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Posts posted by zer0blivion

  1. Is there any way to launch a program in WoW64?

    Sorry if this question makes no sense.

    I tried to install some software and the only way I was able to install it was by right-clicking the install .exe and setting compatability mode for windows XP. If I did not set this, it would refuse to install based on the OS version.

    The software itself runs great after updating it to the newest version. Now I want to uninstall it, but the uninstaller refuses to run because of the OS version. I right-clicked the uninstall link, but there is no option to run in XP compatable mode. I found the installshield exe that it links to and set it for compatability mode, but still I get the error.

    The link calls a dll that calls the installshield exe. I even tried making a shortcut to the shortcut to, but Bill Gates decided that was silly and banned the practice. Is there any way I can launch that link in windows XP compatable mode?

    I realize I could just delete the folder from Program Files(x86) and hack up the registry, but I would really prefer not to.

    Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


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