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Posts posted by xian7479

  1. Do you have an IDE HDD pluged? If so, unplug it first.

    If you are using the mobo built-in nvraid controller, you can just boot from the installation DVD 'cause it has nvraid driver integrated, you do not need to load nvraid driver, and see if this solves the problem.

    If all the above do not work, unplug your sata150 array, boot from DVD, do a clear installation on your sata300 array and it will definitely work unless your SATA array or the physical disk is damaged.

  2. Had a look inside IE7, it looks like a normal Windows update. but when I tried to use my samll windows update integration tool (which is mainly an inf parser) to integrate it, I run into a problem. The IE7 inf file has a section called DynamicStrings I never seen before, it contains following entries

    BRANDGUID				   = InstallPathRegistryKey,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer","BrandGUID"
    DownloadedProgramFiles = CustomStringTable,DownloadedProgramFiles
    ProductIDCode = CustomFunction,iecustom.dll,GetProductIDCode
    SystemTools = CustomStringTable,SystemTools

    those variable have to be converted to something that setupapi.dll can understand in order to integrate IE7 into Windows installation source but I've no idea how to do it. :wacko:

  3. I have tested that before T-9 there are only a few .cat files inside dllcache folder so a command executed before T-9 won't delete system files from dllcache.


    More precisely, I wanna delete files from dllcache before first reboot.

    In fact I'm writing a small utility to integrate windows updates, as the Cumulative Security Update for IE6 does delete file, so I think it's more appropriate to delete this file before or during windows installation. If I delete the file directly from installation source, I would get a error message in setuperr.log since SETUPAPI.DLL cannot register the file specified in SYSSETUP.INF which I've deleted. SYSSETUP.INF is digital signed, in order to modify it, I have to modify SETUPAPI.DLL and SFCFILES.DLL to disable digital signature verification, but I still got some problem as sometimes wrong sections in INf file without digital signature get installed. Finally, I think it should be easier to just delete this file during windows installation, but I don't wanna use HKLM RunOnce and RunOnceEx as end user may also use those keys and there is possibility to have some conflict.

    Currently I'm using HKLM RunOnce as an alternative method but I still wanna find a way to delete this file before first reboot.

  4. I wanna delete some file from both system32 folder and dllcache folder before first time user login, without using WINNT.SIF and/or $OEM$. Currently, I run a CMD file from svcpack.inf (at T-13) to delete those files, but after first time user login, I find that files in system32 folder were deleted but files in dllcache folder are still there. If I run the same CMD file after user login, files in both system32 folder and dllcache folder are deleted. Does anyone know when the dllcache folder is created and is there any method to delete files from dllcache before first time user login?


  5. Create a folder parallel to i386 called $OEM$, create a file called cmdlines.txt inside $OEM$, add following content


    then put RunOnceEx.cmd in $OEM$. You don't need to add anything to winnt.sif, this will get executed at T-12 even if you set OemPreinstall to No.

  6. Tried to add some reg entries to HKLM RunOnce key by installing an INF file yesterday during UA installation of WinXP SP2, instead of adding those reg entries, Windows executes the commands (which are the values of thoes entries) immediately. Also tried to install this INF file on a working WinXP SP2 system, got the exactly same result. If those entries are added to some key else, it works properly. Does anyone has some ideas on this? Is there some motheds we can add RunOnce entries by using INF files?


  7. I've moved this file offline 'cause I found a bug. Last week I used this program to integrate drivers into my Windows source (though this tool is not designd for driver integration, I personally integrate drivers by calling fonctions inside this program), I found it didn't write unicode inf file properly. I'll put it back when I fix this bug along with some other issues.

  8. Recently I wrote a small tool for Windows updates integration. Basicly speaking, it's similar to the hotfixes integration function of nlite. Though nlite is a great tool in modifying Windows installation source, it has some weakness in integrating Windows updates, for example, it modifies some unnecessary files even if people only use it for Windows updates integration, it fails to delete the files and reg entries that should be deleted on updates installation, and it can integrate hotfixes that should not apply to the Windows installation source, e.g. integrate a WMP10 hotfix to a Windows installation source which only has WMP9. Based on those, I decided to write this tool.

    Currently, the tool is partially working (tested on Windows XP Professional SP2 X86 source for hotfixes listed in HOTFIXES: Win2000 SP4 – WinXP SP1 – WinXP SP2, that KB917734 cannot be process). I've a few questions and need some help.

    First, does anyone know the syntax of "Prerequisite" directive in an INF file, I've searched msdn site but haven't found anything useful, I need more info to finish the condition check part of the tool.

    Second, in my knowledge, Windows Server 2003 has 4 editions: Web Server, Standard Server, Enterprise Server and Datacenter. But in Win2K3 updates INF files, there are directives for DataCenterFiles, BladeFiles, BusinessFiles, AdvancedFiles, ServerFiles, ProfessionalFiles. Could anyone piont out which directive applies to which edition of Win2k3.

    Third, how to determine that a Windows XP Windows installation source is Professional or Home Edtion, and a Windows Server 2003 installation source is Web Server, Standard Server, Enterprise Server or Datacenter Edition, excepting for looking at the EULA.txt. (Solved)

    The tool is available HERE, any contribution and feedback are welcome.

  9. @Takeshi

    What do you mean "unrecognised file"? 'cause I also have Acronis True Image installed and have Acronis Startup Recovery Manager activated, there are many files that do not exist in normal single XP system, but I don't know which file pertains to which OS or application, that's why I ask this question.


    Could anyone tell me when install Longhorn 5048 in a partition other than the system partition, what files are added to the system partition?


    BTW, I made my True Image backup after I installed Longhorn, so I cannot use restoration to get rid of the problem.

  10. For Longhorn 5048, there is something else than boot.ini. Before the normal selection menu, there is a new menu added by Longhorn, which title is "Windows boot manager", after I delete the partition where Longhorn installed and edited the boot.ini, this menu is still there, but only has "Legacy (pre-longhorn) windows operating systems" left.

    Does anyone knows how to delete this menu? Thanks again.

  11. I'd like to install .NET Framework 1.1 with language pack through svcpack.inf, so I made a 7-zip installer. As there are two .msi files, one netfx.msi and the other langpack.msi, so I made a batch file to execute them. the batch file called run.cmd is as following:

    StartX.exe /WAIT "msiexec /i netfx.msi /qb"
    StartX.exe /WAIT "msiexec /i langpack.msi /qb"

    and the 7-zip config file is as following:


    Now, I wanna run the 7-zip installer silently, so I added cmdow.exe to the archive and changed the 7-zip config file to following:

    RunProgram="cmdow.exe /RUN /HID run.cmd"

    but this time, the run.cmd doesn't execute though the command works fine inside the folder from where I created the archive.

    I don't know where the problem comes from, could anyone help me? Thx in advance.

  12. I've the same experience sometime before because I've edited the winnt.sif after setupmgr.exe created it. What I did is using setupmgr.exe to EDIT the modified winnt.sif, just press next untill it finish. After editing the winnt.sif has same content as it does before, but the new winnt.sif does work. I don't realy know the reason, but I guess maybe when useing a texteditor to edit and save it, there is a possibility that the winnt.sif would become unrecognisable to the Windows setup program.

  13. Is the machine overclocked? I've seen overclocking produce errors like this before.

    The computer isn't overclocked. I've increased the deployment partition to 4GB, but it still cannot copy this file. I also tried to replace this file with one from WS 2003 Datacenter Edition (this edition works fine), but the same error still occurs. I'm gonna replace my RAM and try it again to determine whether this error is caused by RAM.

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