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Posts posted by cfbosch

  1. boooggy - could you not activate your desktop PC with the wpa.dbl copy? I thought it was only your notebook that gave you problems.

    -- Sorry - I read back a bit, it was reddavem that had the problem with the notebook, but I would like to confirm that he actually got it right on his desktop.

    In my attachment I talk about the wpa.dbl file always keeping today's date, as if it gets edited by WinXP each boot. I've run into trouble, my unattended XP CD now installs a crashed XP, which reboots before it gets to the startup screen, so my experimentation has been hampered. Still struggling to make an unattended XP install CD that installs OK. I use SATA RAID so testing on VM is out. And I've got only one CDRW to work with at the moment, so it's a 30 minute erase before each new test. Heaven help me.... :P

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