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Posts posted by Beppe

  1. nope never forgot to hit the apply button b/c after i hit apply it would ask me if i wanna bebuild the whole ISO to the only one i m using and i do it. so i dont think its that.. i m gonna try to just apply changes this time only and see wut happens

  2. Last_Session_u.ini


    ok this is the deal.. the first attempt i put my key yes! it was correct i always double check my keys. i also skipped EULA. and did skip user creation. now when i go to install. everything loads up i click install and it will ask me to enter a key! so i m like ok i let that go. then i proceed to install windows vista. then when it comes time to the end of the install it will still ask me for a user name! and stuff so i m like grrr.. so i decided to make a new vlite on the fresh install. now wut i do it dont even select a key i skip key also along with EULA and user creation. after makin my vlite cd of course i apply and then rebuild only the editon i want to install. ect ect pop the dvd in comes to the screen to enter a key!! even though i checked skip key blah blah. yes in my list i selected the right version of windows. sorry i dont have the last sessions b/c i got fustrated and threw the dvds away and never saved the last session ini's


    ok i guess i lied


  3. no. i booted from the cd. i even made another one lastnight. and tried it again. created username even skipped keys. EULA. ect booted from cd and it still asks me if i want to insert key or not. not sure wuts going on.? :realmad:

  4. nuhi.. anyone.. few questions.. made a vlite install... but selected only! unattended setup.. now put in the key. selected accept EULA. and skip user creation without a password.. now when i go to install it.. when it first sets up. and u click install. after u click that it will still pop up the EULA and also ask me if u want to insert a key? even after i did it vlite. and at the end of install it will still ask me for a user name like it ignored my unattended setup? anyone else get this

  5. yea that was it.. ms virtual pc 2007 dont support vista x64 which is kinda retarded. VMware does its still experimental ... so vm works so far but is not 100% compatible with vista yet.. gives that warning about windows 6. usin the latest version too.. anyway guys that was it. installing now.. thanks for the help!

  6. In the new Vlite. does the unattended install area when used automatically use admin account? without havin to set it up? not quite sure if it does or not.

  7. i too had the not right click bug. and this is without using vlite. and there is a patch for the slow copying bug. i like vista but not going near it until sp1.. plus its hard to tell with a new os. when ur vliting it or weather its a bug, which do u blame? since its a new buggy os... xp for me right now

  8. u said this removes DRM "support" but not DRM itself? wut if say a dvd or something needs it? or does this basically bypass the checks? does this have anything to do with HDCP?

  9. k i did alil research... first i made sure it was not updates. so i made an iso without updates or using ryans pack. i did disable services and tweaks and added drivers with nlite.. still same result... then i tried ryans pack drivers ect same thing.. then i installed windows without using nlite a fresh install. and installed updates and its good to go.. i m guess its something bout either the tweaks causing this or disabling services in nlite.. b/c without using nlite the lag issue is gone.

  10. for while i could not figure out wut was delaying my start up it was driving me nuts. wut i found out is by disabling dcom in services the delay with the startup stopped, and the delay with open folders such as my computer stopped also. i did not remove any services i only used tweaks. i disabled dcom and decom protocol bidings. and one other tweak has to do with dcom.. now i m guessing services is having a hard time starting b/c of the tweaks and so by disabling the service it goes away? but now i cant even use windows defrag b/c it depends on dcom. once i enable it it works.. i kno i could use some other proggy... did anyone ever experience this at all??? or i m just crazy? :w00t:


  11. like the top says......

    how would i go about removing alexa if i wanted to do it for someone that always has windows installed.. also to close port 445.. help would be appreciated

  12. hey guys.. i was just wondering.. now nuhi thanks for a great program and ryan for the update pack and making life easier.. but when i use ryan update pack. the system feels less responsive then without it and normal updates. alittle bit of strange things happen here and there with sluggish and sometimes freeze ups.. does anyone else experience this? or is it just me? just curious on others opinions... :hello:

    o sry too i think i posted it in the wrong place lol

  13. NO i won.. maybe if u spoke english i would have understood the 1st time

    Look, I didn't told you it wasn't there. (I know it is.) And also this is not the only driver listed. LOL oooooooooooooooooooooooo sucka ;) j/k


  14. Hey guys.. nuhi 1.2 is great even more services for me to disable without me havin to back after install! :thumbup keep up the good work.. the only thing thats weird is there is a service call NetBios over tcpip that i never seen b4 even in windows. but its in nlite? i dunno if its a bug or not. but the first nlite i made i disabled this service and all hell broke lose with connected with the interet, and when i went to services it is not listed after windows is installed? is this service hidden in some way? b/c i never ever seen it b4 even without nlite.. thanks

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