ip reset" - without a luck. I have tried googling this but have not been able to find anything. Is there anything else I can try?

    Any tips on this would be very much appreciated.

  2. Hello folks, here's a small tool to help people automate application installation.

    Very simple to use. Use /? for usage........ also see the example apps.ini

    Give me feedback here... this is my first tool ever... so all suggestions/criticism are welcome :D

    this tool was created using dot net 2... so you will have to install dot net 2 framework first.



  3. i have managed to work the System restore by adding SRService to

    [netsvcs] key found in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SvcHost]

    however i get another error now saying Application Experience Lookup Service failed to start. to overcome this, i added [AeLookupSvc] at the bottom of the list as well. my question is, why does this service (AeLookupSvc) not get installed automatically on a clean install when it is supposed to according to the HIVSFT.inf file?

  4. i have been looking for this for a long time... and with trial and error i managed to firgure it out last night...

    follow these step...

    1. admin install SPF (SPF.exe /a)

    2. copy all of your current .dat and .xml files to X:\Program Files\Sygate\SPF

    3. whenever you want to install again, run x:\WIS1B8303C449BA4722A83DCBEE4244C07B_5_5_2516.MSI /qn

    lamer note: X: represents where you extracted (admin-installed) SPF. :)

  5. yeah i remember having this feature... but i dont know how it happened... the previous active window was always the default path in the cmd...

    no formatted my hard drive, but dont know how to get this feature back... it is very helpul

    if you find out, let me know please

    kindest regards

  6. Hi folks, I'm a newbiew to this unattended multi-dvd stuff. I'm trying to place windows 2003 enterprise SP1 with other OS in one dvd, but I get the following error "NTLDR is corrupt, the system cannot boot" when i try to boot. If any of you Gurus can help on this I would be grateful. A step by step instructions would be nice :D

    Thanks in advance

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